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- Sandrine Gasq-Dion
Irish Wishes Page 7
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Page 7
“You’re going to find out that after years
of no sex, I’m going to want it a lot.”
Conner growled against Wayne’s lips.
“Can’t wait.”
For once, the ride to the office was quick. Maybe it had to do with the fact that they talked the whole way. Conner couldn’t have been happier about the situation. He’d slept in Wayne’s bed, and had been made love to. Everything he’d ever fantasized about was finally coming true; he had a man who wanted him. Conner couldn’t stop the grin on his face if he wanted to. Wayne drove and Conner sat right next to him in the middle seat. He’d been sitting in the passenger seat until Wayne had grabbed his thigh and pulled him over. It was nice to be wanted, but what he really wanted was to be loved. He hoped someday Wayne could love him.
Pulling into the parking lot of Maccon Enterprises, Wayne turned in the seat to look at Conner.
“I’ll be back here at four, all right?” Conner nodded, grabbing his briefcase.
“Okay, have a good day.” Conner slid across the seat and reached for the door. A low growl filled the cab of the truck and then he was sliding back over to the driver’s side.
“Forgettin’ somethin’?” Wayne wrapped a finger around Conner’s chin.
“Lunch?” Conner chuckled.
Wayne pulled Conner to his lips, taking a nice slow lick inside before dropping little kisses across Conner’s lips. “Have a good day.”
“You, too,” Conner breathed. Wayne’s kisses were like nothing he’d ever had. They slid down his spine and wrapped around his whole body. Conner shivered as Wayne’s lips brushed over his again and again. “I’m not moving.”
“I know. I’m having a hard time letting you go.” Wayne nuzzled Conner’s nose. “You could play hooky?”
Conner smiled against Wayne’s lips. “As much as I’d love to, I have to get some paperwork in order for Ireland. With Paul wanting to invest, I want him to know what he’s investing in. He’s got an excellent head for business, and I know he’s going to want the spreadsheets.”
“Okay, you go.” Wayne palmed Conner’s face.
“Bye.” Conner slid across the seat and jumped out of the truck. He stayed by the truck until Wayne backed up and pulled out with a wave.
Conner almost skipped to the building, he knew he looked like he had swallowed a hanger but he couldn’t stop smiling. Sloan was waiting for him by the elevator. Conner grabbed the files from her and pushed the ‘up’ button.
“Morning, boss.” Sloan tilted her head. “You look happy, almost glowing. What happened over the weekend?”
“Oh, the regular stuff, you know.” Conner kept his eyes down on his shoes. Wow, they were really shiny.
“Uh huh…” Sloan tapped her fingernails on the elevator door.
Conner slipped inside as soon as they opened and pushed the button for his floor. He could feel Sloan’s eyes boring into him. “What?” Conner asked.
“Something’s up. You and the grand poobah finally get it on?”
“What?” Conner stammered. “No, nothing like that.” Conner wasn’t about to discuss his sex life with Sloan, it would trickle down to every floor and then make its way back up. He wasn’t sure Wayne wanted people to know his sexual orientation; it was nobody’s business anyway. “Just spent time with really good friends.”
Conner had never been so happy to hear the ding on the elevator signaling his floor. He rushed out and almost ran to his office, passing a startled Mitch along the way. Conner made it to his office and shut the door, locking it. Sitting in his chair, he exhaled. The beeping of his phone scared the shit out of him. He pushed the intercom button.
“Conner, there’s a call for you on line
one,” Mitch said.
“Thanks, Mitch.”
Conner pushed the lighted button and removed his jacket as he spoke into the phone. “Conner O’Rourke.”
“Wayne Maccon,” Wayne snickered. “I love the way you answer the phone.”
Conner grinned from ear to ear. “You just left.”
“I know, and I miss you already,” Wayne sighed.
“Where are you?”
“Still on the road to Drake and Drake.”
“I heard you telling the alphas about a trip to Ireland? Are you thinking of going with me?” Conner asked.
“I’m going to try and coordinate it that way, but I can’t be sure. I’ve got to get a hold of the keepers in Kerry.”
Conner sat back loosening his tie. “What about the other enclosures? You should really make a visit to all of them, don’t you think? I could go with you during Christmas?”
