Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series Read online

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  The green and purple hues in the sky captivated them both and they sat and stared. “Aurora borealis,” Nikolai identified.

  “Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?” Colin couldn’t stop staring.

  “Yes.” Nikolai was watching Colin, not the light show in the sky.

  He took Colin’s hand and linked their fingers. Colin shifted to sit closer to him. “I would love to live out here someday.”

  “With the bears?”

  “We can eat for weeks on that.”

  “Not anymore.” Nikolai looked at the wolves tearing the bear up.

  “We should get some sleep.” Colin yawned as he stretched.

  They moved into the shelter and Colin got down to his boxers before crawling into the sleeping bag. Nikolai followed and pulled Colin next to him. Colin’s hands touched his chest and he closed his eyes.



  “Thank you for saving my life.”

  “Now we’re even.”

  “Jensen, are you awake?” Hunter whispered.

  “No.” Jensen chuckled.



  Hunter nestled into him further and sighed. Jensen was always warm, and right now, it took everything he had not to kiss him. “What would you have done if it was me and a bear?”

  “Same thing Nik did: Shoot it and hope you didn’t get hurt.” Jensen pulled him closer.

  “Are you tired?”

  “Why? You wanna play Uno?”

  “No. Did you miss me while I was away?” Hunter asked.

  “Of course I did. Didn’t you miss me?”

  “I always miss you.” Hunter closed his eyes and breathed in Jensen’s scent. He always smelled so manly.

  “We should get some sleep.” Jensen knew he shouldn’t pull Hunter closer. He already had an erection, but he loved the way his body felt close to his.

  “ ’Night Jensen.” Hunter yawned and hid in Jensen’s neck. His strong arms crept around him and knew he was in love — he always had been.

  “ ’Night, Hunter.”

  Landon was worried about Josh. “You okay?”

  “How could she? If she dated anyone else, I would be better with it, but Brody?” Josh shook his head. He had been crazy about Katarina Greco for years, but she refused to move him out of the ‘friends zone.’ Which left him watching her hang on to other guys — and not even decent ones.

  “I know, not to mention Katiana seeing Joe.” Landon sighed. “God, I hate that ass.”

  “I just want to shake her and scream at her.” Josh looked over at Landon, who had been pining after Katiana Russo for just as long. “I know you left so you wouldn’t have to see it all the time. Boy, do I understand it now.”

  “I’m sorry, Josh. I was a coward, couldn’t live with it anymore. And I left my best friend.”

  “I had Damon and Tanner, not to mention Colin, my wingman.” Josh winked.

  “I promise I will only do one more school year in New York and then I’ll come home for good.”

  “Don’t say that. You have friends there. I get it.”

  “My best friend is here, though.”

  “I’m the über best friend. I trump them all,” Josh declared smugly.

  “Yeah, you do.” Landon snuggled into him for warmth and Josh inhaled sharply.

  “Your feet are freezing!”

  “Be glad I’m not naked.” Landon waggled his eyebrows.

  “Oh, great.” Josh rolled his eyes.

  “Go to bed.”

  “ ’Night, Landon.” Josh sighed, pulling him closer.

  “ ’Night.”

  Conner was laughing at the look on Damon’s face. They were playing cards, and Conner had just beaten him for the fifth time in a row.

  “You cheat.” Damon narrowed his eyes at him.

  “Nope. Lessons from Uncle Brandon.”

  “That’s cheating.”

  “Whatever.” Conner settled on his back and looked at the top of the snow cave. They had a view of the sky from the small hole in the ceiling. “Wow. Look at all the colors.”

  “It’s beautiful. I wish Lily could see this,” Damon mused. “She always wanted to see it in person and not in pictures.” Lily Youngblood belonged to Heath and Caleb’s brood.

  “Still not giving you any time, huh?”

  “Nope. Treats me like a friend. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Welcome to my world. Juliet and I had that long-distance thing going on, and I told her not to feel as though she couldn’t see other people, and then, bam!” Conner couldn’t remember not being crazy about Juliet Costa, Lorenzo and Reece’s daughter.

