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- Sandrine Gasq-Dion
The Harder They Fall
The Harder They Fall Read online
The Harder They Fall
Sandrine Gasq-Dion
Brandi Reynolds
My readers at LRO who encouraged me to open my wings.
My Facebook family.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 1
Stefan Youngblood blew out a frustrated sigh. Trying to bring normalcy to his family was like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall. Belonging to a family that was used to fulltime guards, guns and explosives meant normalcy had gone out the window years ago. Things were good right this minute, but he knew it could change on a dime, and sometimes it all just got to him.
The whole family had gathered in the kitchen, chattering and laughing. Stefan had allowed his grandmother, Alma, to cook after her feelings got hurt when he said he was going to hire a caterer.
They were celebrating a safe return from Italy following a failed ransom attempt by Sophia Robino — Isabelle Youngblood’s biological mother. Sophia arranged to have Stefan, his neurosurgeon husband, Jordan, and his well-connected mob father, Damon Santorno, kidnapped. In her quest for revenge over perceived wrongs and her bottomless greed for money, she had decided to use the men as a quick payday.
It was Sophia’s bad luck that the Youngblood children were not the sort to wring their hands and just hand over a ransom. Stefan smiled to himself as he recalled how their four children had worked with their grandfather’s bodyguards to devise an ingenious plan to rescue their dads and granddad. In the process, they also managed to put Sophia Robino in jail for a very long time.
Given that Stefan had met Jordan when he treated him for a brain tumor, Jordan dragged him to the hospital the minute they landed to arrange a brain scan. Stefan thought it was overkill. It had been years, and nothing ever showed up on his scans. But Jordan was Jordan, and he didn’t care, so Stefan went in for a brain scan once a year.
After making sure things were running smoothly in the kitchen, he excused himself to get ready. As he was rummaging through his closet, a soft knock caught his attention. He peered around the door to find his teenage son Damon fidgeting in the doorway.
“I’m ready for sex.”
Stefan closed his eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, positive.”
“I can’t talk you out of it?”
“Okay.” Stefan closed the bedroom door. He took Damon by the hand and they sat on the bed. “Do you have protection?”
“No, but I can get some.” Damon blushed. “Does it, um, hurt?”
Stefan ran a hand through his blond hair. “Oh. Wow. Well, it does a little at first.”
“Like, how bad?”
Stefan launched into a talk about safe sex and ways to avoid causing your partner too much pain. He eyed Damon. “So, do you still want to do this?”
“I love him, Dad.” Damon blushed.
“All right. But no having sex in cars or sneaking outside. I’ll get you a room at the Wisteria Resort.”
“Really? That’s it?”
“I can’t stop you. If I said no, you’d find a way wouldn’t you?”
“Well, yeah.”
“Okay then. At least this way I know where you are, that you’re safe and I know you’re using protection.”
“Thanks, Dad. I love you.”
“I love you, too. Now, go get ready.” Stefan watched him leave then fell back on the bed. “Shit.”
“Shit what?” Jordan walked out of the bathroom in a towel.
“Our son is going to have sex,” Stefan sighed.
“Heath or Damon?”
“Well, I was going to say that I think Heath already has,” Jordan laughed.
“Oh I know he has. He told me all about it.” Stefan winked.
“You know I really need to get over my fear of sex talks. I am so out of the loop. So, what did you tell Damon?”
“That I would get him a room at the Wisteria Resort.” Stefan closed his eyes and waited for the fight to start.
“Probably a good idea. We don’t want him wandering into the woods, or the back of a car or — God forbid — some back alley.”
“Really, you agree with me?” Stefan asked in astonishment.
“Look, Stefan, it’s bound to happen. Damon and Tyler love each other. Well, the equivalent of love in a teenager’s mind. They’re going to want to be together.”
“Wow.” Stefan sat up on the bed.
“Oh, stop looking at me like that.” Jordan smiled. “Just because I never want to talk about it doesn’t mean I can’t be rational. Most of the time.”
“Well, you sure like doing it,” Stefan snickered.
“Duh! Look who I get to do it with.” Jordan pulled Stefan into his arms.
“We have a party to get ready for,” Stefan reminded him.
“We can take fifteen minutes.”
“Sheesh, that's it? You're getting old, Dr. Youngblood.”
“You'll pay for that.” Jordan pinched Stefan's ass.
“Fuck, I hope so!”
The party was in full swing. Stefan was talking to his parents, Leah Sanders and his stepfather, Heath Sanders. They were shocked that the kids had rescued their parents and grandfather — in another country, even. Damon Santorno’s sister, Angela, was in a conversation with Jacob Sanders, Isabelle’s boyfriend. Angela had done a terrible thing in her ruthless attempt to get even further ahead in business and Isabelle had paid an awful price. She knew she had a long way to go to make up for what she had done, but receiving an invitation to the party had made her feel a little bit better. Isabelle had even spoken to her, so maybe there was hope of repairing the relationship.
