Half Moon Rising Page 6
“Hey, are you almost done in there? I could piss outside, but it’s still a little cold out there.”
“Yeah, hang on, I’m coming.” Sawyer rolled his eyes. Really? Not, I’ll be right out? He dried off quickly and put his clean underwear and jeans on, opening the door. Troy stood in black briefs and that was all. Oh, God help me.
“Hey, I made coffee, I hope that’s ok.” Troy looked Sawyer over and felt himself licking his lips. Small beads of water flowed down his chest across his nipples, running south and disappearing into his jeans. “So yeah, I figured we could work half the day then go play pool?”
“Sounds good, are you hungry? I can make us something to eat.” Sawyer watched as Troy went into the bathroom; Troy turned in the doorway and smiled.
“Come here.” Troy leaned over and kissed him softly, tasting a hint of toothpaste on his lips. “Morning, Handsome.”
“Uh huh,” Sawyer looked into very lustful eyes and shook his head, clearing his vision. “So um, you go ahead and do what you do, and I’ll make breakfast.” Sawyer almost ran to the kitchen. Jesus, the things he wanted to try with Troy, on Troy. Sawyer let out a giggle and started pulling things out for breakfast. Eggs, bacon and sausage were in the pan cooking and Sawyer popped bread into the toaster. He could hear Troy in the bathroom and he tilted his head trying to hear what he was saying. Werewolves had excellent hearing and Sawyer could make out Troy talking to himself. Or maybe he was talking to his dick, because he kept saying. “Behave.” Sawyer giggled again and flipped the eggs. Troy came out a few minutes later dressed in jeans with a crisp clean white t-shirt on. Sawyer almost dropped the eggs on the floor. Every muscle on that perfect body was outlined through the fabric.
“You okay?” Troy took the spatula from Sawyer and put it back over the frying pan. “I like my eggs dirt free. Not that your floor is dirty.” Troy could have slapped himself, why was he always saying something stupid? “I’m sure you clean all the time.”
“Troy.” Sawyer smiled, taking his hand and pulling him closer.
“Yes.” Troy couldn’t stop looking at Sawyer’s lips. His bottom lip was perfect for nibbling on, nice and plump. He just wanted to lick them and then suck on them and maybe do some other stuff. Oh lord, stop it.
“I don’t know which one of us is more nervous.” Sawyer’s hand played with the hem of Troy’s shirt, and he pulled it up just high enough to see the soft patch of hair below his naval. His finger’s played in the hair and he ran his fingers across the waistband of the jeans. “God, you are so beautiful Troy.” Sawyer looked up to see Troy’s eyes closed. He ran his hand under the shirt and made his way up to his heart, feeling the strong muscle under his hand.
Troy opened his eyes to see Sawyer staring at his hand under the shirt. “You make my heart pound.” Troy pulled Sawyer’s face up with his fingertips. “You are beautiful.” Troy watched Sawyer’s tongue come out to moisten his lips and he lost it, leaning down to take possession of his mouth. He kept the kiss soft and waited for Sawyer to take the lead. And take the lead he did. Troy was up against the counter as Sawyer literally climbed up him, using his tongue to thrust, diving in and moaning into his mouth. Troy’s hands went instinctively to Sawyer’s ass, gripping it. Things were getting out of hand fast and Troy smelled something burning. He broke from the kiss, breathing hard. “Wait.”
Sawyer pulled away, looking at the smoke in the kitchen. “Crap, the sausages.” Sawyer climbed down Troy and pulled the pan off the stove, fanning the air with his hand. “Shoot, can you open the window, please?”
“Yeah, I need air.” Troy made it to the window on wobbly legs and opened it. He smelled clean ocean air and closed his eyes, letting his senses take it in. His dick was so hard it was cutting a hole in his thigh. Could you die from blue balls?
Sawyer tried to stay in the kitchen. Even through the smoke and smell of burnt food, he could smell his mates arousal. He grabbed his construction plans and made his way over to Troy, pulling him by his belt loop. “Come on, we can eat at Nadine’s.”
