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“I’mreallysorry.”Vince tried to smile. What the hellwas wrongwithhim? Now he was actinglike anidiot, and since whendid he apologize for anything? Pull yourself together Markov. “CanI get yousomething else?”
Keeganlooked at his watch. “Nope, no time, I have a lot to do today. Have a nice day.”
Vince watched as Keegancrossed the street. That tight ass was swayingback and forthineventighter cargo shorts.
“Sonofa bitch!”Vince realized he hadn’t asked himanything, well, except ifhe could get hima drink. “Great, now I’mtongue tied, too?”Vince stood onthe sidewalk for a few more seconds, before he realized he wasn’t moving. “Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
Vince crossed the street and stayed as far as he could behind Keegan. He followed himfor most ofthe day. The mancould eat. He’d onlyseenLorenzo eat that muchfood. Where the heck did this guyput it all? His dick? Vince chuckled and shook his head.
He followed Keeganto the gyma few hours later. Who intheir right mind worked out inRio? Keeganworked out for anhour. Vince was exhausted just watchinghim. Vince tailed himuntilKeeganwalked right into the Copacabana. Vince waited for Keeganto get onthe elevator, and thenmade his wayto the front desk.
“That man, what roomis he in?”Vince leaned over, smilingat the womanbehind the desk.
“We are not supposed to give out that information, sir,”she said.
Vince ranhis fingertip over the top of her hand slowly. “Could youbend the rules? Just this once?”He gave her his best seductive smile. Minutes later, Vince was onthe elevator withKeegan’s roomnumber and a keyto said room. He also had a last name, Ripley. “Yeah, I stillgot it.”
~~ Keeganlet the hot water rushover his sore muscles. Workingout had takena tollon himtoday. He wouldn’t have pushed so hard, but he had anaudience. Keegangrinned, Vince had beenwatchinghim. Keeganrinsed the shampoo fromhis hair and washed his face. Turningthe water off, he toweled offand looked inthe mirror. His face had hardened in sixyears; at least it looked like it to him. Accordingto his friends, he looked
twenty-four instead ofthirty-four.
He applied gelto his hair, spikingit as he normallydid. Keeganwalked to the bedroomand eyed his clothes onthe bed. Tight jeans awaited him, alongwitha blue, skintight shirt. Joshhad made a comment about his eyes standingout whenhe wore blue. Keeganpulled the jeans onand turned to look at his ass inthe mirror.
“It is a juicybubble,”Keeganlaughed. He pulled his shirt over his head, carefulnot to mess up his neatlystyled hair. One last look in the mirror and Keegangrabbed his wallet, exitingthe room. He would see Vince again, he knew he would. You can do this…
~~ Vince hid around the corner as Keeganleft his room. Damn, the manlooked edible. Vince shook his head clear; the guy had to be blind or stupid, that’s what it was. There wasn’t a gaymanonthe planet he couldn’t have, and Keeganwas not goingto be the exception. Vince waited untilKeegan boarded the elevator and thensnuck into his room. There had to be something, maybe he was married? No ring. Vince shrugged. Some mendidn’t wear rings. Vince went throughall the drawers, makingsure to put things back the same wayhe found them. He lifted the mattress and looked under the bed. He pulled drawers out, lookingto see ifanythingwas taped to the bottomofanyofthem. Vince was startingto get pissed. He dialed the front desk askingifanycalls were placed fromthe room he was inor anyincoming. Nothing. He sat on the bed, lookingaround. There had to be something. His phone rang, bringinghimout ofhis thoughts.
“Markov,”Vince said.
“What are youdoing?”
Vince stood up, lookingaround.
“No, it is Santa Claus. Whyare you
rummagingthrougha man’s room?”Damon
Vince narrowed his eyes. “Is there a
camera inhere?”
“No, there is a Marco inthere,”
“Dammit!”Vince sighed, flingingthe
bedroomdoor open. Marco and Antonio stood lookingat him, bothgrinning. “What the hell, Damon? Yousent Marco and Antonio to
watchover me?”
“Not exactly,”Damonsighed in
irritation. “Do not fight me onthis Vincent; you
are like a sonto me.”
“Fine, but Tweedle-Dee and
Tweedle-Dumstayout ofmyway!”Vince
hungup and stalked past Marco and Antonio.
The door to the suite slammed behind him. Marco looked over at Antonio.
“Whichone are you?”
“Dee.”Antonio smiled, walking
towards the door.
