Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series Page 10
“Uncle Reece?”
Luka moved the rock and snow from the cave and she saw her uncles.
“There you are!” Lorenzo held her close. “Are you all right?”
“Luka fixed me.”
Reece checked her wound. “Nice job.”
“Thank you. She will need more antibiotics.” Luka pulled his jacket on.
“So will you.” Reece picked up his shirt.
“Am I needed?” Luka asked Lorenzo.
Lorenzo let out a low chuckle. “No, we have taken care of everyone.”
“I am not surprised.”
“Let’s get you to the plane.” Reece took her hand.
Luka watched her leave with Reece and then he noticed Lorenzo looking at him.
“It does not matter if they are gay or straight.” Lorenzo threw his hands in the air. “What is with the guards and their charges?”
Bree sat at her computer. With vacation over, kids were starting to come back to campus, and she had holed up in her room. Her parents had argued with her to go with them to the South of France, but Bree had been through this before. Long nights in a dress schmoozing with other rich families and her parents trying to set her up with Quincey, or Charleton, or some other blue-blood who made her yawn whenever he opened his mouth. It was the same thing every year, and Bree had told her parents she had too much work to do, which wasn’t a lie. She was working on finding out more about Landon Reynolds.
That part had been easy. All she did was type in his name in Google and a slew of articles came up. Landon Reynolds, son of Jay and Greg Farrelli–Reynolds, as in Anthony Farrelli, the DA for New York no less. The last thing said about him was about football. The man was smart… extremely smart. Bree felt her cheeks redden. She had been an idiot lumping him into a pile of stupid jocks. Landon was by no means stupid. GPA 4.4 due to advanced classes, captain of the debate team at Fort Worth High, had already earned way past what was required in community service hours. Bree could have kicked herself.
The next link she found was particularly interesting. It led to a video of “The Men of Fort Worth” charity event. Bree hit ‘play’ and her jaw dropped. There were Landon’s dads dancing in tiny boxers, kissing women. She could see where Landon got his looks. His dads were drop-dead gorgeous. Bree hit pause and blushed. She hit play again and smiled.
She looked at the time and sighed. She was going to have to get her ass in gear. School was back in session tomorrow, and the first thing on her agenda: getting the football team’s picture and story into the yearbook. Any other year they put it off until the last minute. Needless to say, the football players hadn’t exactly been nice to the geeks of the school, but Landon was different and she wanted to show that even the geeks could be accommodating.
Bree grabbed her paperwork and took her hair out of its bun. She took her glasses off and headed down to the quad carrying all her paperwork for the yearbook. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Landon and a bunch of other players throwing the ball around. Time to see if Landon was truly a sweet guy when surrounded by the rest of his teammates. She walked over and one of the guys stopped mid-throw, looking at her.
“Well, if it isn’t Bree.”
“William.” Bree rolled her eyes. Another boring blue blood.
Landon turned around, a wide smile formed on his lips. “Hello, Bree. How was your vacation?”
“It was fine. I just wanted to let you know I’m on my way down to the yearbook office to finish up the football page. Anything else you guys want me to add?”
“You mean you’re actually working on it now?” William raised a brow. “You always wait until the last minute, Bree.”
“I had a lot of extra time this year, not going to France and all.” Bree started walking again.
Landon watched her walking and told the guys, “Be right back.” He caught up to her and walked with her. She was walking fast. “In a hurry?”
“Why are you following me?” Bree stopped.
“I thought you could use some help.”
Landon looked at her. She looked different. Her hair was down and her eyes were searching his right now. With the glasses gone, he could see how beautiful her eyes really were.
“With what?” Bree arched a brow. “I have some furniture I need moved.”
Landon’s smile faded. “So we’re back to the dumb jock thing.”
Bree backpedaled. “Oh no, I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant. I don’t think you’re dumb, Landon.” Bree smiled. “I do need some help. A web design page. Can you help with that?”
“I can. I’m actually good with that.”
“Okay. I’ll meet you in the office, say an hour?” Bree walked away.
Landon watched her ass with his head tilted. One of his teammates came up beside him. “What?”
“Really, Landon? Bree Sinclair?”
“What’s wrong, William? She turn you down?” Landon jogged back to the rest of the guys.
Bree’s hands were sweating. She tried to keep her focus on the computer screen, but Landon was sitting really close to her and his thigh kept brushing up against hers. Every now and then their hands would brush and Bree would apologize and blush furiously. This never happened to her. She had never felt tongue-tied or awkward around a guy.
“Am I making you nervous?”
“Just not used to this.”
“What? A guy sitting next to you?”
“A football player sitting next to me.”
“That’s not all I am you know.” Landon paused. “Look, I don’t want to sound too forward, but how about I take you out tonight and you can get to know me.”
“You’re asking me out, on a date?”
“Well, yes. Will you go?”
“I don’t know, Landon. I’m not the kind of girl football players go for.”
“Meaning what?”
“I’m just, I’m not experienced.”
Landon cocked his head to the side and then it hit him. “Oh… oh! Well, neither am I. So, seven?”
“Um… okay.”
Landon hit a few keys and then got up. “Okay, all done.”
