A Marked Man Read online

Page 7

  stopped himself. He’d almost said.What I feel for you.

  “ What?” Riley turned in the seat to look at him. Mateo’s fingers were gripping the steering wheel, and Riley felt it best to drop the subject, and fast. “Um, so… any boyfriends?”

  “ Nope, never wanted one. My life is complicated enough without adding another person to the mix.” Which was true, but he had been breaking that rule for some time with Riley. They were fucking and kissing, and Mateo wanted him all the damn time. As far as he was concerned, Riley was his.

  “ Oh.” Riley felt himself sliding lower into the seat. So, that’s all he was, a fuck. He had thought for sure Mateo wanted more from him. He could feel it, but he wasn’t going to push. Riley leaned his head against the seat and closed his eyes. Sleep came quickly.

  Mateo had to stop for gas once. They grabbed drinks and snacks and were on their way again in no time. Back on the road, Riley was driving him crazy. He was eating chips and the sound was irritating him. Riley would pop the chip in his mouth then crunch so damn loud it made Mateo’s skin crawl. “Do you always chew with your mouth open?”

  “Do you always have to be an asshole?” Riley smiled, popping another chip in his mouth. “ Hey, I resemble that remark, dip shit.” “Dip shit?” Riley arched a brow. “Fucktard.” “Fuckmunch.”

  The insult parade went on for another fifteen minutes, and Mateo learned some new ones from Riley. Then came the all too popular ‘You’re So Stupid’ jokes, but they shied away from ‘Your Momma’ jokes. Mateo knew about Riley’s mother from his Intel, and he wasn’t going to bring it up before Riley did. They pulled into the Grand Canyon around six at night and Mateo got out to stretch his legs. Riley got out and stood in awe, overlooking the canyon.

  “It’s so beautiful.” Riley looked over at Mateo. “I’ve never been here, how did you know?” “ I figured you didn’t get out a lot being the CEO of your own company, so I took a guess that you hadn’t been here.”

  Riley made his way over and took Mateo in his arms, giving him a tight hug; he kissed his neck and smiled. “Thank you.” They lugged all the gear to the camping grounds, and Mateo set up the tent as Riley started a fire. Riley unpacked the cooler and had to smile. On the top was chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers. Fixings for S’mores. God, he hadn’t had them since his Mother died. He could hear Mateo cursing inside the tent and then a loud cracking noise.


  Riley suppressed a laugh and made his way over; Mateo came out holding a broken tent pole.

  “Well that’s just great, I broke the stabilizing pole.” Mateo frowned. Riley looked at the broken pole and smiled. He took it from Mateo and took off into the woods. It didn’t take long before he’d found a tree branch roughly the same height and thick enough to hold the fabric of the tent up. He sat in front of the fire and pulled a knife out making a groove in the tip small enough to slide into the notch in the tent. Mateo sat down next to him and smiled.

  “Boy scouts?”

  “ Yep, my Mom wanted me to get all the badges.” Riley smiled, nodding his head to the cooler. “Are you making dinner?”

  “ Are you hungry?” Mateo pulled the beef patties out and threw them on the grill in the fire pit. When he looked up, Riley was looking right at him.

  “Yeah, I am.” Mateo felt his temperature rise. It had to be the sultriest look yet, and the fire light on Riley’s face was making it that much sexier. He swallowed hard and looked at the tree branch. “Think it will work?”

  “ I’ll go test it.” Riley made his way into the tent and saw that Mateo had already set up an air mattress for them; he slid the branch up into the notch and hoped it would hold. It did.

  They sat around the fire eating and talking, not about anything in particular, at first. Mateo went into more detail about how he came into his line of work, and Riley told him more about his childhood. Riley looked up at the sky. It had finally gotten dark and the famous sunset was back. There were more purple hues in the sky than any other color tonight. It was beautiful. The sounds of the Colorado River could be heard, as well as coyotes. “I always wanted to come here with my mom.” Riley said it softly.

  Mateo looked up. The one thing he had wanted to ask, and Riley was putting it out there. He didn’t know if he should press for more or not. He didn’t remember his parents, Riley did. “Oh?”

  “ I just remember thinking, where did that truck come from? And then it hit us. I don’t remember much, but I do remember her telling me she loved me.”

  Mateo took Riley’s hand in his. He could see the memories in Riley’s eyes. He could hear it in the way he sighed, the edge in his voice, the cry just under the surface waiting to pass the eyelashes and fall. “I’m sorry Riley.”