“That is not amusing, Antonio.” ~~
The club was packed, as always. The music was loud and the drinks were flowing freely. Keegansipped his beer, watchingthe floor. He’d beenseated right where he’d been the night before; it was onlya matter oftime before Vince made his appearance. The music changed to a slower songand Keeganfound himselfout onthe dance floor witha much younger man. He sighed, closinghis eyes; he’d always managed to attract the younger types. A hand was slidingdownto his ass and Keeganpulled away, eyeingthe man.
“Let’s keep the hands at the waist, got it?”Keegansaid.
“I don’t speak English,”the man grinned.
“Well, I do. MayI cut in?”Vince asked.
Keeganfroze. He’d know that voice anywhere. The younger manstepped away fromhim, eyes wide.
“Oh, no problem, Mr. Markov. I didn’t know he was withyou,”the mansaid.
“It’s amazinghow wellyouspeak English.”Vince raised a brow. “Runalong now.”Vince waited, albeit without patience, as the manleft. He turned his attentionback to Keegan.
“Wellnow, that’s muchbetter,”Vince winked, pullingKeeganinto his chest. His hand slid to Keegan’s lower back, tethering Keeganto him. “Youlooked like youmight need rescuing.”
Keeganlooked up into verydark eyes. His heart was hammeringinhis chest as Vince’s thumb caressed his lower back. “I’m a grownman; I cantake care ofmyself.”
Vince searched green-greyeyes, Keegan’s pupils were dilated. “Whyare you nervous?”
“I’mnot nervous.”Keegantried to step back but was pulled into a tighter embrace.
“Yes, youare. I read people very well, Keegan. Your pulse is racingand your pupils are blown. So I ask again, whyare you so nervous?”Vince leaned incloser. “Is it because ofme?”
Keeganclosed his eyes, swallowing hard. Keep it together. “Well, youwon’t let me go. I thought I made it clear I wasn’t interested.”
Vince slid his thighbetweenKeegan’s legs. “Hmmm, your bodysays otherwise.”
Keeganpursed his lips. Damndick was givinghimaway. “I’ma man; ofcourse I’mgoingto get hard evenifI’mnot attracted. Maybe I haven’t had sexina while.”Keegan realized too late those words should have never left his lips.
Vince flashed his trademark wicked smile, leaningincloser. He trailed his lips up Keegan’s neck to his ear. “I canhelp youout inthat department.”
Keegan’s heart nearlyblew out ofhis chest. Vince’s voice was like silk, wrapping around his nervous system, slidingdownhis spine and spreadingout his toes and fingers. No amount ofsurveillance could have prepared himfor Vince Markovinseduction mode.
“You’re not mytype.”
Vince slid his tongue around Keegan’s outer ear before attackingthe inner. “No one says youhave to find me attractive to sleep withme, but I think we bothknow you’re lying.”Vince bit the soft fleshofKeegan’s earlobe gently.
Keeganpushed Vince awayfromhim.
“That shit maywork withother people, but not withme, Vince. I’mnot some one-night stand. I’mnot goingto be some notchonyour damnbed or belt! Now, I’m leaving. You’ve ruined this night for me.”
“For someone who’s not interested, youremembered myname!”Vince called after him, snickering. He had to laughas Keegan flipped himoff. Vince leaned against the bar motioningthe bartender for a beer, his eyes followingKee
ganout ofthe club. Keeganwas goingto make himwork for it. This was becominga whole other missioninitself. He heard a short coughbehind him. “Oh, Jesus.”
“No, it is Tweedle-Dum. I see now whyyouwere inthe room. It is that manyou were checkingon. Do youthink he is a Nardozzioperative?”Marco asked.
Vince opened his mouth, and thenshut it. “Whyyes, yes I do,”Vince smirked.
“Antonio and I willtailhim.”Marco turned to leave but he felt Vince’s grip onhis arm.
“I’ve got this, old friend. This man needs to be worked, and I know just how to work him,”Vince winked, drawinga long drink ofhis beer.
“I thought youwere done beinga male whore?”Marco raised a brow.
Vince choked onhis beer. “Marco!” Vince looked around the club and thenpulled Marco closer. “Look, I haven’t had sexin over eight months, okay? I’mfuckingdying.”
“Whynot just take one ofthese men home?”Marco motioned to the club fullofgay men.
Vince slumped up against the bar. “I just don’t find anyofthemattractive enoughto bang. I know that sounds weird—”
“Not at all,”Marco peered closer at Vince. “Youare growingup.”
Vince threw his hands inthe air. “Can we go now?”
Vince stubbornlytook a cab back to the hotel. He was not ridingwithDamon’s babysitters. It infuriated himthat Damonhad sent Marco and Antonio as back-up. As ifhe needed it. He’d beenkillingpeople with precisionhis whole damnlife.
