Russian Prey Read online

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  Lorenzo laughed. “I guess youwould have to, seeingas youlive onthe Amalfi coast.”

  “See? Youget it.”

  ~~ Keeganpulled into The Lion’s Denat sevenat night. The sunwas stillup, makingit unbearablyhot as always.

  He locked the door onhis beat-up Honda and made his wayinto the bar. The Lion’s Denwas the bar where most law enforcement officers and firefighters came after a longshift, whichwould explainthe outrageous number ofwomeninit. Keegan snickered; the name sounded like a male strip club.

  Lookingaround the crowded bar for his partner, Devin, he moved throughthe crowd gettinglooks froma lot ofthe women and some ofthe men. He hadn’t had time to change and his suit probablyscreamed Gman. Not that the badge hadn’t gottenhimtail before, it was like a siren’s callto the women. Too bad he wasn’t into women.

  He spotted Devinat the back ina booth. Snaggingone ofthe cute waiters, he ordered two beers and continued his wayto the back. Slidinginto the leather-covered booth, Keeganput his elbows onthe table, regardinghis partner.

  “Out withit.” Devinsat back, armpropped onthe high-backed seat. “Youknow how I feel about this.”

  “I do,”Keegannodded. The beers arrived and Keeganpaid the waiter, givinghim a grin. “Thanks.”

  “No, thank you,”the waiter smiled, movingoff.

  Devinsighed loudly. “What is it with youand younger men?”

  “HellifI know,”Keegangiggled, sippinghis beer.

  “I know what yousaid. We want these guys to work withus. And to bringinall ofthem, we need to bringinone influential one. But whyonEarthdoes it have to be Vince Markov? Youknow what that manis like, we bothdo. He’s fuckingcrazy, Keegan, the worst kind.”

  Keeganshook his head. “No, he’s mellowed since Nikolaiwas born, youknow that.”

  “Yeah? Thenwhat’s he beendoing since the divorce, Keegan? Killing, that’s what, and inmore - how should I put this artistic ways?”

  Keeganslowlypulled the labeloffhis beer, deep inthought. “He’s just actingout; youknow this, Dev. The divorce was kinda hard onhim.”

  “Well, yousure celebrated,”Devin chuckled at the scowlonKeegan’s face. “Come on, you’ve had a crushonhimforever. How the helldo youexpect to stay

  professionalaround him?”

  “I just will. Youknow me. Whenit comes to the job, I do it,”Keegansaid.

  Devinsat back inthought. Well, that muchwas true. Whenhe’d first beenasked to partner withKeegan, he’d beenagainst it because Keeganhad beenpsychologically damaged byDario Nardozzi. After meeting withKeeganprivately, he thought differently.

  Yes, the manstuttered. And, yes, he got nervous boners, but he was professional. Devinsipped his beer, smilingat Keegan. EventhoughKeeganwas younger thanhim– 34 – theyhad a lot incommonand had gotten alongfromthe start. Keegan’s beinggay didn’t bother hima damnbit, as he himself was bisexual. Whichwas probablyanother reasonPruitt had paired them.

  Devindidn’t take shit fromanyone, and he reallydidn’t like it whenthe rest ofthe guys gave Keeganshit. He was just so damned…sweet. Oh, he supposed ifhe was into the “pretty”boys he’d take a shot at Keegan. But Devinliked themtough, and taller. Keeganwas aninchshorter thanhim, but his face is what attracted menand women to him. He had perfect cupid bow lips; his eyes were a green-greywithjust a hint of honeygold; he had a square jaw witha long nose. He had beautifulskinand high cheekbones. He was just - well, pretty.

  “Dev? Did youhear a word I just said?”Keeganasked.

  “Huh?”Devinshook his head clear.

  “I said what about you? Youwant AndreiPanchenko.”

  “That’s different; I want himbehind bars.”Devinpointed at Keeganwithhis beer bottle.

  Keeganchuckled. “Yeahright, I’ve seenhow youlook at his pictures. Don’t sit there and act like he’s not smokin’ hot.”

  “He’s the head ofthe Russianmob, Keegan,”Devinsaid.

  “Yeah, and he’s sixfeet oflean muscle, just how youlike your men,”Keegan winked. “Don’t tellme those slate greyeyes don’t give youwood.”

  Devinranhis hands over his face with a frustrated sigh. “We aren’t talkingabout me, we’re talkingabout you. You’ve beenonthis case longer thanme. You’ve watched Vince for over tenyears, your entire career and the whole second halfofhis. Hellyouknow his favorite food.”

  “Garlic chickenwithteriyakisauce,” Keegangrinned.

  “See? I don’t get that,”Devinsaid.

  “What? Soyis too salty—”

  “Not that, numb nuts.”Devinkicked Keeganunder the table. “How do youexpect to remainprofessionalwiththis guywhenall youwant to do is fuck himthrougha bed?”