“You’d do that?” Wayne asked.
“Why not?”
Wayne ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know about the Russian one, you near Carson in any way makes my skin crawl.”
Conner felt his cheeks heating. “Wayne…”
“What? I don’t want that man anywhere near you. It’s got nothing to do with sex or anything, just the fact that he touched you…”
Conner could feel the anger coming through the phone. “Wayne, calm down, okay?”
“You are mine, Conner. I just wish I would have met you before…” Wayne cleared his throat. “You know…”
“I do know. We are together now, though; I am yours, I always will be. Nothing and no one could ever change that.”
Wayne had to smile, why it had taken him so long to take Conner made him want to bang his head on a wall. Lord he was an idiot sometimes. “Okay, I’ll see you later. Have a good day, Conner.”
“You too.” Conner hung up the phone. He knew his cheeks were red and he was actually sweating. It was talks like that which reminded him that Wayne was truly his now. He loved jealous Wayne. After years of feeling like he didn’t matter, he finally did.
The rest of the day dragged by. Conner got all his work done and sat at his desk throwing his mini basketball through the net stapled to the back of his door. So far he’d gotten eleven in a row. It was a good day. Conner looked at the time and realized it was time to go. Thank God for small favors. Now if he could just get out of the building without running into anyone.
He opened the door and peeked out. The halls were eerily quiet and Conner snuck out, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. He’d almost made it to the front of the building when he heard Mitch calling him. Pushing through the door, Conner pretended not to hear anything before Mitch almost tackled him.
“Conner! Wait.” Mitch straightened his tie and tried to grab air into his lungs.
“What is it, Mitch?” Conner looked around the parking lot, Wayne hadn’t arrived yet. Poor Mitch was running his hand through his thick black hair. His cheeks were red from running and the cold air outside. The guy would be perfect for any of the single guys he knew. Roughly six foot, with amazing clear blue eyes.
“You forgot to sign the contract for the Forrester account.” Mitch handed the contract to Conner. “I have to fax it tonight.”
Conner used his briefcase as a table and signed the contract. “All done. Thanks for putting in the time to do this, Mitch.”
Mitch blushed. “I’d do anything for you Conner, I thought you knew that?”
Conner looked at Mitch. He was a beautiful man, he couldn’t deny that, but next to Wayne he just couldn’t compete. Conner sighed and looked up at Mitch. “Look, I know you like me and I’m sorry I don’t feel the same way. Maybe if things were different…” And I wasn’t mated to the most powerful werewolf who is sexy as all hell and reduces me to a pile of mush…
“Different how? What’s wrong with me?” Mitch asked.
Conner felt that familiar ache in his heart, when he used to feel the same way.
“There is nothing wrong with you, Mitch. I just have feelings for someone else. If I didn’t, I would date you. You are a beautiful man, and any guy would be lucky to have you.”
“Really?” Mitch asked.
Conner smiled, hugging Mitc
h. “Yes, really.”
Chapter Four
Wayne neared his office so excited to see Conner he could piss his pants. After a tedious day of going over properties with his pack, he needed a break. He’d turned his cell phone on only to fine more than twenty messages. He stopped listening to them after Josh asked if he was going to let Conner top him.
Wayne grinned as he turned into the parking lot. Conner was in the arms of another man. Wayne parked and waited; he needed to calm down. Conner was not Juliet, they had communication, Conner wanted to be with him. Wayne took a deep breath and got out of the truck. Keeping his lupine side in check, he smiled as he walked over.
“Hey you, ready to go?” Wayne asked. Conner pulled away from Mitch and smiled at Wayne. “Yes I am. Mitch, this is Wayne Maccon.”
Mitch held his hand out. He’d never met the boss-boss. Good Lord the man could stop traffic. “Nice to meet you, sir. I’m Conner’s administrative assistant.”
“Nice to meet you too, Mitch. You can call me Wayne.”
“Well, I’ll just…” Mitch jerked his thumb to the building. “See you tomorrow, Conner.”
“Yep, don’t work too late,” Conner smiled. Conner waited for Mitch to go back inside before turning to Wayne. “Go ahead.”
“What?” Wayne asked. Conner’s look made him smile. “Do you chase him around the desk? Make him bend over?”
