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Betrayed Page 8

  “Why?” Jude whispered.

  “I didn’t want to do it,

  believe me.”

  “Scott survived,” Jude blurted it out.

  Stuart started in the chair. “What? How? We assumed he died.”

  “You know what they say about assuming. You tell, I tell.” Jude closed his eyes, calling for Wayne.

  “What is it? Are you all right?”

  “Tell Derek to get his mom out of Washington now.”

  Stuart studied Jude’s face. “Are you all right? You really should eat.”

  “So, if you could leave and there was a cure, would you?”

  Stuart shook his head sadly. “I am what I am, there is no coming back.”

  “I hope for your sake, there is, because when my merry band of killers come…”

  Stuart crossed his arms. “You’re so sure they are coming. Why?”

  Jude leaned forward with a wide smile.

  “What secret aren’t you telling?” Stuart felt his brow begin to bead with sweat.

  “Logan will come for

  Chance. That is a given.”

  “MacLeod? They aren’t mated are they?”

  Jude shook his head. “No, but Logan loves Chance, and he will do anything to get him back.”

  “Pierce will kill Logan before he even gets within inches of Chance.”

  “Here’s a secret for you Stuart.” Jude moved closer to the bars with a wicked smile. “Logan MacLeod will kill everyone he comes into contact with to get to Chance. If you are in his way, I can’t protect you.”

  “Why would you anyway?”

  Jude tilted his head,

  regarding Stuart. “I see something good in you.”

  Stuart stood up, pushing the chair back against the wall. “You’re wrong. Any redeeming quality I had left when I killed those animals. I’ll be back, Jude. Eat your food before it gets cold.”

  Jude waited until the door shut before closing his eyes again. This time Scott was screaming at him.

  “Don’t ever shut your mind off again!” Scott shouted.

  “I had to. Where are you guys?”

  “Landing in Tucson. Is Chance all right?”

  “So far, yes.”

  “Sit tight, we’ll find you.”

  Jude looked around his cell. “Yeah, not going to be a



  Chance looked around the room. Well, cave room. It was crude and bare, dirt on the floor with a cot in the corner. Pierce had blindfolded him before they had left the other room. Chance hadn’t a clue as to why, he’d never set foot in the caves of Arizona. He hadn’t been ‘allowed’ to hunt rogues. Pierce was grabbing a bottle of water from the small battery-run fridge in the corner.

  “So, is there a bathroom?” Chance asked.

  Pierce closed the fridge door and turned to face Chance. Jesus, the kid was annoying; he was going to have to suck it up.

  “There is an area we have set aside for that purpose. Why? Do you need to go?”

  “Not yet,” Chance walked around the room. “Why do you live here if you’re not a rogue?”

  Pierce sighed in

  exasperation. “Did you not hear a word I said? You’re friends want me dead. They think I’m a rogue. It’s called preservation, Chance.” Pierce crossed the small space and took Chance in his arms. “I’ve missed you, how ’bout we don’t talk?” Pierce closed the distance between their lips and took

  Chance’s mouth in a rough kiss. Chance’s lips were stiff and unyielding; Pierce pulled him even closer, prying open the younger man’s mouth with his tongue. After a few seconds, it was obvious to Pierce that Chance was not going to reciprocate the kiss. He pulled away and regarded Chance.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Chance wiped his mouth off and stepped back. “I…I don’t know…”

  Pierce stepped forward, taking Chance’s hand. “Don’t you want me anymore?” Pierce pulled Chance to him again. Nuzzling his ear, he whispered. “Remember the first night we made love? You were so open, so giving, and then I bit you, marked you and made you mine. Don’t you want that again?” Pierce slid his hands down

  Chance’s back into the waistband of his jeans and fingered Chance’s hole.

  Chance moved back, putting his hand on Pierce’s chest. “Things have changed. Look, you may not be a rogue, but I…I care about Logan.”

  “He’s not your mate, who gives a shit!” Pierce snarled. “You are mine, Chance.” Pierce grabbed the front of Chance’s jeans,

  gripping his cock. “You are mine,” Pierce growled, unbuttoning Chance’s jeans and sliding a hand inside his boxers. Chance’s dick was flaccid. “What the hell?” Pierce growled.