  Keegansnickered, coveringhis face. “Like I could.”

  “So not the point,”Devinsighed. “What ifhe makes you? Thenwhat?”

  “I don’t think he’d killme—”Keegan scowled as Devinarched a brow. “He won’t, I just know it.”

  Devinleaned over the table. “What if he wants somethingelse fromyou?”

  Keeganknew his cheeks were coloring. “ThenI’llhave to sayno.”

  “Oh, and Vince Markovloves the word no,”Devinsnickered.

  Keeganneeded to change the subject, and fast. As muchas he loved workingwith Devin, theyjust didn’t see eye to eye whenit came to Vince Markov.

  “So, ifI pullthis off, Panchenko is off the market. Youcan’t touchhim,”Keegan said, “because he’llbe workingwithus.”

  Devinnodded, sittingforward and restinghis elbows onthe table. “So I’mtold. I guess the bigwigs don’t consider himworth bringingin.”

  “And youdo? Come on, Panchenko has beenlegitimate for years, and the only reasonhe wasn’t before was because he was cleaningup Borkosky’s mess.”

  “Yeah, right after he killed himto take his place.”Devinpointed at Keegan. “See the point I’mtryingto make?”

  “Well, killingthe old head ofthe Russianmob made wayfor himto take over and make it legitimate. Besides, theywanted a better life for Nikolai. The kid alreadyhas the deck stacked against him.”

  Devinlaughed, drinkingwhat was left ofhis beer. “He’s a terror inhis ownright.”

  “And he has everyreasonto be,” Keegansaid. “Youread the report; they tortured him.”

  “And he killed themall, didn’t he? Guess it was fitting.”

  “There’s mypartner!”Keegan giggled, signalingthe waiter again.

  Devintook Keegan’s hand, running his thumb over his fingers. “I don’t want anythinglike that to happenagain.”

  Keeganswallowed the lump inhis throat. “It won’t. I know him, Devin. I know youthink he’s robotic and unfeeling, but I’ve seenhimwithNikolai.”

  “Ifanything, and I meananything, happens to youbecause ofthat… prick, I swear Keegan, I’llput himdown.”

  Keegansqueezed Devin’s hand. “I know allofyouare worried and I get it. But youaren’t the onlyone witha marksmanship badge, Dev.”

  “I’mafraid you’llbe too busyfucking Vince to shoot him.”Devinleaned his head back, lettinga loud throatylaughescape.

  “Fromyour lips to God’s ears,” Keegangiggled.

  ~~ Damonsat at his desk lookingover the file onDario Nardozzi. It was like reading a horror story, except it was real. The man was a notorious child killer and had evaded the law at everyturn. His younger brother, Carlos, was just as bad.

  Damonflipped throughthe pictures. Theymade himsick. Whenthe idea to take Nardozzidownhad first come up, he’d considered Marco for the job. Now as he sat back lookingat the man’s photos, he knew Vince was the obvious choice. Vince had killed more Nardozzioperatives thananyone else.

  Damonthought about Vince and smiled. The manhad come a longwayfrom the fifteen-year-old boyhe’d met inRussia. He’d seenVince grow into a manand inthat time he’d seenVince go throughmany changes.

  As he grew up and perfected his deadlyskills, Vince became despondent and thenparanoid as other assassins tried to take his place, vyingfor the spot of“top assassin.” His life was constantlyindanger as those who sought to remove
himcame at himat every turn. After manyyears, it beganto take its toll.

  Damonhad protected himas often and as muchas possible, but Vince’s nature fromthe verybeginningwas to killor be killed. Vince was the best assassinhe had – he showed no mercy, no fear and he felt no pain. Sadly, his lack offeelinghad played a large part inhis divorce. Vince did not know how to love withhis whole heart. He’d softened with his marriage to Andreiand at the birthofhis son, at least a little. He now allowed people to touchhim. The loud knock onhis door pulled Damonout ofhis thoughts.

  “Come in.”

  Vince sauntered into the roomand sat onthe edge ofthe desk. “Okay, so tellme where mywonderfulvacationis takingme.” “Rio De Janeiro.”Damonpulled one ofthe files out and handed it to Vince. “My informant has seenNardozzithere.”

  Vince looked throughthe file and then looked up at Damon. “Youwant me to bring himin?”

  Damonshook his head. “No. He has to die. There is no waythat mancancontinue breathing.”

  Vince nodded.

  “Okay.”He looked at his itinerary. “The Copacabana? Kinda ritzy, eh?”Vince waggled his eyebrows.

  Damonchuckled. “I thought youmight like some pampering.”

  Vince frowned. “Is this about the divorce again?”He sighed loudly. “I’mfine. I wisheveryone would stop treatingme like I’m a bomb about to go off.”