“Very funny.” Conner walked towards the truck. “You’ve been watching ‘9 to 5’ again, haven’t you?”
“Drop your pencil? Push papers off the desk?” Wayne chuckled.
“I’m going to pour rat poison in your coffee,” Conner chuckled, running for the truck.
“But I thought it was Skinny and Sweet! I knew you were watching!” Wayne laughed, running after Conner. He caught him by the truck and grabbed him. “You’re the Disney fantasy, aren’t you?”
“You are my fantasy, Wayne.” Conner looked up to see the startled look on Wayne’s face. “Well…I meant…”
“I know what you meant.” Wayne opened the door for Conner. Once he made sure he was inside and buckled in, Wayne squeezed Conner’s knee. “You are everything I’ve always wanted, too.”
Wayne chuckled as Conner’s face broke out in a crimson blush. Wayne went around the truck and slid into the driver’s seat. Starting the truck, he looked over at Conner.
“I got a surprise for ya.”
“You do?”
“Yup.” Wayne grinned, pulling out of the parking lot. He’d spent the day on the phone with area hotels and had found the one that he knew Conner would love. The Millennium Hotel had a Jacuzzi suite and it had Conner’s name all over it. As they neared the hotel, Wayne had Conner cover his eyes.
“Can I peek yet?” Conner asked.
“Nope, not yet.” Wayne pulled up in front and handed his keys to the valet. He went around and helped Conner out.
“Keep them covered.”
“I am.”
Wayne escorted Conner to the elevator and checked his fingers. “No peeking.”
“I’m not!” Conner chuckled. He felt the elevator going up and kept his hand over his eyes as Wayne held his other one. The man had no problems showing him affection in public – a surprise, and another big difference from his previous relationships.
The elevator came to a stop and Wayne helped him out. He could hear voices down the hall and Wayne held his hand as they walked down the corridor.
“Are we there yet?” Conner chuckled.
“Yes, we’re here.” Wayne slid the key card through and opened the door. Everything he had asked for was there. Two glasses, a bottle of champagne and a five course meal awaited them. Wayne ushered Conner in and closed the door.
“Okay, open them.”
Conner opened his eyes and gasped. The hotel room was bigger than his apartment in California had been. He walked around the room slowly.
“It’s like a small house.” Conner walked through eyeing the tasteful furniture and decor. A large king-sized bed occupied one of the rooms. “Is that a Jacuzzi?”
“And there’s a steam shower,” Wayne smiled, as Conner took in his surroundings.
“There’s a kitchen?” Conner looked around the room. Wayne…it’s beautiful.”
“Yeah? You like it?”
Conner almost ran to Wayne, plowing into him. “I love it; it’s so beautiful and so damn expensive!”
“I can afford it, you know that.” Wayne palmed Conner’s face. “I want you to have everything you never had before. You deserve this and so much more, Conner.”
Conner teared up and quickly eyed the dining room table. “What’s for dinner?”
“Go look,” Wayne winked.
Conner lifted the lids, peeking inside. “Steak and shrimp?”
“I got us dessert, too.” Wayne said, walking over to the table. “Sit, I’ll pour you some champagne.”
“This is a very nice seduction, Wayne,” Conner smiled, raising his eyebrows. “What did you have in mind for me later?”
“A soak in the tub, a rub in the bed.”
“You do realize I’ll do all that and more without all this, right?” Conner chuckled. He grew serious and gave Wayne a shy look. “This is beautiful, Wayne. All of it; thank you so much.”
“Anything for you, Conner.” Wayne studied Conner’s face. “So…. Mitch?”
Conner stopped mid-bite. “It’s not like that, Wayne. He’s a nice guy and he’s asked me out every day for almost a year. I have turned him down each and every time. I feel bad for him, you know? I know how he feels; I remember what that was like. His self-confidence is very low.”
“Wow…” Wayne sat back with his glass of champagne. “Is that why you hired him?” Wayne chuckled.
“I didn’t actually; Sloan did.”
“Sloan?” Wayne tilted his head to the side.
“Human resources. She’s the one who hired Mitch. I had so many applicants I couldn’t make up my mind. Mitch didn’t have all the qualifications but he’s a hard worker and a fast learner. He’s been perfect.”
