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The General's Lover
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The General’s Lover By: Sandrine Gasq-Dion Dedication: For my family My readers at LRO Jenjo, Jen and Kim Van, Eric and Jake
© Copyright 2011 PROLOGUE 4
September 11, 2005
“Well hell, have you ever seen so many suits in one room?” James looked over at his partner, Lucas. They were sitting at the bar, people watching. James was pointing out the gay men and Lucas was checking out the women. The party was not only for the remembrance of the September eleventh attacks, but he and Lucas were meeting their new liaison as well. The last one, Command Sergeant Major Fitzpatrick, was retiring. James couldn’t have been happier. The man hated gays.
Lucas slammed back his shot. “Yep, at the last Peacock party. Now wasn’t that one fun?” Lucas smiled wide. “Yeah, no.” James scowled. The dickhead Command Sergeant Asshole had told most of the room that James was gay. Not that he gave a shit, he’d come out a long time ago. Lucas had actually hit Command Sergeant Asshole and was suspended for a week. James had to smile at his partner; Lucas Cain didn’t give a shit about rules.
“Oh, Holy Mother Mary,” Lucas whispered under his breath. “Check out the woman who just walked in.” “Why on Earth would I check out a woman, Lucas? Have you slammed too many shots of scotch?”
“It’s the man she’s attached to, dipshit.” Lucas smiled and turned James’ face around.
James could have sworn he stopped breathing. The man who had just entered was an Adonis. His hair was so black it almost shone blue in the light. He had to be at least six foot four and, judging by his body in his dress blues, he was extremely muscular. “Oh. My. God.” James breathed.
Lucas chuckled softly. “I told you. Hey, he’s talking to our boss.”
James felt his heart hammering in his chest. The very tall, gorgeous Adonis was talking to the head of Homeland Security, and they were now looking his way. “Ohgodohgodohgod…” James gripped the bar as they started walking right towards him and Lucas.
“Don’t talk; I’ll do all the talking. You just stand there and look pretty, sweetheart.” Lucas said.
As they made their way closer, James got a good look at the man. He had an aristocratic face, strong jaw, square chin with a dimple and broad cheekbones. James’ eyes traveled further up and saw long, luxurious black lashes that fringed aquamarine eyes. And those aquamarine eyes were giving him the once-over. James froze in place.
“Ah, here they are. Major General Derek Jacobs, these are my finest men, Agents Lucas Cain and James Pruitt.” “It’s very nice to meet you both.” Derek shook Cain’s hand first and then his eyes settled on the man next to him. Good Lord. Arctic blue eyes were looking at him in awe. The caramel-colored hair was cut short, not buzz cut, but clean. The man, James, had perfect lips. Full bottom lip and not too full top, strong long nose and chiseled features. Jesus. He realized he was still shaking James’ hand and pulled his hand away slowly.
“So are you our new guy then?” Lucas tried to keep James upright; he was sliding down the bar staring at the new liaison. “I am the new guy.” Derek cracked a grin. “I heard what happened to Fitzpatrick.”
“Homophobic asshole,” Lucas sneered. “Oh, I’m sorry ma’am.” Lucas smiled at the woman on their new liaison’s arm. “Cynthia, why don’t you go find a higher ranking official and cozy up?” Derek smiled at his date.
Lucas raised his hand. “I’m a higher ranking official.”
“See, sweetie?” Derek pushed her into Lucas.
James watched as his wingman took off with Derek’s date, leaving him alone with the gorgeous man. “Do you always pawn off your girlfriends at functions?”
Derek waved the bartender over. “Give me whatever he’s drinking.” Derek unbuttoned his jacket and leaned against the bar. “She’s not really my girlfriend.” “She’s not?”
Derek shook his head. “Nope, escort.”
James’ mouth dropped open. “Why would you need an escort?”