Mark Andrews, Tanner McKinley, Damon Youngblood and Tyler Dion were all in their own little corner and they were laughing at Damon’s story about the guards.
“I can’t believe you said that when he answered the door,” Tanner laughed.
“I had a bunch of one-liners in my head, but then I just said fuck it,” Damon laughed.
“So where is Sophia now?” Mark was smiling at Damon.
“In jail in Malta. They have much tougher laws and kidnapping is very frowned upon, especially when it’s a Santorno. She will probably die in there.”
“How does Isabelle feel about that?” Tyler held Damon’s hand.
“Honestly? She wanted to end Sophia’s life herself. She shot her in the leg and was ready to finish the job, until my dad walked in.”
“Wow, she was pissed!” Tann
er exclaimed.
“Yeah, you have no idea.” Damon glanced at Isabelle laughing with Jacob.
Mark laughed. “I have this picture of you guys running around all dressed in black, ducking and rolling.”
Damon busted out laughing. “How did you know?”
The whole group laughed and went back to talking about Damon’s adventures.
Heath Youngblood and Caleb Vaughn were in conversation with Heath’s sister Charlie and her boyfriend, Steve Soloman. They were discussing when everyone would be heading back to their usual life. Charlie and Steve had decided to stay the week before heading back to Boston. Charlie wanted to spend time with her family and Steve wanted to spend time with his own.
Heath was on his way to his room when Damon pushed him inside and shut the door.
“What the fuck, Damon? You scared the shit out of me,” Heath groused.
“I need your advice.”
“About what?” Heath asked.
“Okay, what kind of advice?”
“Me and Tyler — well, you know.”
“Okay, what is it you want to know?” Heath loved to tease his little brother, but this wasn’t the time.
“I already talked to Dad, but I have a feeling you could tell me more.”
“I think if you talked to Dad, he told you everything.”
“Well I’m kind of, um, big, you know.” Damon blushed.
“You’re worried about hurting him?”
“Yeah. Thanks. I didn’t know if I could say the words.”
“Not a prob. Listen, I’m going to get graphic.”
“Just tell me. I don’t care how graphic you get.”
Heath laid it all out for Damon. He went into detail about how to make the experience more comfortable for Tyler.
“My advice? Let Tyler take you first.”
“Really? Why?”
“So you can get an idea of what it feels like, and what to do. Other than that, I’m sure Dad was pretty thorough with you.”
“Yeah, he was.” Damon smiled.
“Okay, well I’m going to head back out to the living room, unless you have another question?”
“Nope, that about covers it.”
“Hey, Damon, just take your time.”
“Thanks, Heath.”
“Love you, lil Bro.”
“Love you, too.”
Guests were gradually leaving as the party wound down. Stefan and Jordan were busy cleaning up. Isabelle and Jacob had gone to Jacob’s mother Bethany’s; Heath and Caleb had left for Caleb’s apartment.
“I’m so tired, Jordan.”
“Let’s head to bed then. The kids can finish up.” Jordan took his husband’s hand.
Stefan eyed the remaining kids. “Damon and Charlie?”
“Can you guys finish up?”
“Yep, go to bed. Love you guys.”
“Night, love you, too.”
Stefan and Jordan left and Damon and Charlie sat on the couch.
“So, when are you and Tyler…?” Charlie raised a brow.
“How did you know?” Damon blushed.
“When you said goodnight, I heard you talking about the Wisteria Resort tomorrow night.” Charlie smiled.
“Well, that answers your question doesn’t it?”
“You nervous?” Charlie held his hand.
“Yeah, I mean I love Tyler. I’m just — you know.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Really? You and Steve?”
“Were you nervous?”
“Hell, yes I was! But he was very gentle.”
“I’m happy for you, Charlie.”
“Me too. Now let’s finish cleaning up so we can go to bed.”
After leaving Damon’s house, Mark and Tanner headed for Mark's house. His parents were gone for the weekend and he wanted some alone time with Tanner. They were on the couch making out, the movie on TV long since forgotten. Mark had Tanner on his back in nothing but boxers and they were on their way to coming off, too. Mark was in his boxers. The clothes had come off fifteen minutes into the movie when Tanner started touching Mark. Now Tanner was now hanging onto the couch while Mark was sucking his cock and fingering his ass. The only sound was heavy breathing and loud moans.
“Damn, Mark!” Tanner watched Mark’s head bobbing up and down and his fingers fucking his ass. He dropped his head back and moved his hips.
Mark looked up. “You want more fingers?”
“Yes!” Tanner moaned as he felt Mark stretch him out.
“I want you to fuck my mouth, Tanner.” Mark smiled and continued sucking Tanner’s cock. He added two more fingers and picked up the pace. Tanner put his hands in Mark’s hair, bucked his hips up and felt Mark deep throat him.