“Well he’s a looker, I’ll give him that. No wonder you were going to accept the date.” Wayne eyed Conner.
“I …wasn’t really, I was just so angry with you,” Conner raised his eyes to Wayne’s. “And hurt. I’m sorry.”
Wayne smiled, taking Conner’s hands. “It’s all right, Conner, I understand. I had to pull my head out of my ass and you helped me with that.”
Conner rubbed his thumb over the top of Wayne’s hand. “I would never be with anyone but you; you know that, right?”
“I do,” Wayne nodded. “That’s why I didn’t tear Mitch apart in the parking lot,” Wayne chuckled, sipping his champagne. “I can’t blame the boy - look at you.”
Conner hid his face. “Stop it.”
“Nope, no can do.” Wayne pulled Conner’s face up gently. “You are the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”
“Thank you,” Conner whispered.
“Now eat. You need your strength for later,” Wayne waggled his eyebrows.
Conner laughed. “So will you.”
“Well now, seems Mr. O’Rourke is getting some spine.”
Conner looked up seductively. “When you’re ready, you’ll see just how much spine I have.”
Wayne swallowed hard. “I think I like this confident Conner.”
Conner smiled mischievously.
Conner sat back in the Jacuzzi with a loud sigh. His muscles relaxed under the hot jets. Dinner had been wonderful. The steak was cooked just right and the shrimp was perfect. Dessert had been a sinful chocolate cake, which Wayne had fed to him. The man was a romantic that was for sure. Conner closed his eyes as the relaxing jets eased the tension of the last several weeks. A hand slid up his thigh, and Conner smiled.
Opening his eyes, he took in the sight of Wayne totally naked. It took him back to that night in Denali, the night he’d seen Wayne Maccon for the first time: powerful and strong, and intimida
ting as all hell. This Wayne - the one who stood in front of him, dick jutting out from his body, muscles tensing in his abdomen - was just as powerful and strong.
Conner leaned forward, pressing his cheek to Wayne’s erection. Wayne’s hands slid into his hair, massaging his scalp. Moving his head slightly, Conner took a tentative taste of Wayne’s leaking and engorged dick. He tasted like heaven, sweet and salty. The fingers in his hair tightened slightly as Conner opened his mouth, sliding Wayne’s erection in. The pulse raced over his tongue as he slid his lips over perfection, taking Wayne to the root. He loved the taste, the power that flowed through him, as Wayne’s breaths became ragged and erratic.
To know he was pleasing the man he was mated to gave him more incentive to go deeper, suck harder and make Wayne moan. Getting a good rhythm, Conner bobbed on Wayne’s massive size, using his hands to grip the shaft tighter and massage his balls. The buildup was coming and Conner braced himself for that shot of Wayne’s release. The fingers in his hair gripped tightly as Wayne fucked his mouth, pumping his hips faster now. The hot semen rushed down his throat and Conner swallowed as more filled his mouth in quick, short bursts. Sucking any remaining bit out, Conner pulled back slowly, letting his teeth glide across the underside, sending shivers through Wayne. He’d never had someone so thoroughly enjoy his blowjobs before. It was exhilarating.
Wayne moved to the side and sat down. Conner was pulled into his lap and straddled him.
“Good God, the way you make me feel.” Wayne pressed their foreheads together.
“I love the sounds you make, the way you moan when my mouth is on you,” Conner gasped, as Wayne’s hands gripped his erection, his thumb sliding over the slit.
“I love the way you look after you orgasm, the way your face looks so serene, the noises you make…I love all of it.” Wayne started a nice slow stroke on Conner’s cock, his other hand pulling Conner’s mouth to his own. A wonderful mixture of chocolate, champagne and his own release filled his mouth as Conner’s tongue sought out his own. Sliding his hand down Conner’s full length, he slid back up, tightening along the way and twisting at the cap. Conner whimpered and Wayne’s own cock filled again quickly.
What was it about this man that stripped away everything he thought he’d known? Conner was so open, so willing to please; it was everything he’d always wanted. He was not going to think of her right now, because they were nothing alike. Conner’s hips pumped into his hand, asking for more friction, and Wayne gave it. The loud gasps and quiet moans were almost too much. Conner came whimpering in his mouth and Wayne loved every single second of it.