Half Moon Rising Page 13
“So, when are you going to join the ranks of the married men, Troy?” Josh hugged Mark close to him.
Troy smiled. “I always thought Sam and I would be married before you two assholes. I guess now we have to catch up.”
Riley nestled into Mateo and kissed his husbands cheek. “Can you guys get married in Alaska? I still haven’t been there.”
“The real wedding in Vancouver first, then Alaska.” Sam looked at Dakota. “If that’s okay?”
“It’s more than okay.” Dakota caressed Sam’s face. “I can’t wait.”
“You’ll love marriage.” Mark laughed. “I get Josh to do so much shit.”
“Not funny, Mark.” Josh smacked his husband’s ass.
Mateo looked at his friends. “Always together.”
“Never apart.” Troy winked.
By midnight, Troy was in bed waiting for Sawyer to come out of the bathroom. His life had changed dramatically, and now there was no going back. He had a family again; Joe, Nadine, John and the rest of the Quinton’s, plus his brother’s –in –arms. Life couldn’t get much better than this. Sawyer stepped into the bedroom naked and Troy immediately thought differently. Life could get better, Sawyer was breathtaking.
“Jesus.” Troy whispered. His penis jumped on his abdomen, anticipating Sawyer’s actions. His canines elongated as Sawyer’s peeked out from under his own lips. The smell of arousal was strong and Troy’s mouth actually salivated, looking at Sawyer’s naked form.
“Roll over.” Sawyer growled.
Troy did as he was told and cried out when Sawyer’s tongue touched the rim of his anus. Hands kneaded his hips as Sawyer pulled him back and forth on his tongue, fucking his ass in the most tantalizing way. His dick leaked precome as Sawyer’s tongue slid in and out, nipping at the sensitive nerve endings and flicking his tongue in short circles. Troy fisted his cock as the licking was replaced by the blunt tip of Sawyer’s rock hard dick. The mushroom cap breached his tight tunnel and Troy hissed at the heat searing his walls.
Sawyer pulled almost all the way out and then Troy heard the cap of the lube opening. Cold fluid ran down his crease, the heat searing him once more. Troy held the comforter as Sawyer speared into his ass, driving into him like a jack hammer. The pressure built so fast in his balls, that his orgasm caught him by surprise. His dick spurt onto the comforter below in quick, scorching bursts. Seconds later, Sawyer’s grip on his hips increased and a loud howl echoed through the bedroom. Sawyer slumped on top of his back and Troy fell onto the bed. Troy smiled as Sawyer’s tongue licked the sweat from his back and neck.
“Wow.” Troy closed his eyes and Sawyer’s dick pulsed in his passage.
“I love you, Troy Bishop.” Sawyer bit Troy’s earlobe playfully.
Troy rolled them onto their sides and caressed Sawyer’s cheek. “I love you, too, Sawyer Quinton.”
“Bishop.” Sawyer smiled.
Sawyer woke to sunlight filtering across his eyes. Troy was back in wolf form and Sawyer sighed. He’d been told how much it hurt by Dakota and Sam. When he’d first changed, he’d been young and didn’t remember any of it. Sawyer slipped out of bed and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a cup of coffee and some shoes and went to sit outside by the bonfire. The air was still slightly smoky, but on its way to clearing out. Sawyer took one of the stumps and sat down, looking at Troy’s house. Well, what was left of it, anyways. They would rebuild it if Troy wanted. If not, Sawyer was perfectly happy living in his house. He smiled as Riley came out running a hand through his hair. He noticed Sawyer sitting on the stumps and made his way over. Riley Esposito could only be described as adorable, as far as Sawyer was concerned. You just wanted to hug him.
“Good morning.” Riley sat down across form Sawyer. “How’s Troy?”
“Still a wolf.” Sawyer chuckled. “I don’t know how it feels for him and I’m trying to be patient.” Sawyer sighed.
“Well, he’ll get into his groove.” Riley smiled. Two more men exited Sam’s house and Riley tilted his head. “Must be your brothers?”
“Oh yeah. Morning Xander, Grayson.”
“Sup bro.” Xander sat down on a stump. “And you are?” Xander looked over the man sitting with his brother.
“Riley Esposito.” Riley put his hand out. “Mateo’s husband.”
“Oh! You’re that CEO guy, huh?” Grayson smiled, shaking his hand.
“I am, the one and only.” Riley looked over the two boys. “Aren’t you two fantastic? I hope Mateo and I have kids as beautiful as you two.”
“Hey!” Sawyer laughed.
“You too, Sawyer, that’s a given.” Riley winked.
“That is so cool. You like, own this huge corporation, huh?” Grayson stared at Riley Esposito in fascination.
“I do. Maybe sometime you and your brothers can spend the summer at my house in Arizona?”
“Really?” Xander’s eyes went wide.
Wyatt came out of the house and ran circles around the stumps until he smelled someone that wasn’t familiar. He smelled the man and sat at his feet. Tail wagging.
“Awww…” Riley picked up the smaller wolf. “Who’s this guy?”
“Our little brother Wyatt.” Sawyer smiled. “He loves to be in wolf form for some reason.”