  Damonstood up and made his way around the desk.

  “I amworried about you, Vincent. I amafraid youwillnever openyour heart to anyone.”

  “Oh, myGod! What is it withyou guys? Yousound like Lorenzo! I love Nikolai, more thanmylife.”

  “That is different; he is your son. You have closed offa part ofyourself, whether you know it or not. That is whyyour marriage failed. I know youlove Andrei, but I do not think youcanever be in love. Youwillnever allow yourselfto care so muchfor someone.” Damonput his hand up, whenVince’s mouth opened. “Nikolaidoes not count.”

  Vince sighed infrustration. “Maybe I’mokaywiththat.”

  “Youmaynot always be okaywith that. Don’t youwant someone inyour life? The one personyoucannot wait to wake up to? The one who occupies your thoughts everymoment ofeveryday?”

  Vince crossed his arms over his chest. “That sounds too mushyfor me. Besides, how would I ever get anythingdone ifI’malways thinkingofsomeone?”

  Damonlaughed and hugged Vince. “Oh, Vince. I hope somedayyoufind the one who makes your heart pound like wild horses.”

  Vince wrinkled his nose. “Youare too mushy- maybe youneed someone?”

  Damonwalked back behind the desk. “I had someone, she left me. Now I onlyhave Stefano.”

  “Your sondoesn’t count.”Vince flipped throughthe file. “Besides, how would I evenknow ifI was inlove? I thought I was in love withAndreiand look how that turned out.”

  “Youwillknow, Vince. Whenlove comes, it comes witha vengeance,”Damon chuckled softly.

  “How did youknow?”

  Damonsat back, thinkingabout it. “I just knew, withCara, that I would die for her, protect her above anythingand anyone. I could not breathe whenwe were apart. When she left, a piece ofme went withher,”Damon sighed, sadly.

  “That’s what I don’t want.”Vince grabbed the file and paperwork. “Maybe you willfind love again, Damon. I’llkeep in touch.”

  Damonsat back as Vince left the office. Marco came inwithAntonio and they bothsat downinfront ofthe desk.

  “I want youtwo pullingback-up.” Damonhanded Marco and Antonio their plane tickets. “Youwillflycommercial; stayas far awayfromVince as youcan. Youknow he cantellwhenhe’s beingfollowed.”

  “We taught himwell.”Marco stood, lookingover at Antonio. “He surpassed us both.”

  “Yes, he did.”Damonarched a brow. “So watchyour asses.”


  Damonfrowned. “Allright, what?” Marco chuckled. “Allright, Damon.”

  ~~ Phoenixwas blazingat nine inthe morning. Keeganturned the air conditioning up higher tryingto cooloff. He’d beenback fromD.C. for over a week now, and the change intemperature was killinghim. He pulled into the FBI parkinglot and noticed four familiar cars. He sighed infrustration.

  “I should have known.” Lockinghis car, Keeganmade his wayinto the air-conditioned building. George greeted himwitha wide smile as he passed throughsecurity.

  “SpecialAgent Ripley.”George winked, takingKeegan’s gunfromhim. “George, how are you?”Keegan asked.

  “I was good untilEsposito passed throughhere earlier,”George chuckled, handingKeeganhis gunafter he passed throughthe metaldetector.

  “Ah. He didn’t give up his weapon again?”Keeganlaughed, puttinghis gunback inits holster.

  “Nope. But as always, Montgomery kept himinline. Youhave a good day, Agent Ripley.”

  “Youtoo, George.”Keeganwalked to the elevator and pulled out his securitycard. Lookingaround the lobby, he remembered the daytheyhad transported Riley, now Mateo Esposito’s husband, to the safe house; or had attempted to. Keeganand Devinhad been ambushed inthe street and Rileyhad been taken. Keeganshook his head clear and boarded the elevator as the doors opened.

  Steppingout onthe third floor he could alreadyhear voices downthe hallway. As he neared James Pruitt’s door he could hear the teaminside talking. Joshwas coming throughthe loudest, ofcourse. Keegan knocked onthe door and stepped in. Talk stopped abruptly.

  “Come onguys, what are youdoing here?”Keegansighed infrustration. “Don’t youhave anyfaithinme?”Keeganlooked at Mateo, Sam, Troyand Josh. Theywere all wellover sixfeet talland at his five foot nine he felt verytiny.

  Joshstepped forward, presenting Keeganwitha box. “The guys and I had this made for you.”

  Keegantook the box, lookingat James. “What is this?”

  “Well, ifyouopenit, you’llfind out.” James sat onthe edge ofthe desk.

  The door to the office opened again and GeneralDerek Jacobs walked in. He looked around the roomand his eyes fellon Keegan. “Good, I didn’t miss you.”

