Half Moon Rising Read online

Page 7

“Sorry, I can’t believe I came that fast.” Sawyer wrapped his arms around Troy, feeling warm skin against his own. It was comfortable, this was his mate.

  Troy licked the seam of Sawyer’s lips and pulled him in closer. “You weren’t the only one. I don’t think I’ve ever come that fast. It’s you Sawyer, you do this to me. There’s something about you that draws me in, makes me want you, makes me want to take you and own you. God, I sound stupid.”

  “No you don’t.” Sawyer sat up on his elbow. “I feel the same way Troy; I want you all the time. I can’t get enough.” God, Sawyer wanted to tell him the truth, they were mates that he himself was a werewolf and they were meant to be. “I want you to be mine.”

  Troy’s mind was going a mile a minute; the only thought at that second was to taste Sawyer. Troy pulled Sawyer underneath him. He planted his hands on either side of Sawyer’s face in the mattress and spread Sawyer’s legs out sliding between them. “Close your eyes.” Troy waited until Sawyer did what he was told, then his tongue began its slow investigation of the man beneath him. Between his mouth and his hands, Troy started to cover Sawyer’s body inch by delicious inch.

  “Oh shit...Troy. God, that feels so good.” Sawyer’s head thrashed from side to side as Troy’s tongue slid around his erect nipples, nibbling on them before sucking them in, then continuing down his muscled torso lapping at Sawyer’s belly button. Sawyer’s cock was rock hard, and then it was engulfed by the warm heat of Troy’s mouth. “Oh Fuck!” Sawyer’s canines exploded and claws stretched from his fingers. His hips bucked, sending his cock straight into Troy’s throat. His cock exploded in Troy’s mouth, sending wave after wave of hot semen flowing down his throat.

  Troy swallowed and sat up on his knees, looking at Sawyer in the afterglow of sex and that’s when he noticed the long teeth under his lips and the claws protruding where fingers should have been. Troy moved so fast he almost fell off the bed. He pointed at Sawyer, mouth wide open. “What…what the hell?”

  Sawyer realized his canines were peeking out; he lifted his hand and turned it around in the light of the moon shimmering through the half drawn shades. “Oh shit.” Sawyer sat up and Troy backed up, almost flying into the wall. “I can explain!”

  Troy’s eyes were wide. “What…what are you?”

  “Oh God…” Sawyer got up and grabbed his underwear, Troy looked like a deer caught in headlights and Sawyer was the fucking car. “I…I’m sorry,” Sawyer whispered. “I’m so sorry.” Sawyer fled the room and went out the front door, shifting as fast he could, running into the night.

  ~~Chapter Seven~~

  Sam was forced awake by pounding at the door; he looked at the clock and sighed. Who the fuck was pounding on his door at five thirty? “Someone had better be fucking dead or wounded.” Sam tried not to wake Dakota up as he got to the front door. The pounding continued and Sam opened the door with a curse on his lips. Troy stood there, face white. “Oh my God! What’s wrong?” Sam yanked him inside.

  Troy’s hands were still shaking; he had no idea what the hell was wrong or what he had just seen. He could have sworn Sawyer had fangs and claws. “Sawyer…he, he…”

  “He what Goddammit! What is it Troy? You’re scaring me!” Sam spun Troy around and looked in his eyes; fear was permeating from Troy in huge rolling waves. “What’s wrong with Sawyer? Is he ok?”

  “He had fangs.” Sawyer looked at his best friend and hoped he’d believe him. “His hands had claws. I swear Sam, I’m not making this shit up.”

  Sam relaxed his grip on Troy’s arm and sighed. “Jesus, you scared the shit out of me.” Sam turned and went into the kitchen and started making coffee, it was going to be a long morning. “Where exactly were you when Sawyer sprouted fangs and claws? Would you have been in bed?”

  Troy’s mouth hung open. He’d just told Sam what he’d seen and he wanted to know if they were fucking? “What difference does that make? Did you not hear a word I just said? Sawyer had fangs and claws.”

  “If you were in bed,” Sam waved his hand in the air, dismissing Troy’s last statement. “It would make sense; your pheromone levels increased, sending Sawyer into mid shift.”

