Half Moon Rising Page 10
“What happened to my house?” Troy looked from Sawyer to John.
Sawyer turned around to see Troy standing in the hallway. Shit. “Oh God, I’m sorry.” Sawyer went to Troy and hugged him. “I should have woken you up right away.” Sawyer sat Troy down at the table with his Father, while he went to get coffee cups and sugar for them.
Troy looked at John and saw the worry on his face. “What happened at my house, John?” Troy sat back and listened as Sawyer’s father told him what had happened at his parents’ house. Troy felt the bile rising in his throat and felt his chest constricting. “Who would do such a thing? I mean, I can’t think of anyone that hates me that much.”
John took Troy’s hand and tried his best to smile. When something that vicious is done, it’s personal. “Look, I talked to Sam already this morning and he said he would get a hold of some guy named Pruitt?”
Troy nodded and looked over at Sawyer, who’d just brought them their coffee. He took Sawyer’s hand and kissed the palm. “Pruitt’s my boss over at Homeland Security. I’m sure that right now, he’s going through every job I ever did.” Troy rubbed his face and looked at Sawyer. “I shouldn’t be here, this could get even worse.”
Sawyer shook his head. “Oh hell no, you are not leaving me, and I won’t let you face this alone. You are my mate, Troy and it’s about time you figure out what that means. We are in this together.”
John smiled at his son. The love he had for Troy was written all over his face. “I called in reinforcements. They should be here sometime today.” John sipped his coffee and licked his lips appreciatively. “Damn, you make good coffee kid.”
“Thanks.” Sawyer smiled at his Dad. “So, I take it the Northern pack is coming down, when you say reinforcements. Won’t Nadine be pleased?” Sawyer let out a small chuckle.
“Yes, she will.” John smiled broadly.” You know how she loves to cook. In the meantime, we’re going to wait for the boys to finish combing the house and then we can start cleaning it up. It’s going to need primer for the walls and new windows. Oh, and before I forget, when I got a hold of the Northern, I asked them about Nick. They haven’t seen Nick since yesterday. I don’t know what that means, but I didn’t smell him in Troy’s house. I did, however, smell him around it.”
Sawyer sat back and looked from Troy to his Dad. “Well, what does that mean, around it, but not in it? He would have had to be inside to put graffiti on the walls.” Sawyer’s brow crinkled. “Maybe he has someone helping him, because he knows we can smell him.”
“It’s a possibility, but the way his Alpha acted, he didn’t think Nick had it in him to do that. He just isn’t the vengeful kind. Besides, why would Nick have it in for Troy?” John rubbed his palms over his face. “Unless there’s something I don’t know.”
Troy cleared his throat. “I think he’s got a thing for Sawyer. When we were at the lumber store, he took great care in making sure he let me know he could overpower me. I didn’t know he was a werewolf at the time, but it makes sense now.”
“Great.” John stood up and picked his hat up. “I’m going to call the Northern pack again, tell them what you told me.” John looked at his son and Troy. “For now, I want you guys on the reservation, is that clear?”
“Yeah Dad, it is.” Sawyer hugged his Father and walked him to the door. He looked over his shoulder at Troy, then back at his Dad. “I think we’re going to find the boys and maybe play a game of football or something. Just to keep Troy’s mind off the house for a bit. Okay?”
“Yep, I’ll see you around after I’m done.”
Sawyer watched his Dad leave in the Reservation police jeep and turned to look at Troy. “Put some jeans and a sweater on, we have some asses to kick.”
The football teams consisted of Troy and Sawyer along with Xander and Grayson. Two against two, made the game fairly quick. Sawyer backed up and threw a perfect spiral to Troy who caught it. Troy hit the ground and his breath left him in one big whoosh with Xander on top of him, but by God, he still had the ball in his hands. Xander fought for it and they ended up rolling around in the dirt and snow mixture. Troy, who had the upper hand, straddled Xander, pinning his hands.