  “Nope,”Keegangrinned. “I’mjust gettingreadyto leave, though.”Keegan opened the box. Nestled inthe cottonwas a bracelet withhis name engraved onit. Keegan looked up at the guys, smiling. “What’s this?”

  “A trackingbracelet.”Mateo crossed his arms. “And don’t argue.”

  Troystepped forward, puttinghis arm around Keegan’s shoulders. “Look, we just want to know you’re safe okay? You’re the one who told me Vince Markovwas more dangerous thanwe were. How did youexpect us to react?”

  Keeganlooked at alloftheir faces. Eventhoughtheyteased him, he knew they cared. They’d stuck up for himmore than once, invited himto their parties, weddings and movie nights. “I appreciate this guys, I know you’re not comfortable withthis.”

  Mateo snorted. “That’s an

  understatement.”Mateo narrowed his eyes at Keegan. “I had to tie Rileyup; he wanted to come withMark, Sawyer and Dakota. But we knew you’d be here for hours ifwe had let themcome. And whether I like it or not, you have a job to do.”

  “Yep,”Samnodded. “I’mcut offfor at least a week and I got ‘the pout,’ which means I have a lot ofbeggingto do.”

  Keegansmiled, lookingat the guys. “I love your husbands! Youguys? Eh...”

  James took Keeganbythe shoulders. “Ifanythingand I meananything feels off, bail. Yougot it? I don’t want youtaking chances withyour life for this; youare more important, Keegan.”

  Keeganfelt tears inhis eyes; he hadn’t felt like this since his old partner had stuck up for him. “Stop it, guys.”

  “Hey,”Joshhugged Keegan. “We love youman, youknow that.”Joshlooked downat Keegan’s ass. “Hey! Yougot a cute, juicy, bubble butt.”

  “Josh!”Keeganpushed Joshaway, laughing.

  Samsighed, leaningagainst the wall. “It never fails, Joshmanages to take something serious and make it funny.”

  “Well, this is veryserious.”Derek took the bracelet fromKeeganand snapped it onhis wrist. “Ifanythinggoes down, we can find youwiththis.”Der
ek looked into

  Keegan’s face; the green-greyeyes looked back. “Be careful. I meanit, Ripley.”

  “Yes, be careful. And ifVince Markovlays a finger onyouI swear to God I’lltake himout,”Mateo growled.

  “Callthe emergencynumber ifyouget introuble. It’s a direct line to me and it’s alreadyinyour phone.”James hugged Keegan. “Are yousure youwant to do this?”

  Keegannodded. “I cando this.” James handed Keeganhis papers. “Here’s your passport and your ticket. I’ve booked youat the Copacabana.”

  Troywhistled. “Nice, hit the spa.”

  “I’mgoingto be working,”Keegan sighed, lookingat Josh, Troy, Samand Mateo. “Okay, get it over with.”Keegan laughed as the guys hugged him. He stepped away, pullinghimselftogether. “I’llsee you guys soon, with Vince Markov.”

  “Go get him, Tiger!”Joshgrowled.

  “Oh, Lord.”Keeganrolled his eyes. “Bye, guys!”

  The door shut behind Keeganand James made his wayaround the desk. He became aware that alleyes were onhimat that moment. He looked up, meetingthe team’s glare.

  “Ohfor fuck’s sake guys, he’s a grownman!”James balked.

  “He’s… Keegan.”Joshlooked at Mateo. “Youknow what I mean.”

  Mateo nodded. “We love the little guy.”

  “He’s not little; he’s just ina roomfull of- well, youguys. I’maninchtaller thanhim! Have some faithinhim; he’s professionalto the core. And we have beentraininghimhard for months just for this assignment.”

  “I don’t want himhurt, James.”Josh crossed his arms. “Ifhe needs back-up —”

  “Thenwe willgo in, but not before.” James slumped into his chair. “Well, we hope youunderstand why allofus are stayingintownuntilthis is over,” Troysaid.

  “I swear, ifMarkovtouches a hair on his head…”Mateo walked to the door. “I’ll put himdown, James.”

  “Get inline,”James sighed.


  Keeganrinsed his hair and turned the water off. Steppingout ofthe shower, he caught his reflectioninthe mirror. Black hair and green-greyeyes looked back at him. He’d bulked up quite a bit, but not too much. Vince liked his menpretty, withnot too much muscle.

  After years ofwatchingand listening, he was finallygettinganassignment:reelingin Vince Markov. It was anhonor, really. He’d beenbehind his desk for over sixyears and now had a chance to get out and use his knowledge. He knew whythey’d kept himat the office; he’d beenthroughhellwhenhe’d beenkidnapped and tortured to withinaninch ofhis life. He’d had countless hours oftherapy and surgeries to repair the damage done not onlyto his skin, but his nerves as well.