  Riley tried to smile; he felt Mateo’s hand in his and threaded their fingers together. “It’s okay. It was fourteen years ago and sometimes I think about her at night you know? When I couldn’t sleep and the day was shitty, she’d have some stupid remark that made me laugh. Something like, “Well at least you didn’t get kicked in the nuts.”

  Mateo chuckled and pulled Riley into his lap. “She was right; a kick to the testicles is painful.” “ So is death when you are the one to survive.” Riley looked in Mateo’s eyes and could see the guilt in them. Guilt for what he had almost done. Riley leaned in and kissed his lips softly, running his hands through Mateo’s thick black hair. “Let’s make S’mores.” Riley whispered in his ear.

  Mateo couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Alaugh that came from way down deep in his gut. “Seriously? You kiss me like that and say let’s make some marshmallow chocolaty goodness?”

  Riley looked at him and waggled his eyebrows. “I didn’t

  say where I wasputting the marshmallow chocolaty

  goodness.” “ Well hell.” Mateo winked. Pulling the bag of marshmallows out of the cooler along with the chocolate and crackers, he gave Riley a stick and they toasted their marshmallows over the fire. “How come yours are always golden brown and mine are black?” Mateo looked at Riley’s marshmallow. It was toasted to a golden brown and perfect.

  Here.” Riley used his fingers to slide the marshmallow“

  off his stick, and fed it to Mateo. “How’s that?” Mateo pulled Riley to his lips and kissed him. Riley’s mouth opened immediately and they shared the marshmallow between them. “Mmm… damn that tastes better with you on it.” Mateo licked Riley’s lip. “It’s like a whole new dessert, just for me.”

  Riley pulled away from the kiss and felt Mateo’s fingertips under his chin pulling his face up. He looked into very warm hazel eyes and saw something in them; something he wanted to say was love but was too afraid to even think it. Mateo leaned in again and this time the kiss was even softer. Afeather- light touch to his lips was followed by Mateo’s tongue sliding over his bottom lip. He opened his mouth and Mateo slid in, warm and soft like silk. Fingers at the nape of his neck with a hand strategically placed at the base of his spine, and Riley was in Mateo’s arms walking toward the tent. And then the pleasure came in waves. Mateo’s tongue all over his body, hands in his hair, on his face, stroking his dick and as soon as he would catch his breath Mateo would take it from him again. It started with soft wet kisses trailed down his chest and gentle suckling on his dick. Then there were tongues swirling, hands stroking and then the gentle pressure of Mateo sliding in. All was right with the world, now that Mateo Esposito was making love to him. Riley felt it in every thrust, every kiss, every whispered word followed by a soft sigh and a gentle caress. When the release came it was just as sweet as any candy he’d ever tasted, and he rode the wave as it came and kept on coming.

  “ Oh God, Mateo…” Riley’s body shuddered as his orgasm flowed. He gripped Mateo tighter and wrapped his arms around his neck.

  “ I know…” Mateo could feel Riley’s heartbeat on his chest. He’d never felt like that with another human being. The connection had been so strong it was like they were one person; moving together,
moaning together and coming together as one. He closed his eyes and listened to Riley’s even breaths until it lulled him to sleep. ~~Chapter Nine~~

  Morning had them trekking down the Canyon and Mateo felt it everywhere. It’s not like he wasn’t ready for it, but the downward grade of the Canyon reminded him that at some point, they would have to head back up. Riley loved it! It didn’t seem to faze him one bit, and Mateo wanted to trip him for it. He smiled and smacked his ass instead. They went down a good two miles before Mateo reminded Riley it was two miles back up.

  They had made love last night, or rather; Mateo had made love to Riley last night. For the first time in his life he had feelings for someone. They’d lain there looking into each other’s eyes and not a word was spoken. They’d just exchanged soft kisses between them until they both fell asleep. Mateo knew he was on dangerous ground; he’d never fallen in love. Never wanted to, in fact. And now he knew he was falling in love with Riley. They had about a mile to go when Mateo’s back up cell rang showing Derek’s number. He sat on a rock and answered the phone.

  “What’s up?”

  Derek’s voice came through with a slightly panicked tone. “Are you guys okay?” Mateo looked at Riley. “We aren’t there, we took a side trip. You know me and safe houses Derek. Am I grounded?” Mateo chuckled softly.

  “ Look, the motion sensors went off around the house, Mat. Someone knows where you are with Riley. Stay where you are and I’ll call you right back.”