Vince unlocked the door to his suite and went straight for the mini-bar. He grabbed a handfulofthe smallbottles and began undressingas he downed them. He had one legout ofhis jeans, whena thought occurred to him. Keeganhadn’t evenbatted aneyelash whenthe guyhe’d cut inonhad said his full name. Vince looked inthe mirror, downing another bottle. It was not possible that Keeganhadn’t heard ofhim. You’d have to live under a rock not to know who Vince Markovwas.
Vince looked at the time and picked up the phone. Nikolaianswered onthe first ring.
“Pops?” “Where are you?”
“Space Needle. Why?”
“Grab anyone near youand ask them ifthey’d heard ofme.”Vince waited patiently; he could hear Nikolaitalkingto someone. It seemed like forever before Nikolaiwas back onthe line, chuckling.
“Ohhell, I asked this old couple,” Nikolaicracked up. “I swear her eyes went as wide as saucers. So, I figured I’d ask somebodyyounger, ya know? Yeah, same shit. I swear theythought I was you, cuzthat one dude ran. What’s this allabout, Dad? Youknow the planet knows who youare.”
“Yeah? Keegandoesn’t seemto.”
Nikolaisat downona benchnearby. “How old is this guy?”
“I’mguessinglate twenties?”
“Bullshit, he knows who youare. Unless you’re a newborn, youknow who Vince Markovis.”Nikolaifurrowed his brows. “Who the hellnames their kid Keegan?”
“Thank you!”Vince laughed loud.
“Is he hot?”
“Fuck yes, he is. Do youthink I’d evengo to this muchtrouble, ifI wasn’t interested?”
“What does he look like?”Nikolaisat back onthe bench.
Vince brought up a mentalimage of Keegan. “About five foot nine? Short black hair, styled like yours—”
“I like himalready, he has style,” Nikolaichuckled.
“Anyway,”Vince blew out a sigh. “He’s got these eyes; they’re like greyishgreenand he has beautifulskin. It looks soft, and his lips are just…kissable.”
“Kissable?”Nikolailooked at his phone, thenput it back to his ear. “Are you sure this is Vince Markov?”
“Nik…”Vince sighed inirritation.
“Okay, okay. Maybe youjust need to have sexwithhim? Get himout ofyour system? I think because he said no, youare makinghimmore thanhe is?”
“I’lltake a picture ofhimtomorrow; youcantellme what youthink. I need a favor though; I want youto check onthis guy.”
“Yougot a last name?”
Vince remembered allright. “It’s Ripley.”
“Like Ripley, as in‘Aliens’?”
Vince chuckled softly. “Yes, like inthe movie ‘Aliens’.”
“Okay, I’llrunit throughInteland tell youwhat I get.”
“Thanks, Nik. Have funout there; call me ifyouneed anything.”
“Get your groove on, Dad. I love you.”
“Love you.”
~~ Keegantook a cold shower. Then another one. It didn’t help. His skinwas on fire fromVince’s touch. He hadn’t been prepared for Vince’s seduction. Keegan looked downat his dick.
“And you! Really? Youcouldn’t just staysoft, could you?”Keeganbanged his head onthe shower door.
Just beinginVince’s arms had done somethingto him. He was inserious trouble. For years he had watched the man, listened to his conversations, tracked his everymove. One minute inVince Markov’s arms had fucked himup. Keeganfellonhis bed ina toweland stared at the ceiling. Just
rememberingVince’s lips onhis neck had his dick hardening. Keegansighed; this was not goingas planned. Or was it? Keegansat up lookingaround his room. Somethingwas off. He looked throughallthe drawers inthe suite. He combed the roomfromtop to bottom. Someone had beeninhis room. Walking towards the bed again, he stopped. Right next to the impressionofhis bodyinthe comforter was the impressionofsomeone’s ass. Keegan chuckled.
“OhVince, are we gettingcareless in our old age?”Keeganranhis hand over the impression. “Someone is quite curious.” Keegansprawled back out and closed his eyes; he had Vince right where he wanted him.
Onthe hunt.
Chapter Three
The alarmwent offand Vince threw it across the room. He moaned and buried his face inthe pillow. For once, his head was killinghim. He realized he hadn’t eatenmuch inthe past two days. FollowingKeegan around was his mainpriority. The alcoholhe’d consumed last night was onits wayback up. Vince ranfor the bathroomand leaned over the toilet. God, he hadn’t had a hangover in years.
