Half Moon Rising Read online

Page 8

  “So are you.” Troy looked over Sawyer’s naked form. “Do you have lube?”

  “I have Vaseline.” Sawyer smiled.

  “That works.” Troy nodded. He waited for Sawyer to come back from the bathroom. Sawyer came back with the container and Troy looked over his body again. “Come here.” Troy put his hand out and Sawyer took it, crawling between Troy’s legs. He spread them out, allowing Sawyer to drop between them. Their eyes locked on each other as Troy grabbed the container of Vaseline and spread it over Sawyer’s first three fingers. “Put one in first, okay?”

  “Okay,” Sawyer nodded.

  Sawyer took his index finger, running it down the crease of Troy’s ass. He ran it up and down until he found Troy’s quivering hole. Sawyer pushed in slowly, breaching the ring of muscles in Troy’s sphincter. Sawyer felt the muscles spasm and tighten around his finger as he continued to push upward. “Is this okay?”

  “Yes.” Troy breathed.

  Troy bit his bottom lip. Fuck, but it’d been a long time. His ass was already on fire. Troy coaxed another one of Sawyer’s fingers inside and gasped at the pain in his chute as Sawyer began to twist and scissor them inside. “Add another one.” Troy felt his stomach knotting up as Sawyer pushed in up to the knuckle. Small tremors ran through Troy’s body as Sawyer bent to kiss him, keeping his fingers deep inside Troy.

  “Fuck…” Sawyer dove inside Troy’s mouth, taking it as he pushed his fingers up and in as far as they could go. Troy moaned loud in his mouth and Sawyer removed his fingers slowly, feeling them leave the warmth of Troy’s ass. Troy whimpered and Sawyer shoved them back in. He hadn’t meant to be rough, but his lupine side was emerging now and God help him, he wanted Troy. Just the feel of Troy’s ass wrapped around his fingers, the warmth spread from his fingertips and directly to his cock. Sawyer wanted Troy, now. He grabbed the Vaseline and spread a generous amount on his cock, making sure to drop extra on Troy’s ass and massage Troy’s already lubed and aching hole. He positioned himself and rubbed the head of his prick up and down Troy’s crease. He could feel Troy’s legs quivering. Sawyer ran his hand in smooth circles around his thigh, trying to relax him.

  “Are you sure?” Sawyer rubbed the head of his cock over Troy’s puckered hole, waiting for the signal from his mate. God, he didn’t know if he could hold out, his prick jumped in his hand with anticipation. He was about to make love for the first time with his mate. The one he’d waited for, the one he’d craved for twenty four years, and now that time was here. Sawyer’s hand shook at the thought of not being able to please Troy. What if he sucked?

  “I am, don’t worry. I’ll help. Just do what comes naturally, okay?” Troy spread his legs out and hooked his arms under his thighs, rearing up and presenting himself. The pure look of admiration on Sawyer’s face was beautiful. Troy pulled him down and took his lips in a feather soft kiss. He manipulated Sawyer’s lower body closer to his own and grabbed Sawyer’s thighs, pulling him in. “It’s okay, just go slow and a little at a time.”

  “Alright.” Sawyer did just that. It took every bit of strength he possessed, but Sawyer pushed in little by little, feeling Troy’s tunnel relax a little more around the invasion. Sawyer’s arms shook as he got half way in and his eyes shifted, his teeth elongated and he tried to pull out. He felt Troy’s hands on his arms and he opened his eyes to see Troy looking at him.

  “What’s wrong?” Troy slid his hand up and down Sawyer’s arm, trying to relax him. White fangs protruded from under Sawyer’s top lip and Troy smiled, pulling it up and taking a good look at them. Sawyer’s eyes glowed in the dark, reflecting a green glassy beacon and Troy smiled, pulling Sawyer back down to his lips. “Don’t hide from me, baby. I want to see all of it.” Troy kissed Sawyer’s lips, running his tongue over the smooth canines that peeked out beneath. “Come on, keep going.” Troy pushed his hips up, taking more of Sawyer’s cock in.