Derek took the drink when the bartender came back and slammed it. He dropped the shot glass upside down and signaled for another. “Okay, first off, any woman I would bring to one of these would take it as a sign of something else. Whether it’s a commitment of some kind, or a promise of something more and I really don’t need that. I don’t want a girlfriend or a wife. I love my remote,” Derek chuckled. “Not only that, but God forbid you sleep with one of them and then it’s the why-didn’t-you-call-me routine. Then it’s that trap, the dependent ID card and the placard in the front of their car.” Derek sighed and took another shot. “I just don’t have the patience for women.”
“Yeah? Well men aren’t much different.”
“So it’s true, you really are gay.” Derek sat back and eyed James.
“Are you going to have a problem with that?” James crossed his arms and looked up at Derek defiantly.
Derek bit his bottom lip to try and hold back his laugh. His first thought was Mateo Esposito. When he was in Bosnia with his sniper unit, he and Mateo had gotten into a wrestling match. The question of whether Derek was gay was answered that day. “Nope, no problems from me.”
James scowled. “You say that now, but in a month from now you’ll be calling me a homo.”
Derek leaned forward and bent down to be at eye level with James Pruitt. “I will never call you a homo.” James blinked and then smiled. “Okay.”
Derek raised his shot glass. “To a long partnership.”
They spent most of the night at the bar drinking shot after shot. James could hold his liquor but after about fifteen shots of scotch, he was toast. Derek accompanied him back to his hotel and made sure he got to his room. James leaned back against the door and gave a lopsided smile.
“Don’t freak out or anything, but I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you.” James slurred.
Derek rested his hand on the wall by James’ head. “Why would I freak out? You complimented me; thank you very much.” James licked his lips and looked up to see Derek’s eyes gleaming under lowered lashes. “So, um, thanks for bringing me back.” “No problem, are you going to be okay?”
James’ liquid courage kicked in and he grabbed the front of Derek’s jacket pulling him in closer. They were mere inches apart when voices could be heard coming down the hallway. Derek stepped back from him and righted his uniform. “Oh God, I’m sorry.” James wanted to crawl in a hole and die. How embarrassing! Crap, shit, fuck.
“It’s okay, I’m just not - well, you know.” Derek tried to smile.
“Gay,” James nodded. “Yeah, I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again I promise. Are we…will we be okay?” “We’re fine, James.” Derek shook James’ hand. “I’ll see you at the first meeting.”
“Okay,” James nodded and opened his door; he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Derek smiling at him. “Goodnight, James Pruitt.”
“Goodnight, Major General Derek Jacobs.”
Derek laughed. “Derek is fine.”
Yes you are. “James will do, Derek.”
Chapter One
Somewhere in Afghanistan…
“Mom, I’m fine.” Derek sighed in frustration. Every time he’d been deployed, he’d had to deal with his mother. She made it a point to have every number he owned and called him at least once a day. “Well, darling, I am your mother. You can’t think I wouldn’t call you. How is the weather?”
Derek sat back and looked at the phone in his hand. He was in a combat zone and his mom wanted to know about the weather? “It’s gorgeous out, Mom; not a drop of humidity and the birds are singing.”
“Stop being sarcastic, Derek. I know I’m not allowed to ask anything else, such as, have you informed the person you are in love with that you are indeed in love with them?”
“Mom,” Derek had to smile; Victoria Jacobs knew better than to broadcast his sexual preferences over a telephone line. “No, I have not.” “You are going to lose the love of your life if you don’t do something about it, dear.”
“Yes, Mother.”
“You know I abhor when you call me Mother, Bradly.”
“I abhor when you call me Bradly.” Derek chuckled softly.
“It’s a family name, you’ll get over it. I’m warning you darling, if you wait much longer—”
“I know, Mom. Trust me, I know.”
“Your father, God rest his soul, would be shouting at you to be a man about this.”
“I am being a man, I’m just…I don’t know, Mom.”
“Oh stop blubbering! I raised a good boy, now get off your butt and grab love with both hands!”
“Jesus, Mom.” Derek laughed.