  “Classic mistake. She thought that was your way of saying you didn’t want to date anymore and let you off the hook.”

  “Holy shit, really?” Conner sat up quickly and hit his head. “Ow.”

  “Oh, Conner, let wise, old, Damon fill you in on the rules of women.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “So are we.” Josh and Landon came over the radio.

  Connor rolled over and noticed the ‘talk’ button had been pressed on the radio.

  “Oh, God, it’s going to be a long night.” Damon sighed.

  Evan and Ryan couldn’t stop laughing while they listened to Damon tell the guys about girls. Evan settled back and put his hands under his head, and Ryan couldn’t help staring. Evan’s workouts were paying off. His biceps were getting bigger.

  Evan caught him looking. “What? I did what you told me to do.”

  “And it’s working.” Ryan got comfortable and pulled the sleeping bag over them.

  “There is a downside.”

  “Yeah? What?”

  “Girls.” Evan sighed. “I’m not only on the football team, but now I’m bulking up, and I’m getting noticed.” He paused. “And I am extremely entertaining.”

  “I’m sure they noticed you before.” Ryan let his eyes roam Evan’s body.

  “Whatever. I’m concentrating on my grades. It’s tough there. Jensen and I have, maybe, two classes together. And the homework is ridiculous.”

  “I wish you had gone to school with me. At least I’d have you there.” Ryan closed his eyes. Evan nestled into him and pulled him closer. “I miss you,” Ryan whispered. Evan and Jensen had decided on England for their boarding school location. Their parents had not been happy.

  “I miss you too.” Evan put his arms around him. God, he had missed him so much. “ ’Night Ryan.”

  “ ’Night, Evan.”

  Colin’s hand moved along his waist and Nikolai’s breath quickened. He pulled away slightly to see Colin’s face, and the urge to kiss him was overwhelming. He caressed Colin’s face, and leaned closer. Their lips met, and Colin’s eyes opened.


  “Oh, God. I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to —” Nikolai tried to pull away and Colin tugged him back.

  “Don’t stop.”

  Nikolai looked into his eyes and kissed him, earning a small whimper for his efforts. He parted Colin’s lips with his tongue and found a dancing partner with Colin’s.


  “Oh God, that’s sexy.” Nikolai got on top of him and deepened the kiss. Kissing Colin was like nothing he had ever felt before.

  Colin had moved his legs apart and Nikolai settled between them. He rocked his lower body across Colin’s, their breaths speeding up.

  “I want you.” Colin rasped.

  “Oh, God,” Nikolai murmured. “I’m coming.”


  Nikolai sat up quickly, dazed. “What?”

  “Are you okay? You were moaning.”

  “I was?” Nikolai looked around. Sunlight was filtering through the top of their shelter. He flopped back and closed his eyes. A dream. A fucking dream.

  Colin got an erection at the mere sight of Nikolai’s shirtless chest. He had to get out of there. “I have to pee.”

  Nikolai draped an arm across his eye
s and sighed. He wanted Colin; wanted to kiss him, feel his hands on him. He rubbed his erection and frowned. “I hate you.”

  Tanner was closely inspecting Nico’s hands and feet this morning. They looked fine, and Tanner pinched his big toe.

  “Hey!” Nico sat straight up and hit the top of the shelter. “Ow.”

  “Are you trying to put yourself in a coma?” He shifted to check the Nico’s head. “Now you’re going to have a bump there.”

  Nico realized Tanner was wearing boxers and nothing else. He covered his growing hard-on with the blanket. “Did you sleep well?”

  “I had a nice blanket.” Tanner ran his thumb across Nico’s lips. “You need ChapStick.”

  “Do you have some?” Nico couldn’t stop staring at his lips.

  “Yes. Do you want some?” He knew what he was saying. He wasn’t talking about the ChapStick either.

  “I think I need some.”

  Tanner was just about to jump him when the radio went off. He picked it up and sighed loudly. “Good morning, Dad.”

  “How did you know?” Damon Sr. laughed.

  “I just did.”