  Sawyer tried to back away. His claws tore through his fingers as he slid further into Troy’s warmth. His sac heavy with need, Sawyer pushed in the rest of the way and cried out. “I can’t hold it.” Sawyer squeezed his eyes shut. “I don’t want to come yet.” Sawyer felt pressure at the top of his aching sac and then the need to come lessened. He looked down to see Troy’s fingers wrapped around the top of his ball sac. “What…what did you do?”

  Troy smiled and winked. “I’m your human testicle cuff. I’m keeping you from coming, well at least for a few seconds.” Troy pushed his hips up and felt Sawyer’s prick slide in further, filling him up. “Okay. I’m going to let go. When I do, I want you to do what feels good.”

  Sawyer almost laughed out loud. “Everything feels good.” Sawyer moved his hips in a circular motion, feeling all the ridges in Troy’s warm, tight ass. Seconds seem to pass as Sawyer slid in and out of Troy’s warm chute over and over again. Sawyer’s need to come became almost painful. As his spine snapped, a white hot pain shot through his prick, his balls exploded and Sawyer saw stars as he emptied his balls into Troy. Sawyer’s hip’s bucked and jerked as he came and came and came. He felt his teeth itching and the need to bite Troy came over Sawyer, hitting him like a hammer. Sawyer wanted to mark him and make him his. He collapsed on Troy, keeping his head off to the side. Sawyer panted, trying to regain his breath. “God, I’m sorry.”

  A chuckle escaped Troy’s lips. “For what? That was nothing to be sorry for.” Troy ran his hand over the soft skin of Sawyer’s back. He almost expected to find fur, but it was smooth.

  Sawyer kept his lips and teeth away from Troy’s neck as he spoke. “You didn’t get relief. I can still feel how hard you are on my stomach.” Sawyer eased back on his hands and brought his chest flush with Troy’s thighs. “I can take care of it.” Sawyer ran his tongue through Troy’s precome moistened slit, making sure their eyes were locked as he did it.

  Troy’s hips jerked as Sawyer ran his tongue up the length of Troy’s hard prick then trailed a path back down, swiping at his balls with a quick flick of his tongue. “Oh God, you’re getting good at that.” Troy’s mouth hung open as Sawyer licked him again and again from shaft to tip, then engulfed his entire prick down to his pubes. “Oh fuck!” Troy’s sensitive cock met with the back of Sawyer’s throat and his engorged balls let loose. “Oh shit, Sawyer!”

  Hot semen rushed down Sawyer’s throat once again. Sawyer licked and sucked and kept on sucking every last drop from Troy until Troy was semi hard in his mouth and Sawyer had sucked every ounce of pleasure from him. Sawyer sat back and rested on his shins, watching Troy’s face in the dark. The man was beautiful. “Feel better?” Sawyer smiled, leaning over to kiss Troy’s stomach.

  “I can’t move.” Troy moaned and sighed as Sawyer licked and kissed his way back up to his face. He looked into Sawyer’s green eyes and felt his heart beat faster. Sawyer was his. “I think I may pass out now.”

  Sawyer nestled into Troy’s side and kissed his neck. He felt Troy pulling him in even closer and he closed his eyes, breathing in the scent of his mate. Sawyer could still taste Troy in his mouth and his dick started rising again. He didn’t think he’d ever be able to get enough of Troy. Tonight had been the best night of his life. He’d lost his virginity to his mate just like he had always planned. “Troy?”

  “Mm hmm?”

  “You think maybe next time you could make love to me? I mean you know, if you wanted to, not that you wouldn’t. I just—”

  Troy cupped Sawyer’s face with his hands and dove into Sawyer’s open mouth. Their tongues met, a soft moan emitted from Sawyer’s mouth. Troy pulled away from the kiss with great effort. God, he loved Sawyer’s lips. “Yes, I would love to make love to you. Now go to bed.” Troy slapped Sawyer’s ass playfully.

  “Oooh, I like spankings.” Sawyer giggled.

  Troy chuckled. Sawyer was downright adorable in playful mode. He wrapped Sawyer up tight in his arms and placed a kiss on his forehead. “Good night.” Troy heard a soft sigh and Sawyer mumbled in the crook of his neck. Troy closed his eyes
and thought about what he’d seen today. Sure he’d freaked out, but part of him had already known. Hadn’t he? Somewhere deep inside, he’d known Sawyer was the wolf in his dreams and on his chest. Somehow he’d known the minute he looked into Sawyer’s eyes. His mind just fought it. This time, when sleep came, Troy’s dreams were good ones.