John watched his son over the top of his morning newspaper; Sawyer and Troy were sneaking glances at each other every chance they got. It had been a week since Troy had arrived on the reservation and he’d never seen his son so happy. Sawyer had finally found his mate. Troy Bishop was a good man. He had respect for the elders and didn’t bullshit; he was straight forward. What you saw was what you got. John just hoped Troy would understand when he saw what Sawyer was. The way Troy was looking at his son, he was already well on his way to being in love. John had to smile. Troy was still working on the deck with Xander and Grayson while Sawyer was at work. It was sweet that he was trying to finish something for Sawyer. “So you two are working more on the deck today?”
“Yep, got the posts up and most of the deck put together; it maybe another day or so before we finish.” Sawyer shoveled hash browns into his mouth smiling. “Troy did a lot of work yesterday with Grayson and Xander.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, honey.” Nadine smacked Sawyer upside the head. She eyed Troy as he looked at Sawyer with a look of lust. “Troy?”
“Yes Ma’am’.” Troy turned his attentions to Nadine and smiled. She always looked at him the same way, like he was five all over again and needed a hug.
“I hope you boys aren’t working too hard, maybe you should go out on the town?” Nadine smiled when Sawyer blushed.
“Sawyer and I were talking about playing a game of pool tonight.” Troy wiped his mouth and downed his coffee. “We need to get to work though if we’re going to have fun time.” Troy stood and kissed Nadine’s cheek. “Thanks for breakfast, Ma.”
“You are always welcome here; you know I’m cooking twenty four hours a day.” Nadine smiled as Sawyer kissed his cheek and left with Troy. John was suspiciously quiet behind his paper and Nadine pulled it down. “What are you up to?”
John stood up and fixed his belt. “I’m off to patrol, tell Joe I said to meet me on the north shore, please.”
Nadine sat back with her coffee and smiled to herself as Wyatt ran through the doggie door with Rocky. Wyatt slid to a stop and padded over to the table, sitting on his haunches and looking at Nadine. “I’m not feeding you until you shift.”
Sawyer’s muscles ached all over, everything hurt. They had constructed a pulley to get the finished deck up and settled over the frame. It was twenty feet from the deck to the ground below and Troy was on the roof of the house. They covered everything in plastic for the day and Troy came down the side of the house. Sawyer was putting all the equipment away as he felt Troy’s arms come around his waist. He pushed his ass into Troy’s cock and smiled at the sharp intake of breath.
“We’ll never get cleaned up if you keep teasing me.” Troy ran his tongue down Sawyer’s sweaty neck, flicking the rapid pulse. Salt and the unique taste of Sawyer hit his taste buds, making him groan.
“Well, let’s go shower.” Sawyer laughed as Troy pulled him back into his cock.
“We could shower together, conserve water and electricity.” His hands slid up Sawyer’s sweaty chest and he ran his fingers over his sensitive nipples.
Sawyer rest his head on Troy’s shoulder, loving the feel of the man’s hands on him. He didn’t know if he could behave in the shower. God knows his teeth might pop out. “I don’t know, Troy.”
Troy smiled and kissed Sawyer’s shoulder. “I was kidding; I’ll let you go first.” Troy pulled Sawyer by his back pocket towards the house.
They arrived at the Beaver Bar by seven and Troy looked around the joint. Biker bar for sure. Guys dressed in leather jackets stood around swigging beer and smoking. Sawyer went to the nearest table and put his money on the side, securing the table when the guys were done. They sat at the bar and Troy ordered a beer. Sawyer got carder and handed the guy his ID. Troy stifled a laugh and Sawyer gave him the evil eye. Two beers later, their pool table became available and Troy headed to the
bathroom while Sawyer went to rack the balls. The cue ball smacked the side and Sawyer looked up to see two guys smiling at him.
“This is our table, Cochise.” One of the men said.
Sawyer rolled his eyes. “Really? That’s the best you can come up with?” Sawyer went and grabbed a pool stick and made his way back over, pulling the money out of the side. “Money’s here, my table.” Sawyer leaned over to grab the cue ball and one of them grabbed his wrist, gripping it hard enough to hurt.
“I said.” The man leaned in close. “It’s our table.”
