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Little Stefan took one look at Antonio and Marco and cried, hiding in the crook of Heath’s neck.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with him.” Heath tried to smile.
“I do.” Antonio and Marco knelt, and they looked up at the child. “Okay, now.”
Heath pulled Stefan out of his neck and put him down. He curiously inspected Antonio and then eyed Marco.
“Well, look at you.” Antonio grinned. “You are your father’s son, little one.”
Stefan inched closer to the huge bodyguards. He took Antonio’s hand and searched his eyes. He reached out to Marco and touched his face.
“You are safe,” Marco assured him.
Little Stefan’s face broke out in a grin. He hugged Marco and giggled when Marco tickled him.
“It is the height that has scared him, Heath.” Antonio smiled, he stood up slowly and little Stefan looked up as Antonio put his arms out. “I would not hurt you.”
Stefan put his arms out and Antonio picked him up. He held him close and kissed his hair.
“Oh, how I have missed the little ones. I am Antonio and this is my friend, Marco.”
Little Stefan smiled, hugged Antonio and nestled into his neck.
“I see you have a fan, Antonio.” Damon winked.
“Antonio has always been a big pushover when it comes to kids,” Heath chuckled.
“Yes, especially you and your siblings.” Antonio held Stefan close. “He is very loving, Heath.”
“Yes, he is.”
“Well, look at this. The whole domesticated family all in one room. Dude, didn’t know you had it in ya.” Trent and Bethany stood in the door, delighted smiles on their faces.
“Fucking Trent Ridley.” Stefan smiled, walked over and checked out his detective friend. “What the fuck, man?”
“Hey, you said wedding, cake and booze. Here we are.” Trent pulled Stefan into a hug.
“I didn’t think you would make it!”
“Wow, full house, huh? Hey, Morgan, haven’t seen you in a while. How’s LA?” Trent shook Morgan’s hand.
“Sunny, warm and filled with empty-headed people.”
“Like our house right now,” Jordan mumbled. Stefan smacked his arm.
Leah Sanders came in the kitchen. “Okay, come on, guys. The boys are ready and it’s time to start!” She moved to Antonio. “May I?”
Antonio took Stefan out of his neck, kissed his cheek and smiled. “You go with Great-grandma Leah, okay?”
“Ma!” Stefan smiled and went to Lily.
The rows of chairs were arranged in a half-moon near the pond, around the tree where Stefan and Jordan had carved love messages to each other years ago. The boys decided to take their vows at that location, as their fathers were so happy in their marriage. The tree had become a symbol of love that withstood time.
The two couples stood, hands clasped, facing the pastor.
“To start, I would like to quote a poem I once read: Love is strong, yet delicate; it can be broken. To truly love is to understand this; to be in love is to respect this.”
The pastor looked over the assembled guest. “You are gathered today to witness the joining of Damon and Tyler Youngblood and Heath and Caleb Youngblood. They are before you today to express their love for one another. Damon, please take Tyler’s hand and voice your love.”
Damon faced Tyler, smiled, and gazed into his eyes. “The day we met was the best day of my life. Every day with you is special, and I am beyond grateful to have you in my life. We are two souls with one thought; two hearts with one pulse. Tyler, I will love you for the rest of my life and, God willing, beyond that.”
Tyler pulled himself together. He took Damon’s hand and locked eyes with him. “Damon, I knew from the moment our eyes met that we belonged together. The first touch of our hands sent a bolt of electricity through me and I knew I had met my soulmate. On this day, I marry my best friend, the one I laugh with, live for and dream with. I have always loved you, Damon. I will always love you.”
The pastor placed their hands together and clasped his on top. “What God has joined together, let no man separate.”
He turned to Heath and Caleb. “Heath, you may voice your love for Caleb.”
Heath took Caleb’s hand and little Stefan yelled. “Daddy Too!”
The guests all laughed and Heath smiled at his son. “Yes, baby, Daddy Too.”