  ~~Chapter Eight~~

  Troy woke up before Sawyer. The peaceful look on Sawyer’s face told Troy so much. Now that the truth was out, Sawyer was exhausted. It must have been pure hell for Sawyer to control his wolf side around him. Hell, Troy was having a hard time controlling himself around Sawyer. Troy kissed Sawyer’s shoulder softly and slipped out of bed quietly. He didn’t know how quiet he needed to be. How well did wolves hear? Troy shook his head and went into the kitchen to find coffee. He couldn’t function without it. He opened the kitchen curtains to see a soft blanket of snow on the ground. Again, what was with the snow in April? As soon as the coffee was done, Troy found a cup in the cabinet, along with some sugar.

  He opened the pantry and found all sorts of coffee creamers. Troy smiled. Oh yeah, Sawyer was his mate alright. Troy went about making breakfast. He made biscuits from scratch, using what he found in Sawyer’s pantry and put them in the oven to cook. Sausage and bacon sat on low on the burner as Troy whipped up eggs and hash browns. Once everything was done, the food went into the oven to stay warm and Troy put his shoes on and headed to the front porch. He sat on the glider bench and looked at the view. Miles of forest surrounded them, leaving a thick covering of pine needles and cones in its wake. Troy was blowing the hot coffee when he heard a twig cracking off to his right. He turned his head and saw a large black wolf with brown eyes. Sam.

  “Well good morning, asshole.” Troy smiled, sipping his coffee. Sam’s head cocked to one side and Troy had to laugh. “Oh, you understood that, huh?” Troy watched as Sam approached slowly, looking from side to side. “What is it boy? Did Timmy fall down the well?” Troy almost pissed himself. He swore Sam raised an eyebrow at him. Sam sat down in front of Troy and sniffed at the coffee in his cup. “Would you like some of this?” Troy waved the steaming cup under Sam’s nose and watched as Sam’s eyes followed it back and forth. Troy chuckled when Sam got a bit frustrated with his game. Troy stood up and opened the door to the house. “Go to the back room, I have some jeans that should fit. Don’t wake up Sawyer.”

  Troy sat back down and sipped his coffee. His eyes locked on a set of footprints in the snow and he got up, setting his coffee down. The footsteps led around the side of the house and stopped in front of a window, the guest room window. The hair on Troy’s neck stood straight up and he looked to see where the footsteps went from there. He followed them around to the back of the house where they stopped by the deck. Sam’s voice interrupted his thoughts and almost scared him to death.

  “What is it?” Sam looked around.

  Troy looked at the ground. The footsteps were slightly covered with snow which meant the person had been out while it had still been snowing. “Someone was here.”

  Sam sniffed the air and went around to the other side of the deck. Paw prints could be seen in the snow, but no foot prints. “I’ve got paw prints over here, but no sign of anything else.” Sam bent down and inhaled deep. “The scent’s not familiar.” Sam saw Dakota in wolf form making his way down to them and smiled. Dakota sniffed the air and tilted his head. Sam smiled at his mate’s confused look. “I know, I don’t recognize it either, babe.”

  “Huh?” Troy turned and put his hand to his chest. “Jesus! Could you give a guy some warning maybe, Dakota?” Troy could have sworn he heard Dakota chuckle and he pulled his tail, hearing a small yelp. “Serves you right.” Troy checked the deck, looking at every bolt closely. What if someone was out to hurt Sawyer? Troy looked at a few of the nuts and bolts, making sure each one was still tight and found three that weren’t. They had been yesterday, Troy had done those himself. Now Troy was in a panic, someone was trying to hurt either him or Sawyer. “These are loose, Sam. They weren’t before.”

  Sam looked at Dakota. “Go get John, tell him we need the fingerprint kit.” Sam turned, looking back at Troy. “We’ll test all of them. Maybe we can get a partial off one.”

  Troy looked at the footprints. “Maybe we can get some plaster out here? Does John have any?” Troy looked around. The feeling that came over him was not a good one. Someone had been watching them.