“What did you do?”
“Finished it. See you later.”
Bree watched him leave then turned around and looked at the computer. They had been sitting here for over an hour and Landon had just finished the page with a few key strokes. Sneaky.
Damon was out on his date with Arielle. They had gone to a nice restaurant and now Arielle was eyeing him while she munched on a breadstick. She looked beautiful. Her hair was partially up, with ringlets around her face. Her blouse hung off one shoulder, showing off her milky-white skin.
“So, tell me something no one knows about you.”
“I drool in my sleep.” Damon sipped his water.
“Knew that.”
“Oh yeah. Every time I spend the night, you fall asleep on me and drool on my shoulder.”
Damon looked gorgeous tonight. He always had. She found it funny that even though Tanner and Damon looked exactly alike, and even before she had found out that Tanner was gay, she hadn’t found him attractive. She had always thought Damon was.
“I have three nipples.”
“No you don’t.”
“I don’t, but it sounded good, huh?”
Arielle fixed him with a look. “Be serious.”
“Okay, I love the sound of thunder, the louder the better. I like running before the sun comes up so I can watch the sunrise, and I love standing in the rain.”
“Knew that too.”
“I don’t think there’s anything you don’t know about me. Tell me something no one knows about you.”
“I’ve had a crush on you since I was twelve.” Arielle looked away.
Damon sat back in shock. “Really?”
“Yep, but I knew then what I know now: you love Lily and you always will.”
Damon looked around the restaurant. They weren’t
around too many people, but this conversation needed privacy. “How about we get it to go?”
Damon drove them up to the point and they sat at a picnic bench eating their dinner. Damon watched Arielle polishing off her food. She was never a salad and water girl, and Damon had always been impressed when she could polish off a twelve-ounce steak with no problems.
“What?” Arielle arched a brow. “You’re looking at me like we’ve never met.”
“In a way, we haven’t, not like this. Look, the other night when I kissed you, I felt something.”
“Probably a raging hard-on.”
“I’m trying to be serious.”
“Sorry. Carry on.”
“It was as if I was seeing you for the first time — as a woman, and not Arielle the mud-pie-maker and bug collector. You grew up to be a beautiful woman.”
“Wow, you almost sounded grown up.”
Damon sighed. “You’re determined to make this hard on me, aren’t you? You always tell me to stop playing around, and then when I do you start.”
“I’m just nervous, that’s all. I’m sorry. I’m just not used to you wanting to be with me.”
Damon took her hand. “I do want to be with you. I’ll always care about Lily; that won’t ever change. But she has made it clear she doesn’t want me. I have to move on.”
“With me?” Arielle shook her head. “I don’t know, Damon.”
Damon moved to her side of the table and sat down, turning her around. He kissed her gently. “Tell me you don’t feel anything for me.” Damon slid his tongue over her bottom lip slowly.
“I didn’t say that. I do feel something. I’m just, I don’t think I have as much experience as you do.”
Damon pulled back. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve never really done anything but kiss.” Arielle blushed.
“And I’ve screwed the entire female population of Fort Worth High? Is that what you think?” Damon stood and walked to the edge, looking out over the town.
Arielle stood and crossed over to him. “I — well, you’ve had a lot of girlfriends. I just thought, I mean, I know some of them weren’t virgins.”
“Which is exactly why they are no longer my girlfriends. I’m not going to just fuck someone to get it over with. When I make love to someone, I’ll be in love.”
Arielle turned him around and saw the hurt look in his eyes. She always thought that because Damon was such a flirt that he had had sex already. The way he behaved… now she felt like shit for basically saying he was the male equivalent of a whore. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have judged you.”
“It’s okay. I guess, my behavior doesn’t help. I’m just a flirt. No one should take what I say seriously.”
“So I shouldn’t then?”
Damon pulled her in and used his thumb to caress her cheek. “I would like to keep seeing you, but I get it if you don’t want to.”
Arielle grabbed him by his shirt. “Shut up.”
She crushed their lips together. They shuffled backward to the picnic bench and Damon picked her up under her thighs, setting her down on the table. She ran her fingernails down Damon’s chest, hearing his soft moans. He pulled her shirt aside and kissed her neck, nibbling down to her collarbone.
Arielle wrapped her legs around his hips and her hands slid up his back, pulling him closer, their tongues dancing. Damon gripped her hair, kissing her more deeply. Their breathing was ragged as he pushed her down on the table, her fingers in the belt loops of his pants as she pulled him between her legs.
She could hardly catch her breath. No one had ever kissed her like this. She was so turned on, she wanted more. Damon bit her bottom lip and growled, taking her mouth again. His hand gripped her ass as his lower body rocked against her. Damon broke from the kiss, gripping her hair. He pulled her head back, attacking her neck. His tongue ran down her neck before he bit her lip again.
They broke from the kiss, both breathing hard. Arielle could see the lust in Damon’s eyes and she knew they had to stop. It was getting out of hand, and fast. Before she could open her mouth, Damon said it for her.
“We need to back off.” Damon stood, running a hand through his hair.
Arielle stood, fixing her shirt. She noticed Damon was trying to reposition himself discretely. When he turned around, she pretended not to have noticed.