He looked in Caleb’s eyes and took both of his hands. “Caleb, the night we met was the night we were joined as one. Although we didn’t know it then, we were destined to fall in love. Love is a choice you make from moment to moment, and every moment with you, I choose love. I promise always to give you the best of myself, and to ask no more of you than you can give back. My heart and my soul are yours, Caleb. They always will be. I love you. I’ll never stop.”
Caleb squeezed Heath’s hands. “I knew the moment we met that you would leave a mark on my heart. Every moment spent with you is better than the last. You’re my husband. My heart beats because of you, my eyes see because of you, my mind thinks because of you, and I will love because of you. The vows I take today, I’ll keep forever. I will love you, and our son, all my life.”
The pastor took their hands and placed his own on top. “What God has joined together, let no man separate.”
He smiled and addressed the crowd. “I present Heath and Caleb Youngblood and Damon and Tyler Youngblood. May their marriages always be filled with love.”
Applause erupted and there was much whistling and shouting. Everyone stood up and tossed birdseed at them as they walked down the aisle between the chairs, laughing as they were pelted with seed.
“Daddy!” Little Stefan put his hands out and Heath picked him up.
“It’s cake time, little man!” Heath kissed him.
“Cake!” Little Stefan clapped his hands.
The boys cut the cake and Damon shoved it into Tyler’s face. Heath chased Caleb around and finally gave up and threw it at him.
Damon licked the icing off Tyler and smiled. “You taste sweet.” He smiled and kissed him.
“Payback’s a bitch, baby.” Tyler winked at him.
“Cake!” Little Stefan put his finger on Tyler’s face and licked it off.
Damon busted out laughing. “You want a plate, little man?”
Stefan’s little head bounced up and down. Jordan held him close. “You sharing that cake?”
Little Stefan laughed and shoved it in his mouth and put his sticky icing hand on Jordan’s face.
“Oh yeah, just like his grandpa,” Stefan chuckled.
Heath laughed and Stefan put his arms out. “Come here, you.” Heath grabbed him and kissed his little mouth. “Hmm, not bad.”
“Daddy Too!’ Stefan smiled and palmed Caleb’s face, the icing sticking to his cheek.
“I see you’re in on this with your dad. At least one of you got me.” Caleb pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his face.
“That was the plan, wasn’t it?” Heath looked at Stefan.
“So. Wow, dude! Married and a kid.” Steve smiled and enjoyed the sight of Heath with his son.
“Thanks for coming, Steve.”
“Wouldn’t be anywhere else.”
“Well, well, big brother.” Charlie had her hand on her hip. “I’m proud of you.”
“Lee!” Stefan put his now-clean hands out.
“Hey, Stefan.” Charlie smiled and hugged him close. “I missed you.”
Stefan was sitting on the deck soaking in the sight of the family all gathered in one place. He smiled when he saw Jordan heading his way.
“There’s my sexy husband.” Jordan sat down next to him. “What’s wrong, Stefan?”
“Our house is going to be empty, Jordan. Damon and Tyler are getting an apartment.”
“Actually, they aren’t,” Jordan announced.
“Your father bought both couples houses w
ithin blocks of each other.”
Stefan glanced at Damon talking with Angela.
“Still, it’s just you and me here now.” Stefan looked around the house. It already felt empty.
“Hey, we already have two grandkids to fill it. Soon the rest of the kids will have kids.”
The elder Damon called his grandsons over. “Okay, boys, here are your keys to your new homes. I have furnished them, but left your bedrooms to you.”
“You bought us a house?” Tyler’s mouth fell open.
Caleb smiled. “It’s even better than that yacht I wanted! Hey, now we have more space to make Stefan a playroom.”
“Yes, I bought a three bedroom for you and Heath; Damon and Tyler a two. I expect some grandkids at some point, Damon.”
Damon laughed. “Grandpa, we just got married! Give us a little time.”
Damon hugged them. “Okay, now shoo! Go see your new homes.”