The next thing Sawyer knew, the guy was face down on the table, hand behind his back, wrist bent at an awkward angle. Troy was leaned over him.
“Touch him again and I’ll break every damn bone in your hand and make my way up.” Troy caught the other guy coming closer and smiled. “I’ll take you out with my other hand so fast you’ll wonder what happened, asshole.” Troy eased up on dick head number one. “Now, I’m going to let you go and you will leave with your buddy.” Troy looked Sawyer over. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine.” Sawyer said.
Sawyer watched the two men leaving, glancing back to make sure Troy wasn’t following them out. Sawyer sat on the stool looking at Troy; he hadn’t even broken a sweat. Damn, that was sexy as all hell. Troy took Sawyer’s wrist and looked it over carefully. The look in his eyes was concerned, but there was a hint of something else too. Troy looked scared.
“What is it?” Sawyer pulled Troy’s face up, he could see fear in them. “I’m okay, really I am.” Sawyer was pulled into Troy’s arms. He wrapped his arms around him; it hit him then, what Troy was afraid of. He’d lost both parents in a random act of violence. “Hey, nothing’s going to happen to me, okay? I’m actually a lot tougher than I look.” I’ve got huge fucking fangs and I could have taken them both out. Sawyer almost giggled at the thought, but he held Troy and fought the urge. “Let’s play pool, okay?”
The more games they played, the more Sawyer beat Troy. It wasn’t that Troy couldn’t play; he just didn’t play as well. Sawyer couldn’t help but smile as he sank shot after shot, leaving Troy to stand around and twiddle his thumbs. Okay, so he hadn’t been completely honest about his pool playing abilities. Sawyer smiled as he called the left hand corner pocket and sunk in the eight ball.
“You hustled me.” Troy crossed his arms, looking at Sawyer with a scowl.
“No, hustling means I lose a few games then beat you, I just beat you. That would simply make me a liar.” Sawyer laughed and took a swig of his beer. The scent of another werewolf invaded his senses and Sawyer scanned the bar. He could swear it was Nick’s scent, but Nick was nowhere to be found.
“Hey, are you alright?” Troy looked around the bar to see what Sawyer was looking for. “What is it?”
Sawyer shook his head clear, attempting to smile. “It’s nothing, we should get going though. We have another long day of work ahead of us.” Sawyer paid the tab and they made their way out to the parking lot. Nick’s scent was stronger out here and Sawyer followed it to where it was the strongest, mainly Troy’s truck. “Oh no.” Someone had keyed Troy’s truck, from the front end to the tailgate.
“What the fuck?” Troy leaned over, looking at the trail of missing paint down the side of his truck. His brand new truck. “Son of a bitch. I bet it was those guys I fucked with.” Troy ran a hand through his hair; thank God he’d remembered to get full coverage on the truck.
“Maybe.” Sawyer smelled the air. More than one person had been out this way, besides Nick. In fact, he was picking up quite a few. Sawyer hoped Nick wasn’t behind this; it wasn’t like Nick to act like that. “Let’s just go, okay?”
By the time they got back to the reservation, it was almost midnight. Troy hadn’t said a word in the truck the whole way back and Sawyer was starting to worry if Troy was angry with him. They pulled up in front of Sawyer’s house and Sawyer took Troy’s hand. “I’m sorry about your truck, Troy.”
“Hey it’s okay, that’s what full coverage is for. Besides, it’s just a truck. Material things are easy to replace, people are not.” Troy looked at Sawyer’s face and saw the sadness there; he smiled and pinched his cheek. “Go on, I’ll see you in the morning.”
“You’re not coming in?”
“I didn’t know if you wanted me to stay again, I wasn’t going to presume…”
Sawyer smiled and took Troy’s hand. “I want you to stay.”
Sawyer said his goodnights and went to his own room. Sleeping right next door to Troy, had Sawyer wanting to go in there and touch him, run his hands over that soft flesh and lick it. Sawyer rolled over and closed his eyes. God, it was going to be a long night.