  Troy walked to where Sam was at the counter and whipped Sam around to face him. “I’m sorry, maybe you didn’t understand what I said—”

  “Sawyer is a werewolf, Troy. So am I, and so are half the people on the reservation.” Sam said it calmly and waited. One way or another everything was coming out right now. Sam smiled as Dakota made his way to the kitchen, rubbing sleep from his eyes. “Good morning, baby.”

  Dakota stopped and looked from Sam to Troy. Fear and unease slipped from Troy’s body and Dakota raised an eyebrow at Sam. “Sawyer lost it?”

  Sam nodded and poured the still running coffee from the coffee maker into a cup. “Well not completely, just fangs and claws.”

  Troy’s mouth hung open as he looked from Sam to Dakota, talking about what he’d just told them like it was something that happened every damn day. “I’m sorry if I sound a little freaked out.” Troy tried to keep his temper. “You’re sitting here telling me that not only are you a werewolf, Sam, but half the people on the reservation are too? Is Dakota a werewolf?” Troy had to laugh despite himself. “Werewolves are not real, my friend.”

  Sam nodded to Dakota and then looked back at Troy. “I’m sorry it had to be this way.”

  Troy turned around to see Dakota’s body shimmering, muscles rippled and within seconds a black wolf with grey eyes was staring at him. Troy vaguely heard himself scream and then everything went black.


  Sawyer ran. He didn’t really care where, just went as fast as his four legs would take him. God, he’d been so stupid! What had he been thinking? He knew he couldn’t control his lupine side in Troy’s presence, yet he let him suck his cock. It was over now. Troy had seen him for what he truly was and the look on his face… Oh God, Troy had been scared to death. Had Sawyer really thought it would have turned out any better? Oh hey, by the way, Troy, I’m a werewolf. Great, just great. He’d made a mess of things and now Troy was scared to death of him. Sawyer’s mate had just slipped through his fingertips. Sawyer heard the howls of his brothers and kept going. Word would have spread by now and Sawyer’s father would be out looking for him too. Sawyer ran along the beach, letting the spray hit his face, the ice cold water slapping him back to reality.

  This was what he was, a werewolf. It hadn’t been by choice, it was genetics, plain and simple. Now the one thing he’d always wanted was within reach and Sawyer had lost it. Sawyer skidded to a stop and smelled the air, he picked up one scent he knew and one he didn’t. Nick had been here, no more than an hour ago. Sawyer followed Nick’s scent down the beach, where it hooked up with the one Sawyer didn’t know. Both scents led up the beach and through the forest and stopped at the road. Both of them had gotten into a car. What the hell was Nick doing out here? Sawyer’s head turned at the scents of his brothers and his father’s as well.

  Sawyer’s father nuzzled his face as Sawyer whined. His brother’s circled him, with little Wyatt nipping at his tail. Sawyer could feel the pressure of all four of them trying to talk at once in his head, and he sat down. Sawyer pushed the lines of communication open to his Father only, at first. John Quinton’s voice came through loud and clear.

  “We heard what happened son; it will be alright, you must have faith.”

  Sawyer cocked his head to the side. “You didn’t see his face Dad, he was terrified.”

  Xander’s voice pushed through the private conversation and Sawyer nipped at his brother’s hind quarters. “Hey!’ Xander circled his brother carefully. “He will come around Sawyer. Troy is your mate, he’ll feel the pull.”

  Sawyer looked at his Father. “Nick’s been out here, along with another scent I can’t place. We had a run in with Nick at the lumber store and he was a bit forward. Now I smell another scent I can’t place. It’s human and I’ve smelled it before at the bar. Something’s up Dad.” />
  John smelled the air; he did smell Nick and another human scent. “One problem at a time, son. Let’s get back so you can fix this issue with Troy.” John flipped his tail in Sawyer’s face and then nipped his ear. “Come on, it will work out, I promise.”

  Sawyer watched his family take off towards the reservation, little Wyatt way ahead. God knows he wanted to see Troy again to try to explain, but the thought of rejection had him sitting on the forest floor like an idiot. Sawyer heard his father’s loud howl and sighed. He was going to have to deal with this sooner or later. Sawyer hoped that Troy wouldn’t leave before he could plead his case, because he was falling in love, fast.