“I must go darling; the book club members are here. I love you Derek, be careful.”
“Love you too, Mom.”
The connection broke and Derek sighed and threw a dart at the door. He was back in the sand box and hating every moment. The time difference was making it hard for him to get a hold of James, and after their encounter at Denali recently he really wanted to talk to him. He’d finally put in his paperwork for retirement and was ready to run the team fulltime. He’d fucked up colossally this time with James. He’d lost control in Denali and touched him and then backed off.
Derek ran
his hands over his face and sat back in his chair staring at the ceiling. Why couldn’t he just say what he wanted to say? That after six years he’d fallen in love with James and wanted to be with him. Derek got up and walked to the window. The sun was just coming up on the horizon. Soldiers were starting their morning routine and he would be out there with them today. He was going to be forty-three and had never gotten married. Not that he looked his age. Great genetics from his mother ensured he looked thirty-three. He didn’t even have a grey hair, which was almost impossible given his job. He supposedly looked just like his father, although he’d never known the man. He’d died before he was born. He’d seen pictures of Derek Bradly Jacobs; they both had the same color eyes and hair, but Derek knew he took after his mother as well.
She’d raised him all on her own. His grandparents felt she’d married beneath her when she married an Army man and had cut her off. He didn’t even know his grandparents; never met them, never wanted to. He’d come out to his mother a few years ago and had been shocked when she’d already known. The fact that he’d never married and never brought a woman home was apparently a big clue. Then, he’d told her about James.
Derek smiled and closed his eyes thinking about James again. He’d known James had a thing for him from their first meeting and he couldn’t deny he’d found James gorgeous.
Derek picked up the phone and dialed James’ home number. It rang four times before it was picked up by an obviously sleepy James. “Hello?”
“Hey, James, did I wake you?” Derek sat back down and looked at his papers.
“Not really,” James yawned and stretched his legs out in bed. “I was just lying here, kinda not watching TV.” “Are you watching TV Land again?” Derek chuckled softly.
“I like Betty White; she puts you guys to shame with her wit.”
“I know, I watched it the other night. You were right, it is funny.”
James sat up in bed. “You actually did what I asked you to do?”
“Don’t sound so surprised, I’ve done a lot of things you’ve recommended.”
James smiled to himself. “What else have you done?”
Derek’s spine tingled at James’ sexy tone of voice. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” James lay back and spread his legs. “Right now, I’m holding something in my hand.”
Derek’s mind was in the bed with James now. “Oh?” Derek swallowed hard and felt his dick hardening.
“Mmm hmm, I’m running my thumb over something.” James tried hard not to giggle as his finger pushed the ‘down’ button on the remote.
Derek actually felt the sweat running down his back. He’d never been this turned on before and James had never talked to him like this. “Yeah?” “Oh yessss.” James put his hand over his mouth to stop from laughing. Derek’s breathing had gotten much quicker. Derek righted his erection and right then realized he was on an unsecured line. “Shit, James, I’m not on the other phone.” “Well, I was just fingering the remote,” James chuckled softly.
“Ass,” Derek sighed and found himself laughing.
“Where was your filthy mind?” James smiled and lay back in bed. His dick was rock hard and he wrapped his hand around it. “I…well I was…”
“Oh, quit,” James laughed. “Are you okay? Any close calls?”
Derek had to smile; James always asked him the same thing every time he called him. The fact that James had been in the Army before he left for the FBI made it hard for Derek to lie about the goings on. “Nothing we couldn’t take care of.” “Okay, I get it.” James smiled. He needed to remind himself of OPSEC, no discussing missions or attacks. “So, a month left, huh?” “Yes, I thought maybe,” Derek closed his eyes and blurted it out. “I thought we could go to Washington and fish.” James almost fell off the bed in surprise. “Really?”
“Well if you want to. We could go somewhere else if you want.”
“No, Washington’s perfect, Derek.” James gripped the phone tighter. “Thank you for inviting me.”