They both heard the shouts and whoops of laughter coming from the rest of the guys. Troy pulled Xander up and put him in a friendly strangle hold, while tickling his ribs. Troy heard the sound of a truck approaching and he and Xander turned to see a Chevy Dually pulling up. Three men jumped out and Troy pushed Xander behind him.
“Can I help you?” Troy narrowed his eyes.
“It’s okay, Troy.” Sawyer smiled, looking at the men. “It’s the guys from the Northern pack. Damn, that was quick.” Sawyer chuckled. “Troy, meet Kellan Brady, Scott Delange and Jude Brooks,”
Troy put his hand out to each of them. “Nice to meet you,”
“How you been, Sawyer?” Kellan pulled him into a hug. “I know Nick isn’t doing this shit, he wouldn’t.”
“It’s got to be some other asshole.” Jude said.
Scott looked at Troy. “So, this guy’s your mate?”
“Yeah.” Sawyer took Troy’s hand. “He is.”
“Ah, he’ll do.” Scott laughed.
The bonfire was lit and the flames licked at the sides. The men all sat around telling stories. Troy listened in fascination. This was another world he was becoming privy to and he wanted to know everything there was to know about werewolves. Sam and Dakota sat next to him and Troy looked at Sam with a smile.
“So you didn’t freak at all, huh?” Troy lightly punched Sam.
“Nope, not really. By the time Dakota shifted, I already had strong feelings for ‘Darren’ and couldn’t see my life without Dakota in it. Somehow he’d made me feel again and I wasn’t going to lose that.”
“So, Josh and Mark know.” Troy looked at Sawyer. “Eventually, Mateo and Riley will have to know as well.”
“Could you imagine Riley’s reaction?” Sam snickered. “He’ll probably be so cool about it. More so than Mateo will.”
“I don’t know about that. Riley’s changed Mateo in so many ways. He always had a sense of humor, but Riley opened him up.” Troy grabbed Sawyer and pulled him into his lap.
“So, you trust these guys with the secret?” Scott arched a brow.
Troy looked at Scott. “We trust them with our lives.”
“I’ve seen pictures.” Grayson grinned. “I want to meet Mateo and Riley.”
“You will.” Sam mussed Grayson’s hair. “You’ll be graduating soon, any thoughts of where you want to go?”
“Oh yeah!” Xander looked at the group. “Dakota got us an internship at some architectural company in Anchorage.”
“Oh did he, now?” Sawyer raised a brow.
“Yes, I did.” Dakota looked at Sawyer. “I think there might be some people they need to meet.” Dakota narrowed his eyes.
“Oh.” Sawyer nodded. “Oh! Yes, I see what you mean. A test of sorts?”
“Yep.” Dakota smiled. He was pretty damn sure Jagger and Taylor were Grayson and Xander’s mates. He just didn’t know which went with which.
“Anyone hear from Preston?” Sam looked at the group.
“He’s staying away for Wyatt’s sake.” Dakota sighed. “The guy is six years older. He calls once a month to check on Wyatt.”
“Jesus.” Kellan sighed. “I just want to find my damn mate before I die.”
“No shit.” Jude sat back, throwing a stick in the bon fire.
“Well, it’s getting late.” Sawyer shrugged. Troy’s hard on was rubbing on his ass and Sawyer decided it was time to go in. Sawyer smacked Troy’s hand away from his dick. “So anyway, I should get my man into bed since his hands won’t stop roaming.”
Troy raised a brow. “Who, me?”
“Yes, you.” Sawyer smacked Troy’s hand away again. “Night guys.”
Troy stood up and tried to fix his rising hard on without being noticed.
“Yep.” Grayson
stood with Xander and stretched. “Night guys, see you in the morning.”
~~Chapter Ten~~
The minute Sawyer shut the door to his house, Troy was on him. His pants flew off and sailed over the couch. Sawyer was swept up and over Troy’s shoulder as they made their way into the bedroom. Sawyer was thrown on the bed and bounced as Troy stood at the end removing his clothing with careful, and slow, precision. Sawyer’s skin sizzled as Troy’s hand crept up his inner thigh. Warm lips covered his and then Troy was on top of him, feasting on his lips, sucking, biting and plunging inside, tasting every inch and savoring it.