“Oh fuck.” Tanner’s head went back and he moaned loudly. His dick seized up and then he came in Mark’s mouth.
Mark slowly pulled his fingers out and kissed the tip of Tanner’s sensitive cock. He slid up his body and licked Tanner’s lips.
“God, you can give good head.” Tanner rasped.
“Yeah? You any good?” Mark kissed him.
“Let’s find out.” Tanner pushed Mark down on his back. “You might want to hold onto something.”
Mark smiled. “Mmm, can’t wait.”
Chapter 2
Stefan rolled over to the glorious sight of Jordan’s naked ass. He smacked it and heard a low growl.
“Don’t start with me, Stefan.”
“Or what?” Stefan smiled and ran his hand over Jordan’s tight cheek.
“Or I may have to spank you,” Jordan laughed quietly.
“Oh, I thought you were going to say something else,” Stefan laughed, pushing his hips into Jordan’s ass.
“You will be the death of me.” Jordan rolled over and kissed Stefan.
Stefan ran his hand over his own physique. “Yeah, but what a way to go, huh?”
“Mmmm, come here. You taste good this morning.”
“You’re biased. I’m the only husband you have.”
The phone rang before Jordan could respond and Stefan reached over him to answer it.
“Hey, Dad.”
“Heath, good morning. What’s going on?”
“Hey, Caleb and I are coming over. Did you guys make breakfast yet?”
“We’re still in bed, Heath.”
“Okay, good — don’t cook. We’ll bring takeout.”
Stefan hung up and looked at Jordan. “Something’s going on.”
Stefan shook his head. “No. I think they want to tell us something major.”
“Well, we’ll find out soon enough.” Jordan got out of bed and walked naked to the bathroom.
“Hey, Dr. Youngblood?” Stefan called out.
“I think I need some help getting out of bed. And I have a strange growth right here.” Stefan pointed to his hard cock.
“Well, I should take a look. It’s the professional thing to do.”
Stefan settled back on the bed and spread his legs. Jordan crawled in between and took Stefan’s cock in his mouth. Stefan felt the gentle sucking and licking and moaned, eyes closed in ecstasy. Jordan had put two fingers deep into his ass and was inserting more.
“That feel good, baby?”
Stefan moaned and arched his back while Jordan returned to sucking his cock. He felt Jordan’s nose on his stomach as he deep throated him, felt the gentle puffs of air every time he came all the way down on the stiff cock. Stefan bunched up the sheets in his grip as Jordan’s fingers moved faster and deeper; he felt his orgasm build and came with a strangled cry. Jordan’s warm mouth was still sucking his now-sensitive cock.
“Jordan, shit! Stop!” Stefan grabbed a pillow and smacked him.
Jordan looked up, eyes twinkling. “Had enough?”
“Devil! Let’s take a shower.
“After you.” Jordan hauled Stefan out of bed and smacked his ass on the way to the bathroom.
Heath and Caleb showed up with tons of food from Joe’s and sat at the breakfast bar with Stefan and Jordan.
“So — what’s up?” Stefan fixed his son with questioning look.
“Caleb asked me to marry him. And before you two go all ape shit, pardon my French, we’re waiting until after I graduate.”
“That’s great!” Jordan smiled broadly. “I’m so happy for you two!”
“Really? That’s it?”
“What did you think we would say?” Jordan looked genuinely puzzled.
“I don’t know. Maybe ‘Heath, you’re too young’.”
“Nope. You’re a smart young man, Heath. We know you don’t take this lightly.” Stefan shook his head.
“No, I don’t.” Heath looked at Caleb and took his hand. “I’ve never been surer of anything.”
“Well, congratulations then!” Stefan hugged Heath and Caleb.
“I suppose it’s party time?” Jordan rubbed his hands together in glee.
“Okay — wow, sure but not right away, okay? We all just got back from Italy and we already had one little get-together.”
“Whenever you want, Heath.” Stefan was so happy he had found someone to love.
Damon had been nervous all day. He double- and triple-checked to make sure he had everything he needed. Now he prowled around the hotel room making sure everything was just right. He considered lighting some candles, then reconsidered, and then reconsidered again. In the end, he lit two and put them on either bedside table. He checked again making sure everything was within reach.
God he was nervous.
His hands were sweating and shaking slightly.
“Chill, this is Tyler. You love him. He loves you.” Damon looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. He checked his hair for the thousandth time and then sat on the edge of the bed.
At precisely seven o’clock, he heard a quiet knock on the door. He couldn’t stop smiling when he opened it for Tyler.
“Hey.” Tyler smiled back.
“Hey.” Damon pulled him into the room.
He kissed him softly, letting his lips linger on Tyler’s. He brought his hand up to the back of Tyler’s neck and let his fingers slide into his hair. Damon pulled him forward and licked his bottom lip, sucking it gently. Tyler’s mouth opened and Damon found his tongue. A slow, sensual kiss made both boys hard — fast.