Sawyer was awakened at two in the morning by what sounded like anguished cries coming from Troy’s room; he padded down the hallway softly and cracked the door. Troy was on the bed, rolling from side to side. It was obvious he was having a nightmare, so Sawyer sat on the edge of the bed, touching his shoulder softly. Sawyer was almost knocked off the bed as Troy grabbed him around the neck with one hand. Sawyer tried to speak, but only managed to let out a squeak. “Troy.”
Troy’s eyes widened as he saw his own hand around Sawyer’s neck; he released him and took Sawyer’s face in his hands. “Oh God, are you alright? Did I hurt you?”
Sawyer rubbed his neck. “I’m okay, stop looking like that Troy, I heard you in here and I wanted to check if you were okay. Were you having a nightmare?”
Troy lay back on the bed and nodded. “Same one I always have. I’m running down the aisle in the convenience store to warn my Mom, but I’m not moving. It’s like I’m running in place. Then the gunman comes in and I watch it happen over and over again. The gunman kills my Mom and then my Dad runs in to stop it and he gets killed.”
“God, I’m so sorry Troy.” Sawyer wrapped his arms around Troy and tried his best to comfort him. Sawyer’s own mother had died during childbirth. He’d never even gotten to say goodbye. Sawyer could feel Troy’s heart beat racing against his chest and he pulled away, looking into Troy’s eyes. There was need there and Sawyer pressed his lips to Troy’s softly.
“Sawyer...” Troy licked Sawyer’s bottom lip.
His arms wrapped around Sawyer and he kissed back. He let Sawyer set the pace, and when Sawyer’s tongue begged for entrance, Troy let him in. The minty taste of toothpaste flowed between both of them as the kiss became more passionate. Troy took full advantage of Sawyer’s soft moan and pressed his tongue inside, licking thoroughly and tasting every corner of Sawyer’s mouth. Sawyer’s hand was running down Troy’s chest and Troy grabbed it before it came to a stop at the waistband of his briefs. Troy’s eyes met with Sawyer’s and Troy could see the lust there, Sawyer wanted to touch him.
Troy let Sawyer’s hand go and it slipped inside his briefs, gripping him and stroking slowly. A soft groan escaped Troy as Sawyer’s hand slid up and down the length of him, squeezing at the crown. He bucked his hips into Sawyer’s hand. Troy’s stomach twisted in knots as all the raw nerves in his body sent waves of pleasure through him. He blindly searched for Sawyer’s prick and found Sawyer’s hand already there, relieving his own needs.
Troy moved Sawyer’s hand out of the way and gripped him hard, stroking roughly up the base and reaching the sensitive head. Troy ran his calloused thumb over the leaking tip of Sawyer’s dick and smeared the precum around, using it as a lubricant. Sawyer’s mouth was half open over his and Troy felt Sawyer’s body tense, his hips bucked and Sawyer let out a loud moan into his mouth. Hot spunk hit Troy’s stomach in never ending spurts.
“Oh God.” Sawyer’s hips were still bucking as his balls emptied onto Troy. “Oh God, I’m sorry.” Sawyer closed his eyes; he’d come in less than a minute. He’d never felt anything like it. The minute Troy’s hand had touched his cock, warmth spread through Sawyer’s body, radiating out his fingers. It took almost more control than he possessed to repress his lupine side. Sawyer realized his han
d was still pumping Troy’s cock. “Tell me what to do.” Sawyer whispered softly.
“Just keep doing what you’re doing.” Troy’s hips bucked into Sawyer’s hand, it wasn’t going to take long, just a few more pulls and then… “Oh shit…shit, shit, shit!” Troy’s dick hardened and his balls drew up tight, spurting all over Sawyer’s hand.
They lay there, both covered in spunk, breathing hard. Troy grabbed the t-shirt off the floor and cleaned Sawyer up, then himself. Troy hadn’t been with anyone in months and still he hadn’t ever cum that fast, not ever. Somewhere inside him, he had the urge to mark Sawyer as his; to come on his face and make sure it was known that he was his and only his. Sawyer’s face could be seen in the shadows, his eyes were closed. Troy kissed Sawyer’s lips and bit the bottom one, sucking on it. There was a soft sigh and then Sawyer’s eyes opened.