After waitingfor what seemed like a lifetime, he gave up tryingto puke and decided to shower instead. After a long, hot shower, he emerged withnew life. Vince picked up the phone and called roomservice; he ordered two ofeverythingand lie back onthe bed.
KeeganRipley. The man’s eyes and voice were ingrained inhis head. Jesus, he couldn’t concentrate onanythingelse. What the hell? Okay, so a manhad said no to him. But it wasn’t as ifKeeganRipleywas the kind ofguythat other guys followed around. So he was easyonthe eyes, nice ass, smelled good and had a cute face. Cute? Vince moaned and smacked his head. “Now I’musingthe word ‘cute’?”
He spent most ofthe day
recuperating. Bynightfall, Vince decided to hit Le Boy, one ofthe trendier night clubs inRio, withdark corners and rent boys. Maybe he would find a suitable replacement for Keegan inthere? Vince ranhis hands over his face; he needed to get Keeganout ofhis head. He had work to do. Throwinghis jeans on, he shoved his knife inthe back ofhis pants, thenpulled his shirt on. Lookinginthe mirror, he turned to the side. The outline ofthe knife could barely be seen. Perfect.
Le Boy was dark and loud. Vince made his wayto the bar and ordered a beer. It wasn’t hair ofthe dog, but it would suffice. Turninghis attentionto the dance floor, he eyed the available mencheckinghimout. Too young. Too skinny. Too ugly. Vince chuckled to himself; this was not goingto be easy. It wasn’t as ifhe couldn’t get laid anynight of the week; his tastes had changed. Maybe he was gettingolder. That thought made him wince. The lightingchanged and his eyes landed right onKeeganinthe corner. What the hell?
Vince moved towards the other side ofthe roomand that’s whenhe noticed one of Nardozzi’s men, makinga beeline for him. He readied himselfand moved towards the back rooms. He hid behind one ofthe curtains and watched. Instead ofcomingfor him,
Nardozzi’s manstopped inthe middle ofthe floor and looked inthe other direction. Vince stayed still, watchingand waiting. The man seemed to hesitate untilKeeganmoved toward the front entrance. Vince watched as Nardozzi’s manwent after Keegan instead of him.
; “What the hell?”Vince followed, keepinghis eye out for more ofNardozzi’s menas he exited the club. Froma block behind he watched Nardozzi’s operative follow Keegan. Shit, he’d beenjokingwhen he said Keeganmight be anoperative for Nardozzi. Now it looked as ifit were true. Vince watched closelyas Keeganturned the corner. He heard a commotiondownthe street Keeganhad takenand cut throughan alley.
~~ Keegan’s worst nightmare was comingtrue. He hadn’t brought a gunand now he was face to face withCarlos Nardozzi, Dario’s younger brother.
“Well, well, ifit isn’t little Keegan Ripley, alive and well,”Carlos snarled, hauling Keeganup to his face. “Didn’t get enoughthe first time, did you?”
“Fuck you!”Keeganspat inCarlos’ face.
“Youlittle shit!”Carlos took
Keegan’s hand, bendingthe fingers untilhe heard a snap. Keeganhowled inpainand Carlos smiled. “Mybrother thinks you’re dead, so let’s keep it that way. I’mgoingto snap your neck like a fuckingtwig!”Carlos grabbed Keeganaround the neck, and placed a hand onKeegan’s temple. “Saygoodbye —”
“Yes, saygoodbye.”Vince slid his knife into the man’s back, puncturinghis lung and twistingthe knife the further it went in. “Youshould have beenwatchingyour back, asshole.”
Keegangot loose, backingup into the wall. He looked at Vince inshock. “How did youknow?”
Vince slid the knife back out, wipingit onthe dead man’s shirt. He bent downand took the man’s head betweenhis hands. “We were at the same club, Keegan. Mind telling me what dickhead here wanted withyou?”
Keeganlooked awayas Vince snapped Carlos’ neck for good measure. “I-I d-d-don’t know,”Keeganstuttered. Dammit, he hadn’t stuttered inforever.
Vince tilted his head and flipped his phone open. He heard a loud sighbehind him and snapped the phone shut. “WellDee and Dum, we have a mess.”
Marco flipped the dead manover and looked up at Vince. “This is Carlos Nardozzi.”
“No shit, huh? I thought he looked familiar.”Vince grinned. “Guess that means bigbro’s gonna be pissed.”
Antonio spunaround, feelingeyes on his back. Two menwere at the end ofthe alley, bothonthe phone. Antonio nodded to Marco, takingoffdownthe opposite way. Marco randownthe alleytowards the men. Vince pulled Keeganbythe armand started walking.