  Troy was running through the forest, a black wolf was running with him. Emerald greens eyes were looking right through Troy and into his soul. He heard voices. Someone was talking in a low voice. He tried to bring himself back into consciousness and realized it was Sam and Dakota talking. The vision of the black wolf came back to Troy’s mind and then it hit him. Sawyer was the black wolf. He sat straight up on the couch.

  “Sawyer is Little Shit!”

  Sam squatted in front of his friend and smiled. “Welcome back to the land of the living. Yes, Sawyer is Little Shit. Dakota and I are werewolves as are John, Xander—”

  “I get it.” Troy sat up and waved his hand in the air. “They are all werewolves.” Troy looked at Sam closely. “You weren’t always one though.”

  Dakota stepped forward. “No, he wasn’t. There was a huge fight and Sam was mortally wounded, I had no choice. I didn’t want this for him.” Dakota shook his head sadly.

  “But babe,” Sam smiled grabbing his fiancé in his arms. “It’s so fucking cool.” Sam turned and let his gaze settle on Troy. “You are Sawyer’s mate.”

  It took a fraction of a second before Troy fully processed those words. Then, every National Geographic special on wolves flashed before his eyes. Wolves mated for life, Sawyer was Troy’s mate. Troy looked at Dakota and Sam holding hands. “You’re Dakota’s mate.”

  “Yes, I am.” Sam took Troy’s hand, trying not to freak him out. “You are Sawyer’s, is it sinking in?”

  Troy stood up and hung onto the couch. Whoops, a little too soon to be standing up. His legs were still wobbly and his heart was beating erratically. Troy hung on and waited for the feeling to pass; he looked at his friend and smiled. “I don’t care what Sawyer is, he’s mine. From the moment I set eyes on Sawyer, I felt it. We have a connection so strong that I dreamt of Sawyer before we ever even met. Shit, his face is tattooed on my chest.” Troy opened his shirt to reveal the black wolf with green eyes on his right pectoral muscle. “Sawyer’s mine. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” Troy walked to the door and turned around, looking at Sam and Dakota. “You should have told me.”

  “I just did.” Sam smiled and watched his friend walk out the door.


  Troy looked everywhere for Sawyer. He checked Sawyer’s house again and then his own, there was no sign of him anywhere. God, he’d been an idiot. He’d made Sawyer feel like shit. The look in Sawyer’s eyes when Troy had seen him, Sawyer had been hurt to his core. Why shouldn’t he? Troy had pretty much looked at Sawyer like he was defective; God knows Sawyer was anything but. He was sweet and caring and Troy was falling for him. Five black wolves came running out of the forest and all stopped in their tracks, looking at Troy. Four of them nuzzled one of them, and then took off towards the Quinton house.

  Troy stood watching the one black wolf left. They were maybe a hundred feet or so from one another, but Troy knew those eyes anywhere. The wolf turned, headed after the other four and Troy opened his mouth, he would not lose Sawyer.

  “Sawyer.” Troy watched as Sawyer stopped and stood still. “I’m so sorry that I freaked out, Sawyer.” Troy made his way closer carefully; he didn’t want Sawyer to run before he got the chance to explain. “I don’t care that you’re a werewolf, I’ve seen how you are as a person and that’s all that matters. Please forgive me for the way I behaved, Sawyer. I want to be with you.” Troy was within five feet before Sawyer turned all the way around and fully looked at him.

  “God, you are so beautiful, in either form.” Troy whispered getting down on his knees to be level with Sawyer. “Please tell me I didn’t screw this up.” Troy waited, eyes closed, and felt Sawyer’s cold nose on his cheek. Troy opened his eyes and saw Sawyer’s green ones looking back at him. Sawyer licked Troy’s face and almost crawled in his lap. He felt Sawyer’s soft fur in his hands and hugged him hard. “Let’s go back to your house and talk. Okay?”


  Troy sat on the couch and waited for Sawyer to come back out. He hadn’t said a word on the walk back to Sawyer’s house, on the off chance he’d fuck something up and say something stupid. Troy felt sweat on his brow and wiped it off with the sleeve of his shirt. It was strange to find out something you thought was just a myth, really existed. Sawyer came out in jeans and a black t-shirt and sat at the other end of the couch.