“I bet you are just beautiful.” Riley nuzzled the smaller wolf’s face.
Sawyer heard the unmistakable whine of Troy at their front door. He rolled his eyes and sighed. “I’ll be back in a bit. Come by later with Mark, Riley. We need to get to know each other better.”
“Will do, Sawyer.” Riley smiled broadly.
Sawyer walked back to his own house and opened the door quickly, locking the door. Looking down at Troy still in wolf form, Sawyer blew out an exasperated breath. He walked to the kitchen and turned to see Troy following him.
“Okay, that’s it. I love you, but this is ridiculous! I want to be able to make love to you Troy. And if you think that was a decent marriage proposal, it wasn’t. I want a real one and I want you to at least try to be in human form!”
Sawyer knew he was pushing Troy, but he didn’t have a choice. The longer he waited to make the changes, the more they would hurt. He was going to have to hit it out of the ball park. Sawyer strolled to the kitchen and looked through the pantry. He grabbed the coffee container and put it on the counter next to the sink. Next, he picked up the full carafe and looked at his mate. He held the full coffee pot over the sink.
“I will pour it all out and lock you in this house so you can’t go anywhere else to get coffee. Then I will grab this whole container of coffee and put it down the garbage disposal.” Sawyer tipped the coffee pot more. “What’s it going to be, Troy?” Sawyer tipped the coffee pot over the sink more, and a single drop splashed into the metal basin below. Within seconds, Troy was standing on two legs.
“Don’t!” Troy put his hand out.
Sawyer smiled and put the coffee pot down. He put his arms out for a hug. “Come here, baby.”
Troy walked to Sawyer and grabbed him tight. “I love you; please say you’ll marry me.”
Sawyer smiled in the crook of Troy’s neck. “I wouldn’t say anything but yes.”
“Good, now give me some damn coffee.” Troy chuckled.
Mateo, Josh, Sam and Troy sat on the bench across from the Dumbo ride. Riley, wearing a beanie hat with a spinner, rainbow colors blazing in the sun, was screaming like a little boy. Mateo chuckled; even Wyatt was looking at Riley like he was crazy.
Sam tilted his head, eyeing the elephants going around and around. “How fast is that ride going?”
Josh sat back, crossing his legs at the ankles. “A mile an hour? Maybe?”
Mateo smacked Josh’s arm. “Leave my husband alone, he’s having fun.”
“Yes, Josh.” Troy arched a brow. “Who was it that said Disneyland?”
“Not fair! Sam made the comment, ‘So the bad guy is dead, what do you guys wa
nna do now?’ It’s required to say Disneyland.” Josh laughed.
“I could hear Mark screaming on Space Mountain.” Mateo narrowed his eyes at Josh.
“I heard you screaming on Space Mountain.” Sam bent over, laughing.
Mateo huffed. “I do not scream.”
Riley was getting off the Dumbo ride with Wyatt. Mateo smiled at his husband, he was wobbling more than the rest of the passengers who disembarked.
“Have fun, babe?”
Riley collapsed onto Mateo’s lap. “That ride is actually pretty fun.” Riley mussed Wyatt’s hair. “Where to next?”
“Gadget Coaster!” Wyatt giggled, pulling on Riley’s hand. “I want Uncle Troy to come too!”
I’m on it, little man.” Troy stood and stretched his back out. His eyes caught Sawyer coming his way with Xander and Grayson. Sawyer had cut his hair for work, but he still looked breathtaking.
“Oh God, shut up, Troy.” Sam rolled his eyes.
“I didn’t think that!” Troy furrowed his brows. “Did I?”
“You’ve really got to control your inner perv.” Sam stood up, looking around for Dakota. “Where is my man?”
“With Nadine, getting food.” Josh braced himself for his husband’s full frontal attack. Mark was running at him, wearing Mickey Mouse ears. “You look so cute!” Josh caught Mark in an embrace and held him.
Sam looked at his brothers and stifled a laugh. “No one would ever believe we are assassins if they could see us right now.”
“You’re a what?”
Sam turned to see his mother looking at him, jaw dropped, food ready to spill. “Oh shit.” Sam whispered.
Nadine handed the food to Dakota. “Watch your language!” Nadine stood in front of her son and looked up, way up. “Why didn’t you tell us you were still killing people?”
Riley giggled and everyone looked at him. He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m just glad I rented the park for the day. Could you imagine the looks you all would be getting right now?”
“Riley!” Grayson ran into Riley, almost knocking him over. “Ya gotta come with me and Xander!”
Riley crouched down in front of Wyatt and took his hands. “Is it alright if I go with your brothers? I’ll come back and we can go on whatever ride you want.”
Wyatt giggled, and flung his arms around Riley. “I love you! You are so much fun!”
Riley squeezed Wyatt close. “I love you too, little dude! I’ll be back, okay?”
“K! Uncle Troy is taking me on Gadget!”
“I sure am.” Troy picked Wyatt up, and slung him onto his hip. The kid wasn’t small anymore, he was going on nine soon. Troy took Nadine’s hand. “He was going to tell you, but you shouldn’t be surprised. This job is a lot different than what we did for the military, Ma.”