  Mateo snapped his phone shut and looked at Riley. He was covered in sweat, and hot damn the man looked fine as all hell. “Motion sensors went off around the house.”

  “You think they found us?” Riley sat down next to him and smoothed Mateo’s hair from his forehead. “ I don’t know. There’s tons of wild life around his property. Javelina’s, bobcats, it could be a fucking quail for all I know, but we aren’t going back there until I know for sure it’s safe. I’m not taking chances with your life Riley.” It was better to play it down for him. The last thing Mateo needed on his hands was a stressed out Riley Flynn. God, Riley’s blue eyes entranced his ass every time. Mateo leaned in and their lips met softly.

  “ I know. I trust you Mateo.” Riley pulled away slowly, looking in his eyes. “We should head back up we still have a mile to go.”

  By the time they hit the top ridge, the sun was going down. They both grabbed a change of clothing and made their way to the showers. Riley stood under the warm spray and let the water massage his sore muscles. He hurt all over, but it felt good too. He put his head back and felt fingers massaging his scalp; strong slow strokes running through his hair, and then soaped hands running up his abs. He leaned back into Mateo and sighed.

  “ God, that feels so good.” Riley felt Mateo’s mouth on him leaving light kisses on his shoulders and back. His strong hands ran down Riley’s thighs, and Riley spread his legs when Mateo’s hand pushed between them. There were more soft touches as Mateo ran his fingers over Riley’s balls; he leaned back further and rested his head on Mateo’s shoulder. Slow soft strokes ran up his hard length and Riley moaned pushing his ass even further back into Mateo.

  “ You are so beautiful, Riley.” Mateo ran his tongue around Riley’s ear lobe as he continued his gentle strokes of Riley’s dick, and the soft massaging on his balls. Mateo kept his touches light, barely a whisper across soft skin, his mouth leaving light wet kisses along Riley’s neck. His hand stroked Riley from root to tip, squeezing softly around the crown he ran his thumb over the top, feeling the pre-come leaking from his slit. “Turn around.”

  Riley turned and Mateo sank to his knees in front of him. He felt Mateo’s mouth on him and knew it was going to be a very short blow job. Mateo had worked him up so tight he was going to unwind really, really fast. Fingers pushed up, searching for his sweet spot. Mateo took him in deep, opening his throat and swallowing Riley up. Fisting his hands in Mateo’s hair, Riley’s head whipped back and a low growl rolled from his throat. Mateo’s tongue ran up the underside of his pulsing cock, and he felt his balls filling. With Riley’s toes curling and his fingers gripping tight, the explosion came, almost knocking him on his ass. His hips jerked and bucked into Mateo’s mouth as he emptied into the back of Mateo’s throat with a shout.

  Mateo made his way up slowly and ran his hands over Riley’s ass. “Fuck if I’m not addicted to you.” Riley’s legs went out and Mateo caught him easily. He turned the shower off, wrapping them both up in towels. Mateo made his way back to the tent with Riley wrapped in his arms, face hidden in his neck. He put Riley down and pulled boxers on him, then went about putting his own on and crawled onto the bed, pulling Riley into his arms. He ran his face through Riley’s hair, breathing deep, taking in his scent. Mateo placed a soft kiss on his lips and closed his eyes.


  Mateo looked down to see Riley’s big blue eyes looking at him. “What is it?”

  “How long will we stay here?” “As long as we can.” ~~Chapter Ten~~ The next morning had them packing up and moving to Havasupai falls. Mateo had never been there, but had heard all the stories of how beautiful it was. They’d been going downhill for a good mile now, and Mateo was already groaning, thinking about how hard it was going to be on the trip back up. They still had nine miles to go. Six miles of the hike were flat, thank God. Riley was smiling the whole time, his eyes took everything in. The canyon was beautiful and Mateo couldn’t wait to get to the camp ground. They followed the creek for what seemed like miles. That in itself was alluring. The water was so beautiful that Mateo wanted to jump in and stay there. Then the waterfall came into view. Or should he say falls, there were two. He let out a small gasp.

  “ Oh my God!” Riley sat staring. The water was a beautiful blue-green color. It poured down from the rock like a spout, and hit the water below. “Oh, I wanna go swimming!”

  Mateo laughed and ran his arm over his sweaty brow. “You and me both. Let’s get unpacked first.”

  “Oooh, there’s a beach, Mateo!” Riley pointed to the white sands. Mateo grabbed his arm, pulling him in the direction of the camp site. They unpacked their gear first, and Mateo put the tent on the ground. He could tell Riley was trying to stay focused on the task at hand, but his head kept drifting towards the sound of the waterfalls. “Oh just go Riley, I’ll catch up.”