Chapter Two
Most of the guests had left; it was getting late and conversation had wound down. Damon, Antonio and Marco had said their goodnights, as well as Angela, Leah and her husband, Heath. The catering crew had cleaned up and left, and Steve and Charlie had gone to their respective bedrooms. Charlie would be leaving in a couple days, but she assured Jordan she would visit more often.
Trent hung out on the deck with Stefan and Jordan.
“So, all the kids are out of the house, huh?” He took Stefan’s hand.
“It feels so empty.” Stefan sounded forlorn.
“But you have grandkids to play with now.”
“I know, but it’s not the same.” Stefan tried to smile.
“Hey.” Jordan took Stefan’s other hand. “We’ll be fine.”
“I know. I just miss them, Jordan.”
Heath and Caleb waved enthusiastic goodbyes to everyone. They took little Stefan and headed to their new home. It was near the college and close to work for Caleb.
Caleb opened the front door and flipped on the light. The house was amazing. Heath gasped. It was beautiful. The living room was set up with spacious sectional seating group facing a massive flat-screen TV mounted on the wall. The kitchen was huge, with Italian marble countertops and stainless steel appliances. There was a bay window overlooking a large privacy-fenced back yard
They moved down a hallway and found little Stefan’s room. It was medium blue, with furniture in light brown and primary colors. There was a toddler bed in the corner. They put Stefan down and he scampered around inspecting everything, laughing and giggling at all the new stuff.
“Wow!” Caleb was in awe.
“You like your room, Stefan?” Heath’s heart swelled at the sight of his son running around.
Stefan clapped his hands and jumped up and down.
They found the master bedroom and realized Damon had moved their stuff from the apartment into the new house. A note from Damon was resting on one of the pillows.
Heath read it and laughed. “He says if we don’t like the way they set it up, we can call this number and someone will rearrange it. He also says all our stuff is here, we just need to put it where we want it.”
“I think it’s great.” Caleb looked around. “I would have put it just like this.”
The tour continued and the last room they checked out was ridiculous. Stefan’s playroom was crammed with toys. There was a tiny tree house in the corner and he was already in it, exploring. There were stuffed animals, educational toys, a wall featuring chalkboard paint, several toy boxes for sorting, shelves full of children’s books, cars, trucks, art supplies, a table and easel — everything the child could possibly want.
“This is awesome! But, young man, it’s bath time.” Caleb clapped his hands together. “You can investigate it tomorrow.”
“Bath!” Little Stefan ran down the hall.
“How does he remember where the bathroom is?” Heath laughed and watched his son crawl into the tub.
“Hey, that works better with no clothes.” Caleb pulled him out.
Stefan’s bathroom was jungle themed. There were little lion rugs on the floor and monkeys hanging from the ceiling. The shower curtain looked like a rainforest.
“It’s safari time, Stefan.” Heath got him out of his clothes while Caleb ran the bathwater.
They bathed him, then dressed him in his pajamas. Heath took him to their room and put him in bed. Stefan giggled, slid off the bed and scurried to his room.
“What’s he doing?” Heath followed him curiously.
Stefan was snuggled in his bed, the huge blue teddy bear and blanket wrapped around him. He had turned the night light on.
“Well, look at that! Damon must have shown him the house before we knew about it.”
“Sneaky old man.” Heath smiled and watched his son’s eyes close.
“Night-night, Stefan,” Caleb whispered. He leaned over and kissed Stefan’s forehead.
“Night, Daddy Too.” Stefan palmed his cheek and smiled.
Heath leaned over his son and hugged him. “I’m so proud of you. You are a brave little man. Daddy and I are right next door, okay?”
“K.” Stefan kissed him.
“Night, baby. Daddy loves you.”
Heath and Caleb went to their room and sat on the bed, each in lost in his own thoughts.
“In a way, I’m happy he feels comfortable and safe in his own room, but …”
“I know.” Caleb rubbed Heath’s shoulders. “I’ll miss his little body between us, too.”
“I love you, Caleb.” Heath lay back on the bed.
“I love you.”
Damon and Tyler were sprawled on the kitchen floor of their new home, covered in cake. Icing was everywhere and Damon was in the process of licking it off of Tyler’s chest.