  “Okay. You guys have two hours to clean up your area and high tail your asses to the pickup point. We have breakfast waiting.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” Tanner put the radio down and asked, “Ready?”

  “I guess so.”

  They packed everything up, made sure the fire was out completely, and started their trek down the mountainside. Nico was using his walking stick to poke at the snow the whole way.

  “Making sure it’s rock and not snow?”

  “Yep. You heard the story?”

  “I think it’s Uncle Brett’s favorite. What would you do if I fell off the side of the mountain?” Tanner walked precariously close to the edge.

  “That’s not funny. Get back over here.” Nico stopped.

  “Would you go down with me?” Tanner stepped back and lost his footing. “Nico!”

  Nico flew forward and grabbed him around the waist, pulling him back. He held him tightly in his arms. “Don’t ever do that again! You can’t play with this kind of stuff, Tanner!” Tanner’s heart was racing and Nico softened. “I can’t lose you, Tanner. Not ever. Do you understand? I won’t survive it.”

  Tanner nuzzled Nico’s neck. “You do love me, don’t you?”

  Nico’s hand carded through Tanner’s hair, guiding his head back. Tanner closed his eyes and waited for their lips to touch.

  “There you guys are!” The rest of the guys had shown up.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Tanner sighed.

  Nico wanted to scream, but Tanner’s reaction made him smile. He took his hand and they walked over to the rest of the group.

  “So, how did it feel to be a Popsicle?” Colin teased.

  “How did it feel almost being a bear snack?” Nico asked.

  “Scared the shit out of me. Thank God for Nikolai.”

  “I get that a lot,” Nikolai deadpanned. Colin swatted him hard. “Ow! You know I’ll always have your back.” Nikolai ran his hand along Colin’s back.

  “Awww.” Damon threw his arms around their shoulders.

  “Get off of me!” Colin shrugged.

  “Well, good morning.” Vince suddenly appeared with the rest of the adults. “I see you all survived. Ready for breakfast?”

  “Yes, please!”

  They sat around the breakfast table at Roman and Brett’s cabin, talking about their adventure. Vince watched his son. He was truly built for this kind of life. Andrei squeezed his hand.

  “You are proud of him.”

  “Of course I am. He didn’t panic and he took the shot.”

  Lorenzo was on the phone. He hung up and rejoined everyone. “We have a problem, and we are needed immediately.” Lorenzo gestured to Tyler and to Greg Reynolds, Landon’s father with Jay Reynolds. “We will need you both, as well as any other snipers we can get.”

  “I’ll go.” Nico stood.

  “No!” Tanner pulled him back down.

  “I’ll be all right.”

  “I’ll have your rifle sent.” Lorenzo nodded at him. “We leave now.”

  “I’ll go too.” Young Stefan stood.

  “Stefan —” Heath started to speak.

  “I didn’t train to sit around, Dad,” Stefan interrupted.

  Jensen asked, “Why can’t we go?”

  “You are not trained in hand-to-hand combat yet,” Vince explained. “And you will need that where we are going.”

  “Nico, please don’t go,” Tanner implored.

  Andrei got nods from Mark and Chris. “We will stay here.”

  Vince almost sighed in relief, but caught himself. “Thank you, babe.”

  “Brett and I will go,” Reece offered. “Don’t fight me on it.”

  “I would not. I know better,” Lorenzo agreed. Lord knew they would probably need doctors at some point.

  Tanner watched Nico as he prepared to board the chopper. He was in full uniform, and Tanner knew it was a bad situation. “Promise me you’ll come back.”

  “I promise. I love you, Tanner.”

  “I love you.” Tanner flew at him, and Nico picked him up, holding him.

  “I’ll be back,” Nico whispered in his ear.

  Tanner watched him get on the chopper, and then turned to his dad. Tyler took his son’s face between his hands and kissed his cheek.

  “I love you. Be good, okay?” Tyler glanced at his husband, and they hugged tightly.

  “I love you, babe.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Tyler winked and turned to his other son.

  “ ’Bye, Dad.” Damon hugged him.