Derek looked at the phone and wondered how much he could get away with. “It’s no problem. I’d really like to spend some time with you.” The line got very quiet and Derek was afraid they’d been disconnected. “James?” “I’m here,” James took a deep breath. “Okay, so when is this little vacation taking place?”
“Well, I’m home next month. So let’s say August? Would that be okay?”
“Sure, I’ll clear my schedule.” James had the urge to jump up and down on his bed; he stifled it and kept his voice even. “So I’ll see you then?” “Yes, you will.” Derek knew he was smiling from ear to ear. “I’ll call you soon, take care James.”
“You too. Bye Derek.”
James hung up the phone and let out a loud whoop. He was going to be alone with General Derek Jacobs. A vacation six years in the making. James looked at the phone, he wanted to call someone and scream it. He picked up the phone and prayed the right person would answer. It rang twice before it was picked up and James let out a sigh of relief when Riley’s voice came over the line.
“Morning, James,” Riley giggled.
“Caller ID,” James sighed. “I should have blocked my number.”
“Now where is the fun in that?” Riley laughed. “What’s up, James? You sound like you just got a free subscription to an all-male porn site.”
“Very funny.” James sat back and looked at the ceiling. “You busy this morning? Can we have breakfast?” “Sure, you want to come here?” Riley pushed Mateo over in the bed and giggled when he got a finger up his butt. “Stop that,” Riley whispered. “Um, is it just going to be you?”
“Yes, Mateo’s going to the range today.” Riley laughed when Mateo pinned him to the bed and licked his chest in one long swipe. “Okay, I can be there in about an hour. That should give you and Mateo time to fuck the shit out of each other,” James chuckled. “Takes longer than that, James,” Mateo snickered. “I can hear you.”
“Yeah, TMI Mateo.” James sighed. “I’ll see you soon, Riley.”
“Okay James, bye.” Riley hung up and smacked Mateo’s ass. “Listen here sex fiend…”
“Sex fiend?” Mateo bit Riley’s lip.
Riley took Mateo’s face in his hands and smiled at his husband. “Lord, you are drop dead sexy.”
“Okay, see now I want to have sex with you.” Mateo licked Riley’s lips. “But, I don’t like to be rushed, so let’s make a date for tonight.” “I’ll put it in my appointment book.” Riley laughed and squealed when Mateo bit his ass. “Hey!”
“Love you, sexy.” Mateo got up and sauntered into the bathroom naked.
“I love you, too.”
After a long, hot shower that consisted of him jacking off to a vision of Derek, James got dressed and looked at his answering machine. It was blinking and James had an idea of who’d called. He pushed the button and sure enough, his mother’s voice filled the room. “James, your father and I are worried about you. We haven’t heard from you in over two weeks, could you please call us and let us know you’re alive? We hope to see you soon.” James pushed the ‘delete’ button and ran a hand through his hair. He’d have to deal with them sooner or later. He knew what the conversation would be about. He was going to be thirty-eight, he had no boyfriend and grandkids were not popping out of a surrogate. James grabbed his keys and wallet and left the house. The heat hit and James cursed under his breath; it was over a hundred degrees and his car was black. James sighed and climbed into his Chevy Camaro. At least it was a convertible.
James pulled onto I-10 and headed for Riley and Mateo’s. The two of them were a perfect match. Mateo was an asshole and Riley was a sweetheart. It was comical watching Mateo give in to Riley’s pout. He envied them sometimes. Riley had come out of the closet for Mateo and now they were married and planning for kids.
James sighed and thought about Derek. Six years and they hadn’t even kissed. He’d been holding onto a fantasy that someday Derek would make a move. And it seemed as if the day was finally here. Derek had invited him out to Washington to go fishing. The night they’d met he’d stupidly tried to kiss Derek and Derek had said he wasn’t gay. But looking back on that night, Derek hadn’t really come out and said it at all. James had said it for him, and in the six years they’d been friends that night had never come back up.