“So, yeah. I should get you home.”
As they drove back to Arielle’s, Damon tried to figure out what to say. He wanted to see her again and was trying to come up with something for them to do. He walked her to the door and took her hand.
“Hello, Damon.”
Damon looked to see Arielle’s dad looking at him. “Evening, sir.”
“So, maybe we can go out Friday?”
“Sure. I’ll pick you up at seven?”
“Yep. Night, Damon.” Arielle kissed him.
She watched him driving away and her father made a small coughing noise. She turned and looked at him.
“Cover your neck before your mother sees.”
Viktoriya woke up to sounds in the hallway, loud ones. She put her robe on and opened the door. Jordan was arguing with Luka.
“I’m not a threat, asshole!”
Luka looked down at him. “Miss Viktoriya is sleeping.”
“It’s okay, Luka. I’m awake now. Hello, Jordan.”
“Finally!” Jordan brushed passed Luka and took her in his arms. “I was worried about you.”
Viktoriya felt his arms around her and sighed. No matter what happened between them, they would always be friends, and right now she needed one. “Nik called you, huh?”
“I heard you were shot and hiding out in the mountains.”
“Yes, that’s true. Luka here took good care of me.”
Jordan eyed him. “So, I guess I owe you thanks, then.”
“Not necessary. I was doing my job.” Luka turned and faced forward.
“What an ass.”
Viktoriya giggled and saw the small smile on Luka’s face. She ushered Jordan into her room and closed the door, smiling at him.
“Now don’t make Luka angry,” Viktoriya scolded.
Jordan pulled her close, untying her robe. His hands slid around her waist and he pulled her in for a hug. Viktoriya felt his hands sliding down and she pulled away.
“What happened to the girlfriend?”
“Not really a girlfriend.”
They sprawled on the bed talking for hours, Jordan telling her about his job with his dad, Viktoriya telling him about her adventure in Turkey with Luka. Jordan listened, holding her hand. He had missed her. He knew they would be together someday. The way she looked at him, the way he felt for her. He dated, but it was never serious — a light kiss here or there — but nothing ever remotely passionate. His heart belonged to one woman. Jordan finally left at nightfall, promising to come visit again. Until they were on the same continent, this was how their relationship would go, with Jordan visiting from Australia and Viktoriya taking the occasional trip to see him.
Viktoriya got in the shower and the warm water soothed her tired body. Her muscles hurt and her side still stung from her gunshot. She closed her eyes as nausea washed over her. Her eyes opened, and the walls spun. Her head started pounding, and then a sharp pain hit her in the side, causing her to cry out.
The next thing she knew, she was being plucked out of the shower and put into her bed. Luka pulled the blanket up and felt her forehead.
Then everything faded to black.
Voices… somewhere far away… worried tones. Viktoriya tried to open her eyes and caught words here and there.
“Infection —”
“Antibiotics —”
“What —” Viktoriya licked her lips and tried to find her voice. “What happened?”
“You passed out.” Vince smoothed her hair back. “You have a mild infection, honey.”
“You just need a stronger antibiotic,” Reece assu
red her.
Viktoriya closed her eyes. “Luka.”
“I am here.” Luka took her hand.
“Thank you,” Viktoriya whispered.
The next time she opened her eyes, sunlight was filtering through the curtains. Viktoriya tried to get up and felt a screaming pain in her head.
“You shouldn’t move.”
Viktoriya looked in the corner and saw Luka in the chair. He hadn’t shaved and his face was pale. “You look awful.”
“Thank you.” Luka tried to smile. It had been two days since Viktoriya had collapsed in the shower; two days of Vince and Andrei pacing the room while Reece gave her antibiotics; two days of Viktoriya screaming in her sleep at all hours. Two days of hell knowing he couldn’t help her.
“Where is everyone?” Viktoriya looked around.
“I finally convinced your fathers to get some sleep. I have been taking over for them for about an hour or so.” Luka shifted on to the bed, touching her forehead. He moved to pull the blankets back and Viktoriya stopped him. “I just want to see the wound.”
Luka pulled the blankets back and lifted her nightgown. The wound was no longer inflamed. Luka let out a sigh of relief. He pulled her nightgown back down and covered her back up. “It looks much better. You look much better.”
“So I can shower? I feel gross.” Viktoriya threw her legs over the side of the bed.
“You can’t go alone.” Luka crossed to the door.” Let me find your uncle.”
“I think I’m okay.” Viktoriya stood, heading to the bathroom. Her legs were wobbly and she almost fell. Strong arms came around and picked her up off the floor.
She looked into icy blue eyes and saw the concern there. Luka must have been with her every day, judging by the way he looked.
“You really shouldn’t walk.” Luka took her back over to the bed.
“You haven’t slept, have you?”
Luka closed his eyes. He hadn’t been touched by a woman in years. His jobs had seen to that. The fact that he killed people for a living repulsed most women. A lot of the time he enjoyed it. Disgusting pedophiles who had killed children to cover up their dirty, nasty, secrets, child porn rings, drug dealers — he never shed a tear for those people and he never would.