Sawyer’s legs shook as Troy’s expert hands spread his legs out. A pillow was placed under his hips and then Troy was stroking his cock. Strong calloused hands rubbed him just the right way, as Troy’s erection nudged at his back passage. The kiss was so intoxicating; Sawyer hadn’t even realized Troy was half way inside him, until the slow burn spread at a rapid rate up his tunnel. A quick intake of breath and Troy’s mouth was at his ear, whispering words Sawyer’s brain couldn’t process. The pleasure rolled over him as Troy’s body started moving in a slow rhythm, his legs twined around Troy’s waist. He heard his own whimper as Troy’s mouth descended further into his own.
Sawyer tunneled his fingers into Troy’s thick hair, pulling him down further, sucking his tongue in as the kiss grew more and more passionate and the thrusts became faster and deeper. Their bodies moved in tandem and Sawyer gripped tighter, fighting his lupine side. Making love to his mate was everything he’d thought it would be. Troy moved away from his mouth and started a line of soft, wet kisses along his shoulder and collar bone. Sawyer moaned and bucked his hips and Troy slid in, filling him to the hilt. Sawyer opened his eyes to see Troy looking down at him, the love in his eyes there, for Sawyer to see.
“Troy?” Sawyer whispered.
“Let go, be who you are.” Troy caressed Sawyer’s face and drew back.
A loud hoarse groan left his lips, as Troy slid back in and Sawyer’s lupine side was set free. He writhed on the bed fingers digging into the mattress, as Troy kept up a slow deep stroke. Sawyer became aware of wetness on his face and realized he was crying. Troy’s lips kissed his cheeks and licked the salty wetness from his face and soft kisses were placed on his eyes, as Troy made love to him. Sawyer’s canines elongated as Troy’s hand kept a slow tight drag on his dick, the pressure mounted in his balls and Sawyer’s eyes flew open. His hips bucked and a loud cry of ecstasy exploded from his chest, as his dick spurt, shooting arcs of cum over Troy’s chest and hand. Seconds passed as Troy slammed into him once, then twice and a warm sensation filled his chute in waves.
Troy’s orgasm hit. The amount of release shocked him, as his hips bucked into Sawyer, emptying load after load inside the man he was in love with. He knew that now, he was in love with Sawyer. He’d felt it with every breath, every soft caress, every smooth and slow kiss. He’d never want anyone else but Sawyer Quinton. Is this what being in love felt like? Falling and not caring until your soul was bare, and one person filled you? God knows he’d never opened his heart to anyone before, he never could. Troy laid his head on Sawyer’s shoulder, trying to regulate his pounding heart. His arms wrapped around Sawyer in a protective grip. He’d die for this man. Kill for this man. His dick still encased in Sawyer’s warm tight ass, he never wanted to leave it. His finger’s swept up and down Sawyer’s soft skin, goose bumps popping up behind them and Troy placed a soft kiss along Sawyer’s rapid pulse.
“Are you okay?” He whispered.
Sawyer nuzzled Troy’s neck. “Yes, I’m so glad I waited for you. That was incredible.”
Troy raised his head to look at Sawyer’s face. He smiled and kissed his lips softly. “I’m glad my first time making love was with you, Sawyer.”
“You mean you never? I mean…you’re not…”
“No, I’m not a virgin, but I’ve never made love to anyone, Sawyer.” Troy twirled Sawyer’s soft hair between his fingers. “Sex is just sex when you don’t care either way for someone. When you give yourself completely, that’s making love.” Troy smiled at Sawyer’s reddening face. “I wanted to tell you…”
A loud noise had them both sitting up in the bed. Troy put a finger over his lips and motioned for Sawyer to stay in bed. He grabbed his jeans and boots and pulled his Desert Eagle out of the nightstand. Troy crept down the hallway and to the front window. A shadow ran across the front of the house and Troy opened the door and stood on the front porch, gun aimed at the intruder.