  “Let go!” Chance shouted. Chance’s eyes went wide as Pierce flew across the room. Pierce landed on his ass, looking up wide eyed in disbelief.

  “Seems as if your powers have gotten stronger,” Pierce stood up and wiped off his jeans. “Much stronger.”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Chance whispered.

  “I think you need some time to yourself,” Pierce straightened his shirt. Turning his back to Chance, he said. “Maybe later we can try again.”

  Pierce left the room before he really lost his temper. He walked down the maze of tunnels which were marked with a number and an explanation as to where each tunnel led. Pierce took the tunnel marked “Kitchen.” After a few minutes, he emerged into one of the more cavernous rooms. Sunlight streamed through the opening at the top. Along one wall were propane stoves. They’d bought a generator a while back and it kept the two small

  refrigerators operating. Pierce took the coffee pot and poured himself a cup. Flopping into one of the chairs at the card table, he rubbed his eyes and removed his contacts.

  “So, I take it you didn’t get into his pants?”

  Pierce looked up and

  narrowed his eyes at Stuart. “Shut up.”

  “Maybe you should try wooing him? I’m going to guess that you went your normal route and tried to force him.”

  “I don’t have time for

  flowers and candy,” Pierce


  “He’ll never let you fuck him by force,” Stuart poured his own cup of coffee.

  “What do you suggest then, Stuart? That I proclaim my undying love and hope he lets me in his pants? I have to bite him - and soon.”

  Stuart eyed Pierce’s clothing. “What happened?”

  “My little warlock threw me across the room with his mind.”

  Stuart’s mouth dropped open. “He’s getting stronger.”

  “Ya don’t say?” Pierce said drily.

  “It’s because of Logan, you know,” Stuart said, taking the seat across from Pierce.

  Pierce balled his fists. “That piece of shit! How many of our guys has he killed? Fifty? More? I want that fucker dead!”

  Stuart pushed his chair back a bit; he did not want to be on the receiving end of Pierce’s anger this morning. Petey and Carl walked into the kitchen area and Stuart took his cue to leave.

  “I’ll be with Jude, if anyone needs me.”

  Pierce eyed Petey and Carl. “I’m fucking horny, which one of you wants to get fucked?”

  Carl smiled, unbuttoning his pants. “You know I like it rough, boss.”

  Pierce licked his lips. “Come here.”


  The van bumped along the desert, miles of open area and they had no clue where to start. James looked over the map of the area. Most of the men wore their roguefighting uniform, including the antibite gloves. Logan looked out the window of the van. He’d spoken to Chance, making sure he was all right. His heart ached at the thought of Chance being hurt. Chance was still insisting Pierce wasn’t a rogue. Logan didn’t know how to make the younger man understand the danger he was facing. He just hoped they’d get there on time. The van stopped and Derek got out, unfolding a map.

  “Okay, this is where Roy said they were working on their long-term facility.
Thank God at least one captured rogue provided usable information. Teams of two, spread out, keep in touch at all times.”

  Logan grabbed his long sword and stood with Ross. “We’ll take the east side.”

  James nodded. “I’ll be manning the radios with Derek; anything comes up, report it


  Hayden clapped his hands together. “Let’s move it.” Noah grabbed Hayden’s shirt. “Are you sure you should be here?”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Hayden growled.

  “You are way too close to this.”

  Hayden pulled himself to his full height and invaded Noah’s space. “I am your fucking beta, don’t question me again.”

  “I’m just saying—”

  “Don’t. I know what to do, Noah.”


  Logan ran with Ross right on his heels, their noses working overtime. Their gear and clothing was strapped to their backs as they ran in wolf form over the harsh desert floor. It seemed as if hours had gone by when the smell of bacon wafted up his nostrils and Logan came to a sliding stop.

  “Do you smell that?” Logan tilted his head at Ross.

  “Bacon and sausage? They can’t be that stupid, can they?”