  Riley pouted. “No, I want you to come with me.” Mateo stripped his shirt off and smiled. He grabbed Riley’s arm and pulled him into his chest. “Fine, but I’m fucking you under that waterfall.”

  Riley smiled and licked Mateo’s lips slowly. “Okay.” Just hitting the cool water had Mateo moaning. God, it felt so good. His muscles started to relax and he let himself float. There weren’t many people around, but that didn’t surprise him. The hike down to the falls was an attack on your body. Every muscle hurt and screamed as he moved. Riley was under the waterfall running his hands through his hair and Mateo swam over to him. He placed a soft kiss on Riley’s belly button. “Sexy.”

  “A few more hours and then we can come back out here. Alone.”

  “Mmm….but you taste so good now.” Mateo ran a hand up Riley’s thigh, brushing his cock. Riley jumped over Mateo and hit the cool water, going under. He felt a hand on his ankle and was pulled back up into Mateo’s warmth. His hands went around Mateo’s neck, and then Riley entwined his legs around his waist as their lips met in a feverish kiss.

  “I’m hungry.” Riley licked the inside of Mateo’s mouth. “ Fuck, so am I.” Mateo crushed him to his chest, deepening the kiss. Things were getting out of hand, and fast.

  Riley squeezed Mateo’s hand and felt it reciprocated. They made their way back to the campsite, and Mateo finished the tent as Riley once again, made the fire. Riley placed the chicken on the grill and brushed the barbeque sauce on with a fork. He watched as Mateo finished cleaning up, then took a seat next to him and cracked open a bottle of water.

  “Who was your first kiss, Mateo?” Riley took the bottle from him taking a quick sip.
  Mateo smiled and kissed Riley softly, taking the bottle back. “You.”

  “Don’t lie.” Riley smacked his hand. Mateo sighed and sat back, watching the blue flames in the fire. “It was my foster brother Mark, who was yours?”

  Riley nestled into Mateo’s shoulder. “Jenifer Evans, we were playing truth or dare, and I was dared to kiss her.”

  Riley let out a soft chuckle, kissing Mateo’s neck. Mateo’s eyes closed as Riley ran his tongue up his jaw, and slid swiftly into Mateo’s lap. Mateo gripped him at the nape of the neck and pulled him up making their way to the tent. Riley dropped, grabbed the lube, and lay down.

  “I thought we were going to do it under the falls?” Mateo watched Riley putting the lube on his finger. “We are, but I need to prepare.” “ Please, let me.” Mateo took the lube from Riley and squeezed some onto his fingers. When he looked up, Riley was already preparing himself. Two of Riley’s digits were already pressed up inside him. Mateo took Riley’s hand and replaced it with his own. Sliding his fingers in, he rubbed up, finding Riley’s pleasure zone immediately.

  “Mateo…that feels so good.” Riley spread his legs out wide and welcomed Mateo’s fingers. “ Damn, you’re tight.” Mateo removed his fingers, hearing the soft whine from Riley at the sudden loss. Mateo pulled Riley up and took his hand. They snuck quickly down to the waterfalls. A quick look around told them they were the only ones out tonight, and Mateo picked Riley up, taking him in. They made their way under the falls as Riley pulled Mateo’s swim shorts down freeing his cock. His own shorts were down and hanging off one leg as he positioned Mateo where he wanted him and slid down, feeling heat shooting up his tunnel.

  “ Oh…fuck Mateo.” Riley wrapped his arms around Mateo’s neck and the two of them worked together. Legs tight around Mateo’s waist, Riley pushed down as Mateo pushed up.

  Mateo managed to keep a slow grind as Riley wrapped around him, holding on. The friction in the water was making it hard for him to keep his balance, so he walked them towards shore, Riley still hanging on. Once back on land, Mateo fumbled his way back to the tent with Riley attacking his mouth. He barely made it to the bed and they fell onto it together. He slid back in to Riley’s warmth with a satisfied sigh, and swiveled his hips, setting off a slow low groan from Riley. A deep stroke and Mateo angled himself higher, thrusting in. Mateo got his rhythm hitting Riley at all different angles, throwing his leg up over his shoulder and pulling him in closer. The slapping of skin loud in the tent, Mateo closed his eyes and felt every fucking ridge in Riley’s ass. Every small movement of muscle had Mateo’s cock throbbing as he held on. “Oh God, Riley…you feel so good.”