  Sam put his hands on Troy’s shoulders and smiled. “John will bring the whole kit, relax. In the meantime, I think you and I have some work to do.”

  Sam and Troy cased the entire area, following the footsteps down into the forest area. When they couldn’t see them anymore, they sent Grayson and Xander in to “smell” for them. The footsteps went out to the highway and stopped. John took moldings of the footprints at the house and the tire tracks at the highway.

  Sam looked down the deserted highway and then back at Troy. “We will figure this out.”

  “We better, because if anyone tries to hurt Sawyer.” Troy looked at John, Grayson and Xander. “I will kill them.”


  Sawyer woke up and rolled over, finding a cold spot where it should have been warm. He was pretty damn sure a sexy man should have been there naked, too. He rolled over and looked at the time. It was nine in the morning. Sawyer sat up and stretched his arms out, looking around the room. Troy’s pants were gone, but his bag was still there. Sawyer felt his shoulders relaxing, Troy hadn’t left. He could hear voices out by the side of the house and threw his sweats on, deciding to investigate. His Father was outside with his brothers, talking to not only Troy, but Sam and Dakota too.

  “Okay. Did I miss a meeting this morning?” Sawyer took the steps down the front porch and his nose picked up the scent of Nick. Sawyer’s head snapped up and he looked at the men around him. “Nick was here, and that other scent is here too.”

  Troy looked at Sawyer and made his way over to him, taking his hand. “What do you mean Nick was here? What other scent do you smell?”

  “I smelled Nick before, at the bar and then again here.” Sawyer followed the paw prints. “He went to the beach. We can’t track him in the water.”

  Sam looked at Troy and raised an eyebrow. “Did the bar have cameras?”

  “Yeah, I saw some in the parking lot.” Troy smiled at Sam. “You thinking what I’m thinking? Wait, Shit. I was supposed to go into Tacoma and take the truck in.”

  Xander jumped into the conversation. “I can take it in and Gray can follow me in his truck. Problem solved.”

  Troy narrowed his eyes at Xander. “Do not fuck with my Truck Xander. I mean it.”

  Xander put his hands up in his defense. “Why would I do that?”

  “Because you will, it’s in your blood.” Troy looked at the deck, then at Sawyer. “Well, we have some work to do.”


  As soon as John dusted for prints, the group went to work on the deck. Troy was on the roof with Sam, getting the pulley ready to lift the floor portion of the deck onto the stilts. Sawyer double checked everything before the deck was lowered and then he and Dakota fastened the top portion on. Fasteners were checked and rechecked and Troy and Sam stood on the deck, doing another once over before allowing anyone to step foot on it. By the time they’d finished looking the deck over from top to bottom, it was four in the afternoon. Troy looked out at the view of the ocean and put his arm around Sawyer, kissing his forehead.

  “God, I missed it here.” Troy watched the waves rolling in on the beach. He couldn’t imagine being anywhere else now. He had a family.

  Sam clapped Troy on the back. “We should get showered and changed. We have a bar to visit tonight.”

  After everyone had left, Sawyer climbed into the shower and let the hot water hit his sore body. The thought that someone was watching them made his skin crawl. It couldn’t be Nick. Could it? Sawyer didn’t see Nick as the stalker type, but jealousy could make a person do almost anything. Sawyer closed his eyes as the wat
er warmed his skin and eased pain from muscles. He felt hands sliding up his shoulders and leaned back into Troy. “Well, hello there.”

  Troy massaged Sawyer’s ass, spreading the cheeks apart and running his finger up and down the crease. “I love your butt.” Troy squeezed the soft flesh, working his fingers into Sawyer’s firm globes and kissed Sawyer’s shoulder, running his tongue across his back. Troy’s cock was already standing straight up, trying to get a good look around and Troy knew they would be fucking in the shower if he didn’t put a stop to this soon.

  His brain forgot to talk to his hands, because the next moment, he was fisting Sawyer’s cock and his tongue was invading Sawyer’s ass. Troy had one hand pulling Sawyer’s ass cheek aside so he could lap at his crease, and the other hand was pumping in time to his tongue. Sawyer’s soft moans and heavy breathing reverberated in the small bathroom as Troy licked his way down to Sawyer’s tiny hole.