  “They can if they think Roy is dead and no one is looking around here for them,” Logan trotted off towards the smell, which was getting stronger the further east he went. “I think we’ve found the mouth of one entrance.” Logan shifted back to his human form and surveyed the large rock formation in front of him. “Help me with this,”

  Ross shifted, dressing

  quickly. He stood with Logan and pushed the massive rock to the side. A small opening was behind it.

  “We’ve got a way in,” Logan spoke into his radio.

  “Good, report back ASAP if you find anything,” James replied.

  Logan shifted his eyes and waited for them to adjust to the darkness. A series of tunnels branched out from the cave they stood in. All numbered. Logan shot a glance at Ross. “Flip a coin?”

  “No, we’ll take the first one; hopefully it will join up with more.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  ~~ Stuart brought coffee and a plate of food to Jude. He sat down in the chair and regarded the

  werewolf in the corner. Jude Brooks had the most arresting eyes, a violet color. He’d never seen eyes that color. Clearing his throat, Stuart waited for Jude to acknowledge his presence. Jude sat back, sipping his coffee with a look of utter relaxation.

  “They are on their way, aren’t they?” Stuart asked, his throat constricting as a smile lifted Jude Brooks’ lips.

  “How many?” Stuart


  “All of them.” Jude stood up and walked to the bars of the cell. “Help me; I swear I’ll tell them you did all you could.”

  Stuart opened his mouth to speak when a loud growl

  reverberated through the caves. Rocks fell from the walls and the room’s floor shook, causing large cracks to form. Jude cocked his head to the side.

  “That would be Wayne.”

  Stuart searched his pockets, coming up empty. “Shit.”

  “What?” Jude straightened up.

  “The keys! Pierce has the keys!” Stuart gripped the bars.

  Jude used his strength and tried to move the bars, nothing happened.

  “What the hell?”

  “They are specially made,” Stuart looked around the room in a panic. “I have to go find Pierce and get the keys somehow.” Stuart turned his attention back to Jude. “I’ll get you out; I’ll find a way.”

  Jude grabbed Stuart’s hand. “Don’t. If you go out there they won’t know the difference. A rogue is a rogue, Stuart. They will kill you on sight.”

  “Pierce might act irrationally and just kill you because he knows what’s coming. I can’t take that chance; God knows you haven’t done anything to me.” Stuart ran for the door. “I’ll be back.”

  Stuart ran into the tunnels and found most of the rogues in wolf form, snarling and getting ready to defend their territory. He ran past a large group of them and made his way back towards the kitchen. The tunnel seemed to get longer and more loud growls shook the walls, sending dirt and rock on top of him. Stuart turned the next corner and ran straight into a wall. A wall that was a man. He recoiled and sprang backwards. Looking up, his eyes went wide as the man stood with two long swords in his hands. The eyes were narrowed and bright blue, even in the dark. Stuart put his hands up, as the man raised the swords towards him. Out of his peripheral vision, he saw two rogues sneaking up on the man.

  “NO!” Stuart shouted,

  pushing the man to the side.

  ~~ Ross recovered and swung the swords behind him, clipping one of the rogue’s legs. The other one ran in the opposite direction. The remaining rogue back-pedaled with his injured leg. Ross swung the sword, decapitating it. He wiped his blade off and turned back to see where the man had gone who had pushed him out of the way. To his surprise, the man was still standing there, a

  dumbstruck look on his face. And what a face it was. Ross realized he was just standing there, staring at the man.

  “Please don’t kill me,” Stuart whispered.

  Ross’ brows shot up in surprise.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Stuart said. “Jude is in a cell,”

  Ross tilted his head to the side. “Why should I trust you?”

  Stuart frowned. “I just

  alerted you to the idiots sneaking up on you.”

  “Could be part of your plan.”

  Stuart sighed in frustration. “Do I look like I’ve had time to formulate a plan?”

  Ross lowered his swords. “Lead the way.”

  Stuart glanced at the long swords in each of the man’s hands. “If it’s all right, I would rather not walk in front of you with those things.” Stuart watched the look of disbelief cross the man’s features. “You don’t trust me, why should I trust you?”