  “You don’t have to sit so far away Sawyer; I’m not scared you’re going to bite me.” Troy reached for Sawyer’s hand. “I know you’d never hurt me.”

  Sawyer tried to smile; he wanted to believe Troy was ok with everything, needed to believe that. They were mates, they belonged together and Sawyer wanted to feel it as well as know it. “I should have said something.”

  “Like what? Hey Troy, by the way you know Little Shit? Yeah, that’s me.” Troy chuckled and pulled Sawyer onto his lap, his fingertips traced Sawyer’s jaw line then his soft lips. “You are mine Sawyer Quinton.” Troy pulled Sawyer down to his lips and kissed him. Deep long strokes of his tongue inside Sawyer’s warm, moist mouth had Troy hardening, and he pulled Sawyer down on top of him. “I want you to make love to me, Sawyer.”

  Sawyer’s eyes widened. “But…I haven’t….you know I’m…”

  “I do know.” Troy stood up, taking Sawyer into his arms. They made their way into Sawyer’s room and Troy set Sawyer on the bed. He took Sawyer’s shirt off and then his own. “Do you want me?”

  “Yes.” Sawyer nodded.

  Sawyer looked at the man in front of him and felt his heart pounding. He did want to touch Troy and make love to him, he just didn’t know how. Sawyer crawled to the end of the bed and ran his hands up Troy’s strong thighs. His fingertips played with the button on Troy’s jeans and popped it out of the material. The zipper came down with little effort and Sawyer peeled back the denim to see Troy’s black briefs tented. Sawyer licked his lips in appreciation and leaned in to nibble on Troy’s cock through the cotton material. Heat radiated from Troy’s cock and Sawyer buried his nose within the crease of Troy’s groin, inhaling deep. His senses went into overdrive and Sawyer pulled the briefs down, letting Troy’s cock out. A drop of precum glistened on Troy’s toned abdominal muscles, along with a bubble on the tip of his cock. Sawyer wanted that taste in his mouth, on his tongue.

  He’d never given anyone head before. Hell, no one had ever sucked his cock, until Troy. Sawyer took a look at the beautiful prick in his hand, tanned like the rest of Troy. The perfect mushroom cap sat waiting to be sucked and Sawyer obliged it. His tongue took a tentative swipe at the head, licking the precum from the soft tip. Sawyer felt Troy’s hands tangle in his hair. Another soft gasp came from above him as Sawyer ran his tongue around the tip of Troy’s cock, tongue sliding through the warm slit, inviting more precum to the surface. It didn’t take too many noises from Troy to get Sawyer amped up, his cock was already rock hard and he fisted it while licking Troy’s cock. Oh yeah, baby. He was a multi-tasking fool. Who would have known? Sawyer kept licking Troy’s cock in long slow strokes. Once he’d gotten the hang of that, his mouth latched onto Troy and sucked hard.

  “Oh fuck, oh God, Sawyer…” Troy’s hips bucked and he fought for control as Sawyer sucked the head of his aching prick. He looked down to see Sawyer’s cheeks hollowed as he sucked more of Troy in, taking him in deeper, all while sucking harder. “Sawyer…o
h shit, I’m going to cum…”

  Sawyer held on and sucked Troy in as far as he could, almost gagging on his length. His jaw was sore, but he kept his rhythm, bobbing up and down, hanging onto Troy’s ass as an anchor, pulling his cock in further. Sawyer felt Troy’s cock expand in his mouth and then a warm salty mixture coated his tongue and throat. Sawyer moaned and swallowed. Troy’s taste enveloped his mouth, rushing over his taste buds. God, he loved the taste of Troy. Sawyer kept sucking until Troy was semi hard in his mouth and then pulled away slowly, looking up into Troy’s eyes. Troy’s half lidded expression had Sawyer wanting to make love to him.

  Sawyer removed Troy’s jeans and briefs the rest of the way and sat him on the bed to remove his shoes and socks. While Troy lay on his back, Sawyer removed the rest of his own clothing, watching Troy’s cock hardening again. Sawyer stood naked, looking at Troy on the bed. He actually felt his mouth filling with saliva. The smell of arousal filled the room and Sawyer’s eyes went monochrome as he looked at Troy naked on the bed. “Oh God, you are so beautiful, Troy.”