  The rest of the men said their goodbyes and then watched the chopper take off. Dylan held Ryan’s hand and tried to reassure him. Andrei reached out to Chris and they held hands. “I hope everything goes well.”

  “Me too.” Chris squeezed his hand.

  Things were not going well. Vince and Nico were trapped on a roof. The only thing separating them from the bad guys was a locked door, and the dirtbags were trying awfully hard to bang it down. Vince watched the rest of the team on the move and knew they were at least five minutes out.


  Nico smiled and pulled both knives out of his belt. “Rush them.”

  “Oh, I knew there was a reason we got along.” Vince winked. “On my mark.”

  They stood on either side of the door, and Vince nodded to Nico to unlock it. He smashed the lock and the door flew open. Nico was on them in a split second, and he made good use of both knives. Vince was impressed by the way he moved; Nico was just as vicious as he was.

  They had taken most of them out when another large man came through the door. A loud shot went off, and Vince shielded his eyes and looked around the surrounding buildings. Tyler waved at him.

  “Wow, that guy was huge.” Tyler chuckled into the radio.

  “Nice of you to join us.”

  “I like to make an entrance.”

  “Get off the roof,” Lorenzo ordered over the radio. “You are clear.”

  The rest of the day was spent dodging sniper rounds as they traveled through a series of small alleys. Lorenzo had stationed Tyler and Greg on rooftops on opposite sides of the street with the rest of the sniper teams. Nico got situated with his rifle when he was caught by surprise. The man had him from behind, but Nico twisted out of his grip. They circled each other and Nico smiled. “Big mistake.”

  A shot echoed, and hit Nico in the shoulder, knocking him on his ass. The man jumped on top of him, the knife coming closer and closer to him. Nico pushed his arm back harder. He planted his feet on the ground and bucked his hips, sending the man flying. He jumped on him, and finished him off. He scrambled for cover and got on the radio. “I’m hit!”

  “What?” Tyler’s panicked voice came through the radio.

  “In the shoulder.” Nico pulled off his shirt.

  “I’m on my way,” Reece’s voice came

  Lorenzo checked his men. “Give them cover, now.”

  “Oh, we’re on it.” Stefan came around the corner with Jordan.

  “Stefano?” Lorenzo was surprised.

  “One and the same, my friend.” Stefan grasped his shoulders.

  “You are covered in blood.” Lorenzo cocked an eyebrow.

  “Oh, it’s not mine, big guy.” Stefan winked. “Where’s my grandson?”

  “Hey, Grandpa.” Nico waved from his position.

  “On our way.” Jordan pulled his gun out. “Antonio and Marco are in the other structure.”

  Stefan and Jordan headed to Nico’s location, watching not only the street, but the buildings above. There were two men in front of the building Nico was on.

  “You got jackass one?” Stefan chuckled into the radio.

  Stefan smiled from his position. “Yeah, Grandpa. Just so you know, two more just went up.”

  “Ready?” Jordan waggled his eyebrows.

  “God, you are so sexy.”

  Nico marveled as he watched them. It never ceased to amaze him what his grandfathers were capable of when their loved ones were in trouble. His brother Stefan was a badass too; he took two out at once. A strong push knocked him onto his back. Once again he had a knife in his face.

  “Son of a bitch!” Nico growled. The pain in his shoulder was making it hard for him to fight back. Tanner’s face flashed in front of him.

  “Surprise, motherfucker!” Stefan had grabbed the guy from behind and dragged him off.

  Nico watched his grandfathers take out the men out who had snuck up on the roof. Reece had finally arrived, escorted by Mason and Dominic. Reece dropped down next to Nico and inspected him closely. “We need to get him out of here.”

  “What is it?” Stefan called out.

  “The bullet is still in there. We need a chopper.”

  “But I feel fine,” Nico protested.

  “Now, maybe. But we have no idea where the bullet is, and the more you move around, the more it does. That increases tissue damage.”

  Stefan called for the chopper. Tyler watched it land on the roof. He looked over at Roman and they both nodded. Justin was setting up the explosive charges on one side of the meeting place of the men they were there to wipe out, while Lorenzo did the other.