  Another growl tore through the caves and the unmistakable sounds of death flooded the

  tunnels. Ross grinned.

  “Looks like you don’t have a choice.”

  “Fucking traitor!” A rogue sprung from the side and landed on Stuart, his canines trying to rip into the soft flesh of his neck.

  Stuart tried to protect his neck, and then the weight of the rogue was gone. Stuart opened his eyes to see the man he’d protected holding the rogue up by the scruff of his neck. He scrambled

  backwards as the man sliced through its neck, throwing his head off to the side.

  Ross put his hand out to the man on the floor. “Come on.”

  Stuart hesitantly grasped the extended hand in front of him. It was warm, and he was pulled to his feet in seconds. Righting his clothing, he looked up at the much taller man.

  “Thank you. I suggest that we make our way further into the tunnels before more of my socalled brethren appear.”

  Ross blinked in astonishment. He’d never heard a rogue speak so eloquently. This man was no regular rogue. “You’re welcome. Which way is Jude?”

  “This way,” Stuart motioned to the right.

  Ross whistled softly and waited. Logan appeared in minutes.

  “What the hell?” Logan said, eyeing the man next to Ross.

  Ross turned his attention back to the man. “Where’s


  “Pierce’s private room, it’s in tunnel five,” Stuart said quickly.

  Logan took a closer look. “Stuart Macavoie.”

  “We don’t have time for ‘meet the rogues.’” Ross signaled down the hall. “I’m going to radio Hayden and Noah, go get Chance.” Ross turned back to Stuart. “How many of you are in here?”

  Stuart did a mental count in his head. “I don’t know all of them by name, but at least fifty.”

  Logan got on his radio. “Keep some men up top in case we have runners. Ross and I have Stuart Macavoie with us and he’s helping.”

  “Roger that,” D
erek replied. “Everyone hear that?”

  “Got it,” Hayden said. “Noah and I are running into resistance.”

  James eyed the remaining men up top. “Preston, take Wesley and Tucker down below.”

  “What?!” Wyatt stepped forward.

  “Wyatt,” Preston took his husband aside. “I’m ready for this, I’ve trained—”

  “You better come back to me,” Wyatt growled.

  “You got it.”

  Wesley crossed his arms, waiting for Kurt’s protests. They didn’t come. “So, you’re okay with this?”

  Kurt put his arms around Wesley. “I know how much of a badass you are, babe. I’ll be up here, killing the ones that try to get away.” Kurt smiled, kissing Wesley’s lips.

  “Same here,” Austin nodded. “Go, kick some ass, babe.” Austin smacked Tucker’s ass.

  Vince and Devin stood with Nikolai around James and Derek, on guard. James sighed in

  frustration, looking at his husband.

  “I’m starting to feel


  “No shit,” Derek ran a hand through his hair.

  ~~ Hayden ran down a long tunnel adjusting his eyes as he did. There were rogues up ahead, quite a few. Pierce had gotten his lackeys to do his dirty work once again. Footsteps echoed behind him and he turned to see Preston with Tucker and Wesley. He looked them over carefully. Although they’d been trained, it would be their first fight in tight quarters. Hayden smiled at the trio carrying long swords.

  “Ready?” Hayden asked. Preston nodded, flipping his sword. “Lead the way.”

  “Tucker, you and Wesley wait a few seconds behind us. Let them think it’s just me and


  “Got it,” Tucker said.

  Preston readied his sword and waited for Hayden’s signal. The rogues were patrolling one of the tunnel entrances. Hayden ran forward and Preston flanked him. They emerged into the semi-dark cave and started swinging. Preston flipped the sword and swiped it cleanly through a rogue neck. He switched hands and crouched into attack position. His eyes went wide at the rogue standing by the far wall. A flash of memory lit behind his eyes - teeth, claws, screaming and crying came to the forefront.

  “You sick son of a bitch!” Preston hissed.

  Brian grinned. “Well now, Greg, lookie what we have here.”