“I know my son’s no murderer.” Nadine sighed. “It just would have been nice to have known. I still love you, honey.”
“Well, that’s a relief.” Sam wiped his brow comically with the back of his arm and grabbed his mom, laying a kiss on her cheek. Nadine smacked him on his shoulder playfully, pretending to be mad. She couldn’t help herself; she kissed him back and laughed. Sam watched Dakota with Grayson and Xander; he was going to be an excellent father. They had already talked about kids and were starting to look for surrogates. Sam’s eyes caught Troy smiling, with Wyatt on his hip. “You look good with a kid, Troy.”
Nadine tapped her foot, eyeing all the men. “Yes, you all look good with kids. When are you going to start having some? I have been knitting outfits since Sam brought Dakota home. I’ll have a whole wardrobe for all your kids by the time you actually get around to having some.”
“Don’t worry, Nay.” Mateo took Nadine by the shoulders. “Riley wants twins.”
“Twins!” Nadine giggled. “Oh, I hope one is a girl! Then I can make her pretty outfits and take her shopping and—”
“Yeah, calm down, Mom.” Sam chuckled. “I don’t think any of us are comfortable having a girl.”
Nadine scowled. “Oh, get over it! I’m having a granddaughter! Think about it, you can scare the hell out of their dates.”
Josh raised a brow, looking at Mateo, Sam and Troy. “Oh, I’m liking that idea.”
Troy chuckled and hugged Wyatt. “I can see it now, we will all have girls.”
Mateo gasped, looking horrified. “Who will I take to the range?”
Nadine smacked Mateo upside the head. “Stop being sexist, it’s twenty twelve; wake up from the dark ages! Some women shoot better than men!”
Mateo rubbed the back of his head. “Ow.”
“Hahaha! Fuck yeah, another one got smacked upside the head! You’re branching out, Ma, thanks!” Sawyer high fived Sam.
“Watch your mouth, Sawyer Quinton! Don’t make me wash it out with soap in front of your mate.” Nadine admonished.
“Welcome to my world.” Sam laughed, hugging his mom.
As the day wore on, Troy wondered where the kids got all their energy. If he thought sitting up in the mountains watching a target was tiring, Disneyland was exhausting. He swore they rode every ride there was, ate at every damn restaurant and caught every show. Riley spent most of the day with Wyatt, Grayson and Xander. The three of them had formed a tight bond from the get-go. Troy sat with Sawyer on a lounge chair around the rooftop pool of the Paradise Pier Hotel. The sun was setting, casting an orange hue over the park and surrounding area. Almost the whole group was in the pool, but he couldn’t have mustered up the energy to get in if he wanted to. Troy felt Sawyer’s hand in his and sighed in content.
“Are you okay?” Sawyer ran his fingers through Troy’s short, black hair. Troy had cut it again for his next mission, which, unfortunately, was a babysitting gig. Well, unfortunate for Troy, Sawyer was ecstatic his man would be out of harm’s way. Troy was getting the hang of shifting, it was becoming much easier now.
“Just tired.” Troy yawned, stretching his legs out. “My wolf side wants to run.”
“Mine too.” Sawyer chuckled, nestling into Troy’s side. “Are you sure you’re okay with everything? With what I did to you?”
Troy took Sawyer’s face in his hands. “I can’t see my life without you in it. You didn’t do anything wrong, babe. Don’t ever feel bad about this, it’s so fucking cool!”
Sawyer crawled into Troy’s lap, and straddled him. “So, kids?”
Troy laughed, picking Sawyer up in his arms. “We’re outta here guys!”
Riley laughed, watching Troy carrying Sawyer towards the room. “It doesn’t work that way!”
“I’m going to keep trying nonetheless!”
Sawyer stared at the ceiling in a daze. Now that he’d had sex with his mate, he wanted it all the time. He couldn’t get enough of Troy’s skin, his smell…his taste.
“Oh. My. God.” Troy tried to move his legs, nothing was happening. “You fucked me numb.”
“Cool.” Sawyer chuckled softly.
“You are so sexy.” Troy growled, biting Sawyer’s ear lobe.
“Keep that up, and I’ll fuck you until you can’t walk or speak.”
“Hot damn!”
~~The End~~
Sneak peek at “Best Laid Plans”
~~ Chapter One ~~
“Grayson Quinton….”
Grayson walked to the stage and received his diploma among shouts and cheers from the crowded football stadium. He turned to face where he knew his family was sitting, and waved the diploma. After sitting in the hot Washington sun for another half an hour listening to speeches, they were finally allowed to throw their caps in the air. Grayson stayed where he was and waited for his family to join him. He was patted on the back by his friends, and hugged by a few girls. He finally saw his older brother Sawyer weaving through the crowd of excited graduates, along with his fiancé, Troy.
“Hey, little brother!” Sawyer scooped up Grayson and hugged him. “Congrat’s on graduating!”
“Thanks.” Grayson smiled at the rest of
the family as they walked over. His brother Xander had a wicked look on his face. “Oh no, what the hell, Xander?” Grayson chuckled.