“Stop! I’ll fire!” Troy shouted.
A gunshot rang out and hit the gutter right above Troy’s head. Sawyer sprung out of the house in wolf form and Troy missed grabbing his tail.
“Sawyer, no!” Troy ran after Sawyer and lost sight of him in the woods. Another shot rang out and Troy heard a howl of pain. “Sawyer!” Troy ran, he didn’t care if he was in the shooters sights or not. He had to find Sawyer. “Sawyer, where are you!”
Wolves ran by him in a line and Troy tried to keep up. Four of them took off to the left and three more ran straight ahead. Troy followed the three. He heard what sounded like whining and ran into a clearing. The three wolves were prancing around Sawyer, who was on the ground, nursing a gunshot wound.
“Sawyer!” Troy ran to him and knelt in front of him. “Oh God, no, please...” Troy leaned over Sawyer and wrapped his arms around him. The tears flowed and Troy didn’t care. He couldn’t lose Sawyer, not ever. “Baby, please…” Troy sobbed. Howling came from the far left and Troy tried to look through the trees. He stood up on shaky legs. “I’ll kill you! Do you hear me?”
The three wolves that surrounded Sawyer shifted and Troy looked at John, Dakota and Grayson. They each bent down to helped Sawyer. Sawyer shifted back to his human form and Troy leaned over, running a hand over Sawyer’s blood soaked skin. Moon light shown through the trees and Troy looked at the bullet hole in Sawyer’s chest. It started to pulse, and then the bullet popped out. The wound closed.
Troy ran his hand over the skin. “What the…?”
“Perks,” Sawyer coughed and looked up at Troy. “Of being me.”
Troy grabbed Sawyer and held him tight. Sawyer’s arms came around him and Troy pulled him closer, sitting him in his lap. “I thought…oh Jesus. Sawyer, I can’t lose you.”
Josh watched as the rest of the wolves trotted back over to them. Xander shifted and looked at Sawyer.
“You okay, bro? We chased the guy, but he had a head start.” Xander knelt down and put his hand on Sawyer’s shoulder. “You crazy little shit.”
John looked at the sky. “We’d better take a look around. See if anything was messed with. Troy, get Sawyer back to the house, we’ll take over for tonight. Kellan and Jude will pull guard duty. Xander grab the bullet carefully. I’ll run ballistics on it.” John looked at the group of men. “Try and get some sleep.”
Troy picked Sawyer up and carried him back to the house. Once inside, he checked all the doors and windows, and took Sawyer into the bathroom, starting the shower. Troy undressed and got in with Sawyer, soaping him up and washing the blood from his hair and body. The adrenaline was slowly flowing out of him and Troy felt sick. He leaned against Sawyer and took a deep breath.
“Don’t ever leave me.” He whispered.
Sawyer wrapped his arms around Troy and pulled his face up. “Never.”
They kissed under the spray of hot water, both not wanting the kiss to stop. Hands caressed soft skin and soft moans and whimpers filled the small bathroom. The water running cold, Troy turned it off and enveloped Sawyer in a large towel and carried him to the bed. They lie side by side, just looking at each other, fingers trailing jaws, chins, lips.
“Sawyer?” Troy watched as Sawyer’s eyes fluttered.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Sleep finally came, and Troy welcomed it.
Sunshine filled the room and
Troy’s eyes opened to see Sawyer nestled into him. His arms tightened around him and he kissed Sawyer’s forehead. A soft sigh escaped Sawyer’s lips and Troy slanted his mouth over Sawyer’s. Their lips parted and tongues met, Troy’s tongue sinking into Sawyer’s delicious mouth. They broke from the kiss and Troy smoothed Sawyer’s hair back. His eyes looked over the smooth tan chest, remembering that there’d been a bullet there last night. He kissed Sawyer’s soft skin and ran his nose around the erect nipple.
“Good morning.” Troy sighed, lips brushing Sawyer’s nipple.