“Oh my God, I can’t move,” Tyler breathed. His hair was sticking to his forehead.
“Well, you’re going to have to. We need to take a shower.” Damon smiled and hauled Tyler up. Towels neatly lined up on the rods, matching the blue and brown décor.
Damon turned the shower on and the jets shot out from both sides.
Tyler laughed. “Well, neither one of us will be standing in the cold.”
They got in and the hot water made quick work of the icing. Damon took the sponge, poured body wash on and went to work lathering up Tyler. He made slow, circular motions on Tyler’s ass and stroked his cock with his slippery free hand. Tyler nudged Damon over, put his hands on the wall, and spread his ass cheeks wide.
“Nice view.” Tyler laughed and smacked Damon’s ass before he entered him with one quick movement.
Damon hissed. The pain was immediate and Tyler’s hard cock filled him.
Tyler dug his fingers into Damon’s hips and proceeded to ram him into the shower wall. Damon grabbed his hard cock and stroked himself as best he could with Tyler slamming him into the tile wall every few seconds. Tyler’s cock slid out and then he hammered it back in. Damon moaned and Tyler hit him again. He grabbed Damon’s shoulder and pushed in hard, thrusting fast now, pounding Damon over and over.
“Jesus, Tyler!” Damon was trying to hold onto the wall and stroke his cock at the same time.
“Come on, Damon! I want to hear you come.” Tyler pushed into him again.
“Fuck!” Damon stroked himself faster. Tyler’s incessant need to pound the shit out of him made it difficult for him to hold onto his cock and stay upright. He felt his orgasm coming and cried out, his whole body shuddering from the intense force.
Tyler grinned. Hearing Damon made his own orgasm come much more quickly. He groaned loudly and trapped Damon against the wall, his hips jerking. “OH, FUCK!”
They stood there under the shower spray, Tyler gasping for breath and Damon leaning over, holding onto a handrail for support.
“I wish I had seen this earlier; would have helped,” Damon breathed.
Tyler laughed and pulled out slo
wly. “Nah, that’s for when we’re old and having shower sex. Although — hmm, I’ll remember it’s there for next time.”
They got out and dried off, dressed and collapsed on the pull-out couch. Damon had made sure that his grandson’s movie collection was on the shelf below the widescreen TV on the wall. There was a pile of firewood for the fireplace.
Tyler brought drinks from the kitchen. He dropped onto the bed and grinned at Damon. “So, tomorrow we clean the kitchen floor?”
Damon smiled. “Yep. Then we make love in another room.”
Morgan and Robert stepped into the room and studied the sleeping figure on the bed. Morgan sat in the chair, and brushed aside the hair in his son’s face.
“Hey, you awake?” he asked.
“Nope, I’m faking.”
“Michael …”
“Aw, come on, Dad.” Michael sat up in bed. He had dark rings around his eyes and Morgan gasped.
“What happened?”
“I’m back on the radiation. Dr. Thomas says the tumor didn’t shrink enough for him to operate. How was the wedding?”
“We took lots of pictures for you.” Robert came over and palmed Michael’s face.
“Yeah, any of them with kissing?” Michael asked with a lopsided grin.
“Anyway …” Morgan started. “How long before they can operate?”
“Couple weeks I guess. Did you guys know Charlie is my doctor, too?”
“No, I didn’t know. Did she recognize you?” Morgan studied his son’s face, it broke his heart to see him so sick.
“Nope, but come on — I think I was eleven the last time we hung out. You would think she would remember me. I mean, we did play doctor.” Michael waggled his eyebrows.
“So didn’t need to know that.” Robert brushed Michael’s hair back.
“So when will you talk to Uncle Jordan?”
“I’ll talk to Stefan first.” Morgan took his hand. “You will have the best doctor, Michael, I promise.”
Michael eyed his father’s features. He knew his father was about to break down.
“Come on, Dad, I’m okay. Really, I am. Why, just today I threw Jell-O at a nurse. She had a huge ass and it just bounced right off.”